"The orgiastic cult" - читать интересную книгу автора (Townsend Mark)


At approximately the same hour that day, Alida sat at the desk of the outer office counting a pile of bills. Marion stood before her, trembling and ashamed. Seated nearby, watching his mother, was Raoul.

"Two hundred dollars!" Alida said with contempt. "That's not nearly enough."

"I… I don't have any more," Marion said in a frightened voice. "It's my whole savings…"

"You must bring more," Alida said imperiously.

"I-I haven't got any! I told you."

"No?" Alida asked, her eyes narrowing. "Oh surely, you must have some. Perhaps some mad money tucked away or something you were saving for a special occasion…"

"Why don't you believe me?" Marion said, tears brimming in her eyes. "Oh, please…"

She brought her hands to her face to conceal the cascading tears; her body shook with sobs. Sensing the difficulty, Raoul moved in smoothly.

"Mother… Mother, you are too harsh with Marion. After all, she is the chosen priestess of Vallus. Don't cry Marion," he said, reaching out and gently touching her cheek. "Everything's going to be fine. You mustn't misjudge Mother. She gets over-zealous sometimes in her efforts to please our Master. So if she is harsh, please forgive her. Isn't that right, Mother?"

Alida smiled slyly at her son.

"Yes, Raoul. I do get carried away sometimes. Forgive me, Marion. Will you?"

Fooled by their sincere tone, Marion began to relax a little.

"Come into the worship chamber," Raoul whispered as he stood close to her. "I have something to show you."

"No… no," Marion said, "I couldn't. I have to be getting home."

Raoul gazed into her eyes with a hypnotic intensity.

"Just for a moment," he said in a low voice. "We have a new addition to the chamber and I think you will be pleased. Come. Forget this little quarrel over money. We must not concern ourselves with the material things of this world. Isn't that right?"

"Yes… yes…" she said softly, unable to tear herself away from Raoul's dark, glistening eyes.

"Come into the chamber, oh chosen one, oh beauty of the Night Creatures…"

He gently took her hand and led her into the interior of the building. Marion followed like an obedient child, too confused and frightened to resist. As they left, Alida quickly locked the front door of the office and put the money away in a locked box.

Raoul ushered Marion into the velvet-lined room. As she entered, she gasped, for now, behind the low altar of the wall opposite the mirror was an enormous golden statue of Vallus, exactly as it appeared in the bizarre illustration she had seen. The giant metal figure towered over the room, his mammoth genitals sculpted lewdly; the statue seemed to radiate a strange, compelling power.

"You see? That is why Mother is so insistent on the money. Things like this which are absolutely necessary to our proper worship are very expensive."

"It's… it's beautiful," Marion said, gazing at the huge statue, unable to tear her eyes away from it.

"There's more," he said and for a moment he disappeared into the folds of the heavy curtains. After a short silence, the sound of drums, pounding jungle drums, began to fill the room. Marion was startled by the sound of it, and the heavy, insistent rhythm disturbed her. Raoul came into the room again, smiling.

"Now we have the proper background sounds for our ceremonials. Don't you agree?"

"Well… it's very impressive… but…"

"Do the drums bother you?" Raoul asked, arching an eyebrow slightly.

"A little…" Marion said in a low voice. "It's so strange… almost like a heartbeat…"

"Exactly… exactly," Raoul said.

With a look of ecstasy clouding his face, Raoul closed his eyes and began to weave about the room in complete and sensuous abandon. Marion watched him intently. He was dressed in a tight pair of pants, made out of a material very much like satin; he was nude from the waist up and barefoot. The tight, shiny material of his exotic pants outlined every swelling and indentation of his loins and legs. As he danced, Marion found herself staring at the gypsy's lean, hard body and at the huge bulge in his pants that seemed to pulse and grow with every step of the strange dance he was performing. The sounds of the drums, as well as the heavy scent of incense that filled the rooms, made Marion's head begin to swim; her body began to jerk spasmodically with the sound of the drums that seemed to issue forth from the cloth-draped walls as if by magic. And hovering over the entire grotesque scene was the golden statue of Vallus, implacable and terrifying.

