"The orgiastic cult" - читать интересную книгу автора (Townsend Mark)


Ed and Marion barely spoke to each other than evening. Both of them were concentrating on their own clandestine involvement with the lurid cult of Vallus. Marion didn't even notice that Ed came home well past the usual dinner hour. They ate in silence. Later they watched television, pretending to be absorbed in the flickering images on the screen but both their heads were filled with the events of the day.

Marion vividly recalled the strange, erotic scenes that had taken place in the velvet-lined room with Raoul, and despite her initial revulsion at such apparent corruption and immorality, little by little she found herself submerging completely in the exciting new feelings he and Vallus had called up in her. She had never felt so powerful, so alive… she thought perhaps that was the beginning of her salvation through Vallus! Perhaps she was well on her way to becoming a better person! In any case, she couldn't take her mind off Raoul's slender, hard-muscled body, and his strange, piercing eyes. And the earring… with the dangling symbol…

Ed's body still trembled from the full impact of his wild afternoon with that exotic redheaded Lorraine. She had called up the most savage part of him, part of him he had barely known existed. He remembered vividly the feeling of his aching cock slamming brutally into her frothing, shuddering pussy, and he was dying to do it again. He wanted to feel that incredible sense of jungle abandon that had roared through his body like a jolting streak of lightning. Sitting in his easy chair, watching a comedy act on television, he could feel his penis already begin to stir at the merest memory of his incredible union with Lorraine.

He glanced at his blonde wife for a moment; she seemed totally absorbed in the shimmering screen and looked so sweet and vulnerable that he was overcome with guilt about his lewd infidelity. Perhaps, he thought, I should end this thing right here and now! But then, in a sudden flash, that strange symbol, the two-ringed dagger of Vallus, burned its image into his brain, and all remorse fled immediately. His mind conjured up the memory of the writhing, twisting body of Lorraine as she had stared obscenely at herself, flushed and passionate, in the long mirror; he yearned to fuck her again, to know that bucking demon excitement again as he had that afternoon.

"Well, I'm kind of tired," he said, rising from the chair and turning to conceal the pulsing bulge in his pants. "I'm going to turn in early."

"Okay," Marion said, still staring at the set. "I'll be in soon."

She listened as Ed shut the door to the bedroom. Then she let her mind wander freely over the events of the day. She remembered how it had felt to run her mouth over Raoul's hot genitals, and the screaming, blinding passion she had known under the shadow of that ancient Sumerian symbol. Hail Vallus… Hail Vallus… the words seemed to echo in her brain like a call to life! Whatever lingering guilt she might have had were swept away in the powerful words of the chant: Hail Vallus… Hail Vallus…

Much later, she switched off the television set and went quietly into the bedroom. Ed was sound asleep; she could tell from the heaviness of his breathing. In a few moments she had washed and slipped into her nightgown. Sighing, she lay down beside her husband in bed and soon she had drifted into sleep.

And then the dream began…

She was in a huge dark room, so huge she could barely see the walls or ceiling in the all-encompassing shadows. Suddenly, in the distance were two gleaming, glistening green eyes… the eyes of a cat. The eyes seemed to come closer and closer. Marion grew terrified, she turned, trying to run, but there seemed to be no way to escape the evil, flashing eyes that pursued her. She suddenly stopped and turned to confront her pursuer, but she saw that the eyes had now become a cat's head, a huge cat's head like the picture of Vallus she had seen. Now the head took a body as well, the body of a man. It was Vallus himself! The figure began to grow to staggering proportions, and his penis, pulsing erect, now seemed gargantuan as he towered above the terrified girl.

The God began to laugh – long, loud, demonic laughter, and as he did, he reached down and began to grasp and shake his mighty genitals. His gigantic tool became hard, thunderingly rigid and he leered at Marion, huddling terrified before him, as he stroked his massive cock. The laughter became so intense as to be almost unbearable and Marion turned to run again.