As Raoul danced, he once again began to rub his hands over his entire body, periodically exciting his genitals by massaging the crotch of his tight, silky trousers. Marion was repelled by the sight of him, and wanted to scream and run from the room. But she couldn't. She was hypnotized by what was happening, and as she watched Raoul performing his now-familiar ritual of self-gratification, she felt a welling-up of that strange feeling she had come to know the day before during her wild, orgiastic encounter in this very room. Her skin tingled as she remembered how madly passionate she had felt, how wicked and lewd, like an altogether new person. Now, spurred on by the drums, the incense and Raoul's obscene contortions, in the back of her mind a compelling desire began to form… a desire she hardly dared admit was there… but… yes… she had enjoyed it! Deep inside she wanted to give herself to Vallus again!

Raoul was slipping out of his tight, shiny pants and soon stood fully naked in the murky half-light of the chamber. Marion could not keep her eyes away from his wiry, tight-muscled body; he looked so beautiful to her now as her eyes drank in the handsome, curl-fringed face with the thick, sensual lips and dark, flashing eyes. She gazed unconsciously in open admiration at his sculpted chest muscles, the dark tendrils of hair that twined across his chest and down his muscled stomach to his loins spreading in a sudden burst around his genitals. And dangling before her, was his enormous cock and balls, swinging like a vulgar pendulum between his legs. Raoul's eyes became glazed as he danced, and he began to swing his pelvis back and forth, while his penis sprang hugely to life. He grasped it lewdly with his hands and stood before Marion like a crazed madman, bending his knees slightly and thrusting his hips and genitals up towards her in an obscene invitation to fuck.

"Dance…" he groaned, consumed by the rising tide of sexual passion, "dance with me, oh priestess. In tribute to Vallus."

The drums began to echo in Marion's brain, she was caught up in the turbulent rhythms and her body began to jerk involuntarily back and forth. Laughing, Raoul danced away from her like a young satyr and continued his bizarre, erotic dance tribute to the demon-God. Marion found herself tearing at the buttons of her blouse, ripping it from her body. A frenzy of excitement passed through her and the normally timid young housewife soon divested herself completely of all her clothing.

After all, she thought, I am the priestess of Vallus! I must pay tribute to Vallus! I must! I must! I must!

Totally lost now under Raoul's artful power of suggestion, Marion began to sway and undulate her body in the same obscene fashion as Raoul. Raoul was openly fingering his sexual organs, as if he was going to bring himself to climax as he danced. At first Marion was shocked by what he was doing, but she was so hypnotized by the drums and incense that after a moment it seemed like the most natural thing in the world to do. A natural tribute to Vallus. She danced with renewed abandon.

Although Raoul seemed to be completely caught in his mad dance, part of him kept a sharp eye on Marion's activities. Seeing her now totally naked, a new surge of lust coursed through his already inflamed, excited torso.

Christ what a body, he thought! She's swallowed the whole line we gave her, hook, line and sinker. She's not only giving us money, she still has faith in Vallus! Damn!

He watched her, his randy passion rising madly, as she danced nakedly around the room to the throbbing drums. Her white, luminous skin seemed to glow and the light from the candles made strange, pinkish patterns over her body. Her blonde hair swung like a wind-tossed cloud about her finely sculpted face, and her deep, blue eyes seemed to sparkle from the rush of strange excitement. Her huge, red-tipped breasts bounced and shimmered as she thrashed her body, and it was all Raoul could do to keep from throwing her down on the rug and fucking her right there on the spot. His eyes were glued to her ripe, pendulous breasts as they quivered and swung with excitement. Then his eyes roved down the rest of her ripe, young body, down the trembling planes of her stomach and over the soft curves of her hips. Little by little, she lost all inhibitions and her vile dance became more and more lewd and abandoned. Raoul's eyes nearly popped out of his head as he saw her fingers slip almost unconsciously down between her legs!

She's really lost now, he thought with a wicked leer. She's got her fingers right in her pussy! She's going to fuck herself!

Marion, indeed completely captivated, found her fingers exploring wildly the softly curling tendrils of her pale pubic hair and the pinkly quivering flesh of her vaginal furrow. The soft fleshy folds were already moist and her fingers ran teasingly along the full length of her trembling pussy. Little electric shocks rippled through Marion's body as she grazed the tiny, sensation-filled bud of her clitoris and then began to rub and twist it with complete abandon.

"Unnnnnnnnnggggghhhh!" she moaned aloud, as she felt the tingles of excitement deep in her naked belly.

The pretty blonde pulled and twisted the excited nub of flesh and undulated her body lewdly around the ceremonial chamber as the drums drove her on. Perspiration began to break out on her body, covering her with a light, wet film and making her glisten in the candlelight. Her mind was a whirlpool of crude and vulgar images; the statue of Vallus, Raoul naked before her and still manipulating himself just as she was now doing, memories of the day before, and strange fantasies of herself as a priestess in ancient Sumeria. She had lost all power to reason and think clearly. She was under the spell of an awe-inspiring God who was half-man, half-cat.

"Ooooooooohhhhh!!" Marion mewled, still prodding wildly at her pinkly rigid clitoris and feeling her body become convulsed with intense lust. Her pale, translucent skin shivered with hot sparks produced by her mad self-gratification. Raoul stood before her, still pulling and jerking on his massively erect penis. She could see his heavy, sperm-bloated balls shaking obscenely as he rubbed his desire-inflamed cock. His olive-skinned body gleamed and glistened as he moved closer to her. Through her half-closed eyes, it seemed to Marion that the two of them were no longer in the worship chamber, but in some ancient Sumerian temple, performing a dance of gratification in honor of Vallus. Yes! That was it! It was another time! Another place! She was no longer dull, drab Marion Hill, suburban housewife! She was a high priestess of Vallus!

"Hail Vallus!" she found herself screaming, "Hail Vallus!"

Now her excitement began to mount, and she plunged her fingers suddenly into her wet, steaming cuntal entrance, craving sexual release. She rammed and prodded, finger fucking herself to undreamed of heights of passion.

"Aaaaahhhhh!" she cried, as her naked body shook with convulsive spasms. "Aaaaaahhhhhhh!"

The gypsy's own lust was surging madly at the sight of Marion's complete loss of inhibitions. Even though he had witnessed many strange scenes, rarely had he seen any girl lose herself so completely. He pulled and jerked at his inflated, pulsing cock, squeezing just behind the blood-engorged head and insistently stroking the sensitive underside, all the while feeling the first stirrings of orgasm begin to rise in his quivering flesh. The room was a raging hallucination of sexual play and wild erotic dancing, heightened by the persistent, throbbing pounding of the jungle drums.

Another voice suddenly intruded in the onrush of passion.

It was Alida, High Priestess of Vallus, who suddenly appeared from the folds of the velvet drapes, stripped totally naked. Her eyes widened excitedly as she saw the two young people in the throes of impassioned self-gratification. She, too, was aroused, as she had been watching for some time from the two-way mirror, taking more pictures, but her passion had grown so that she could no longer be a spectator. She wanted to join in the climax!

Raoul, suddenly interrupted in his passionate gestures, gazed approvingly at the voluptuous body of his mother. Though in her early forties, Alida gave the impression of being much younger; indeed her ripe curvaceous body and her proudly rising breasts were as desirable as any young girl's. Her long black hair hung alluringly down to the small of her back, and her face was a mask of hot desire.

At Alida's sudden arrival, however, Marion immediately lost her sense of wild excitement and retreated against the heavy drapes, apprehensive and suddenly embarrassed at being caught in the middle of her obscene dance.

"Don't be frightened, my dear," the gypsy woman said with deceptive warmth, seeing the pretty blonde crouching against the dark blue velvet. "I have simply come to join the Ceremonial. You need have no fear. Come. Let us begin. Hail Vallus! Hail Vallus!" she cried.

Raoul joined her.

"Hail Vallus! Hail Vallus!"

Soon, even Marion was caught up again in the strange, hypnotic chant, and was beginning to become absorbed once more in the bizarre spell of the cat-demon.

Alida moved slowly and adoringly towards the altar, her eyes glued to the huge statue and the massive genitals. She raised her hands in ritual supplication, then lay back on the thick carpet in front of it.

"I surrender to Vallus!" cried the petite blonde housewife. "I surrender to his Will."

With formal steps, in rhythm to the pounding drums, Raoul approached Marion and took her hand.

"Come," he said. "Now is the time. The Ceremonial begins."

Marion was positioned so that she was facing the altar; on the floor before her, Alida lay serene and radiant. Slowly, in time with the pounding drums, Raoul forced Marion into a kneeling position before his mother. As he did, Alida spread her legs wide, fully exposing her fleshy vaginal slit. As Raoul began to nudge Marion gently towards that hotly pulsing vee, the timid blonde suddenly realized what was going to happen. Her mind leaped in panic.

Oh no! No! They want me to lick her! They want me to stick my tongue into her vagina! No! No! Her mind was screaming in protest.

"No, please…" she cried. "I can't! I can't!"

"Yeeesss! Yesssss!" Raoul hissed, forcing her down towards the gypsy woman's anxiously waiting pussy. "Surrender to vallus, you cunt! surrender!" Tears filled Marion's eyes once again. So, she thought, here is the ultimate degradation! They've taken my money and my self-respect as well! Oh how did I ever get in to this? How? Ed! Oh help me! Help me!

But despite her resistance, Raoul pressed her forward with a vise-like grip. He forced her to kneel on the floor between his mother's widely spread legs, her face only inches away from Alida's wetly glistening pussy flesh. How could she resist? There was no way out! Closing her eyes and fighting back all revulsion as best she could, Marion moved closer. She could smell the musky, female scent rising from the older woman's loins, and although she was at first disgusted by it, the sharp fragrance again aroused her defenseless body. Despite her anxiety, the nakedly subservient young woman felt the renewed stirrings of sexual passion. She opened her mouth and pushed out her tongue.

At first, as her tongue delicately licked at the moist cuntal outer-lips and she tasted the slightly tart, female wetness, she recoiled. But as she continued, Marion found herself little by little losing her will to resist. The drums pounded insistently in the worship chamber and in her head as she began to tentatively explore the quivering female flesh in front of her. She shivered as she rimmed her tongue around the delicate strands of dark curling pubic hair that lined the soft, pink cleft. Finding the gypsy woman's tiny erect clitoris and brushing her tongue lightly over it, Marion was startled to feel it respond and harden, to quiver with excitement.

"Aaaaannnggggghhh!" Alida moaned as Marion's warm tongue slid over her vaginal furrow and nibbled teasingly at her clitoris. She began to writhe with delight on the dark blue carpet. She crushed her wetly pulsing pussy up to meet Marion's lashing tongue, pushing her eager flesh upwards, opening her vaginal passage as wide as possible to admit the magical, electrifying tip.

Raoul watched lasciviously as Marion licked at his mother's pussy. His hand was clasped tight around his hard, swollen prick, recharged by the passionate scene he was witnessing, and he was again manipulating himself into a frenzy of lust as Alida twisted lewdly on the carpet under Marion's licking tongue.

Marion submitted completely to the obscene spell. Like a madwoman, devoid of all reason, she began to drive her tongue deep into Alida's hungrily accepting cunt. She ground her mouth down into the pulsing furrow, snaking her sharply pointed tongue viciously into that steaming wet interior.

"Lick me good!" Alida cried out in pleasure. "Lick me good in the name of Vallus!"

Alida could scarcely believe the events of the past twenty-four hours. Why it was only yesterday morning that she had been wishing a new disciple of Vallus would turn up to replenish their dwindling coffers and give her and Raoul a new young body to use as they wished. Now, with this lovely, naive, blonde girl sucking and licking at her pussy, the gypsy allowed herself to sink into a surging sea of ecstasy and delight. It was better than she had dared hope! She twisted her hips and raised her knees to give Marion complete access to her pulsing, shuddering pussy.

"That's it!" she cried. "That's it!"

Raoul, driven to the point of near madness by his lust, moved up behind Marion as if compelled by the sight of her naked young buttocks waving lewdly in the air before him. His eyes were glued to the darkly hidden crevice between her asscheeks. He was now consumed by a passion so deep and so compulsive, that his mind flickered with the lewdest and vilest of thoughts. He reached out his hands and spread the young blonde's asscheeks wide, his eyes riveted to the puckery little hole nestled in the warm crack.

Marion, lost completely in the pungent moistness up between Alida's legs, dimly realized that Raoul was exploring her rectal crevice. She shivered as his fingers ran teasingly up and down the length of that forbidden part of her.

"Mmmmmmmmmnnnnnn…" she mewled as she continued to drive her tongue deep into Alida's pussy. "Mmmmmnnnn…" It was thrilling for her to feel someone's fingers exploring her rear crevice, and the excitement she experienced almost banished whatever shame and revulsion she would normally have felt.

The gypsy tentatively pressed his finger at Marion's nakedly presented anal entrance, and as he did, Marion suddenly grasped the reality of what was about to happen to her. He was going to take her from behind! In her anus! No one had ever done that before!

"Noooooooo!" she screamed, raising her head from between Alida's legs.

But Alida suddenly, viciously, grabbed Marion by her blonde curls and cruelly crushed her face and tongue back into the wet vaginal slit.

"Bitch!" Alida cried.

Then, with iron cruelty, Raoul jammed the middle finger on his right hand into Marion's tightly puckered hole.

"Uuuuummmmmmmmnnnnn!" Marion screamed as best she could, her face still jammed against Alida's wet pussy.

The pain was too much to endure! She had never known such sharp horrible pain! In a turbulent rush, she was once again filled with guilt and disgust at what she had gotten herself into. She had been fooled time and time again by these people, and now, here was the ultimate shame! She moaned and twisted, but the gypsy woman held her firmly by the hair, forcing Marion to continue licking at her throbbing cunt. At the same time, Raoul gripped Marion's wildly jerking hips with one hand, and cruelly rammed the middle finger of the other hand up into her tight anal crevice, widening it, forcing entry as Marion twisted in terror and pain.

Oh God, she thought, What's happening! What's happening? How did I let myself fall so low?

"Uuuuunnnnnmmmmmgggggh!" she mewled as Raoul unmercifully rammed and prodded his middle finger into her shuddering back passage, sending stinging shafts of pain through Marion's twisting, tortured body.

Alida held her tightly, cruelly by the hair and forced her to lick and rim her pussy with her tongue. Raoul then removed his finger from Marion's aching anal passage, and holding her firmly by the hip, placed his thickly swollen penis, throbbing with excitement, at the puckered rear entrance.

Marion felt the hard, rubbery head of his shaft exploring her from behind. It was poised at the head of her anal passage like a wooden spear ready to plunge into the heart of its helpless victim. Then, with sudden intensity, Raoul drove his thickly engorged rod savagely into her tight, virginal anus with such a vicious jerk that Marion's face was crushed brutally against the wet, pulsing flesh of Alida's pussy. Her rectal channel was consumed with sharp, searing pain that shot forward up her back like hot, lead bullets. Her mind screamed!

Noooooooooo! Nooooooo!

The nakedly entrapped young housewife had never known such pain before in her life and she was filled with shame and loathing. In her most secret thoughts she had never imagined such a thing could ever happen to anyone, yet here she was being humiliated by two strangers, a mother and son, like a beaten captive.

"Oooohhhh babbeeeee!" Raoul grunted as he pushed his massively throbbing penis farther up into the tense, vainly repulsing interior of Marion's nether cheeks. He began to fuck her slowly in and out, each sodomizing thrust widening the painfully straining channel. Alida began to twist and jerk her gypsy hips while gripping Marion's hair and forcing her to drive her tongue deeply into the older woman's steaming pussy. Raoul increased his tempo, his dangling hairy balls slapping at the moist flesh of Marion's vaginal slit. Marion felt she was being split in two as his harsh cruel strokes came faster and faster into her tender anus.

"Oooohhhhhhhh!" Alida moaned as Marion's hot tongue rammed and whirled inside her pussy.

Marion, weary of resisting and consumed by pain and loathing, gave in completely to the cruelty of the strange gypsy pair. Impaled as she was from behind by Raoul's thick penis, ripping into her rectal flesh like a burning sword, and Alida gripping mercilessly at her hair and forcing her to fuck her orally, there was nothing she could do but surrender. Surrender completely. Her helpless body was wracked with pain, and her mind was awash with disgust.

Why should such a horrible thing happen to me? Why?

Yet, as Raoul increased his painful rear fucking, and as her tongue rubbed deeper into Alida's ever-widening vaginal channel, Marion found herself curiously becoming taken over by another, somehow familiar feeling… that same feeling she had known the day before! She slowly became lost in the obscene Ceremonial; she was crushed and broken under the painful strokes from behind, and nearly smothered by the wet flesh of Alida's pussy in front of her. Yet… there was no denying it… something else was beginning to happen… that other person, that strange lewd creature she had only begun to know the day before was beginning to rise again. She was… beginning to… enjoy it! Yes! Her body was beginning to respond like a crazed animal! The spell of Vallus was taking her over! She wanted more! More! MORE!

Her body began to ripple with a new excitement. She felt as if she were melting. Out of the humiliation and shame she began to be washed by voluptuous waves of pleasure that made the pain bearable… yes… yes even delicious! With a vengeance, she started licking and sucking at the gypsy woman's nakedly splayed cunt. Losing herself completely in the new sensations, Marion relaxed her rear muscles and opened the way for Raoul's slicing, pounding cock to come into her anal hole as deeply as he wanted. For all she cared he could tear her apart! Destroy her! She wanted to explode in the wild orgy of excitement that consumed her! Yeeeesssss! Yeeeeessssss!

Sensing her new abandon, Raoul fucked his thick, blood-engorged cock deeper and deeper up into her rectal flesh. His hips pumped furiously.

"Hail Vallus!" he screamed, watching his mother twist passionately under Marion's insanely licking tongue.

The older woman had closed her eyes now and was carried away on a rush of passion triggered by Marion's surrender to the Ceremonial. She was thrilled at the sight of her strong, beautiful son battering the young blonde from the rear like she was a whore and this lewd idea charged her with new excruciating desire.

"Ooohhhhhyeeeesss!" she cried, as Marion's tongue seemed to plunge all the way into her convulsing pussy. "Yeeeeesssssss!"

All three bodies were heaving and twisting shamelessly on the rug as the drums continued to fill the ceremonial room with a lewd, insistent beat. The incense swirled about the room like musky smoke and drove the thrashing trio into greater heights of obscene abandon. Their torsos were gleaming and their muscles straining under the brutalizing force of their sexuality. Above them, the implacable face of Vallus gazed upon the vulgar scene in mute approval.

Raoul grunted and heaved his prick deeply into Marion's rectal passage. He fucked insanely in and out of her, driven wild with unimaginable sensuality. Marion received his iron-hard blows with a gasping ecstasy. Suddenly, she was caught up in a whirling, boiling vortex of lust.

I'm cummmmmingg, she thought. I'm cumming!

As she began to convulse with the onrush of orgasm, Raoul's own body began to respond. He was cumming too! He could feel the white-hot sperm gathering and surging in his throbbing balls, welling up like a churning maelstrom of pounding, yearning seed.

"Ah…ahh… ahhhhhh…" he shrieked as the tension grew and grew.

Alida, also, felt her shaking, undulating pussy flesh begin to shimmer with new abandon as Marion's tongue, caught in the rush of climax, whirled madly around and jabbed violently up between her legs.

"Oooohhhhh! I… I… I'm cummmiinnnnggggg!"

She shrieked loudly, above the incessantly pounding drums, as the sweet, aching essence of orgasm gushed through her loins and washed like a steaming vapor down her pussy. Her female juices cascaded down over Marion's still frantically plunging tongue, and streamed down between Alida's thighs.

"Aaaaggggggghhhhhhhh!" Raoul cried, as he shot his sperm into Marion's rectum. He was seized by convulsive spasms as his crazily jerking penis shot torrent after torrent of white-hot cum deep into her.

Marion could feel the boiling, surging river enter her hotly and burn searingly through her belly. Her body felt like it was splintering apart, and her own ripe pussy was oozing its warm fluid in complete response to the mad climax that rocked the room. She felt lost in a violent earthquake of passion; closing her eyes she could see wild explosions like starbursts of rocket-fire. She had never felt so good! Never!

"Oooooooooooo…" Alida sighed, consumed by her shattering climaxing. Her entire body seemed to be merging with the soft carpeting beneath her, and she was moaning pleasurably as the orgasm rolled through her body like a hot tidal wave.

Finally, after draining the last of his thick, male fluid deep into her anal canal, Raoul pulled back with a sudden pop as his still thickly inflamed cock head pulled out of her desperately stretched and aching hole. He slumped, exhausted on the dark blue carpet of the worship chamber.

The gypsy woman, her passion ebbing away, closed her eyes and was lost in her own dark, murky thoughts.

Finally released from their tyrannical grip, Marion raised her pained, aching body upwards. As her mind swirled, trying to regain consciousness, she caught sight of the mammoth metal statue of Vallus before her. And in a sudden, chilling rush she realized the grotesque horror to which she had not only been forced to submit, but which she found herself beginning to enjoy.

"Oh no…" she sobbed, "no… no… no…"