The cat-figure pursued her, like a monster; no matter how fast Marion ran the hideous apparition was right at her heels waving his mammoth ramrod at her obscenely, dripping cruel laughter from his lips. She began to scream… Help! HELP! HELP…! And suddenly Vallus reached down and grabbed her, pulling her high up in the air like a giant crane lifting her skyward. She screamed in shuddering terror.

"Marion! Marion!"

Someone was shaking her and calling her awake. It was Ed, her husband. Suddenly her eyes were open wide and she realized she had been in the grip of a horrible nightmare.

"Are you all right?" he asked. "You sounded like you were having a real bad dream."

"Oh," she said softly, embarrassed and still terrified, "I'm all right. It's just a silly nightmare. I'm fine. I think I ate too many pieces of pie for dessert. That's all."

"Okay," Ed said, kissing her lightly on the cheek. "Go to sleep now. We got to get up early tomorrow."

"All right," she whispered, and fell back onto her pillow. In a few moments they were both sound asleep. Marion had no further dreams that night.


The next morning, after Ed had left for work, Marion mused over her strange nightmare. The terror she had felt when she was being pursued seemed very real to her. Perhaps the dream was an omen, an omen to stay away from the cult of Vallus. Perhaps Ed had been right from the beginning, and the entire thing was a dangerous hoax. At first she had refused to admit Ed would be right, but now, after that bizarre encounter with Raoul, and the dream, she began to have serious doubts. Despite the exciting new passion she had come to know, Ed's young blonde wife now felt there was a danger lurking in this group that could mean serious trouble. She resolved, then and there, to have nothing further to do with them. The telephone rang.


"Hello? Is this Marion Hill?" It was a woman's voice, deep and exotic.

"Yes… yes, it is."

"Oh, Marion, my dear… this is Alida."

Marion's heart began to pound and she caught her breath.

"Oh… y… yes…" she stammered, "what is it you want?"

"Oh, my darling girl, I simply wanted to find out if you would be coming to the worship service tonight. It will be especially in your honor."

Marion froze, unable to speak. She didn't want to go back there, ever! She couldn't!

"Well…" she said softly. "I'm not sure I can come. You see my husband had planned to do something tonight and I promised…"

"Not coming?" Alida queried imperiously. "Oh, my dear, you must come. Surely your husband realizes how important this is to your development. And surely you won't let him stand in the way!"

"I… I'm… I'm afraid I have no choice. I'm sorry…"

There was a long icy silence over the phone. Then suddenly Alida spoke again, this time with deceptive cheeriness.

"Ah, well, then surely you can help us in another way today."

"What do you mean?"

"Vallus spoke to me last night, as I sat in meditation. He spoke to me more clearly than ever before. He said: 'Alida, now that the new priestess has come, my chosen one, we must expand our facilities. Only when we dwell in a greater temple, a temple large enough to fully encompass the magnitude of my power, only then will we be able to become the worldwide force that is our destiny.' Don't you see, Marion? A larger room, a larger worship chamber so more worshipers can come…"

"But I don't see… I mean… how…"

"How you can help?"

"Y… yes…"


Marion sat in her kitchen holding the phone against her ear in utter disbelief. So! That was it! That was what they wanted all along! She renewed her determination to sever connection completely with this corrupt group.

Oh, Ed, she thought suddenly, how right you were! Why didn't I listen to you!

"I'm sorry… I don't have any money," she said.

There was another short silence, then Alida spoke with alarming sharpness.

"Don't give me that. We know you've got some money. You be down here by three o'clock with money or…"

Marion couldn't believe the change in tone. And what was she threatening?

"What will you do if I don't come down with it?" she asked.

"Well," Alida continued in a cold drawl, "we have some photographs taken of you… you and Raoul… in the worship chamber… yesterday… taken from a two-way mirror. I think your husband will find them most interesting… yes, most interesting…"

Marion was stiff with alarm. A shudder of fear ran through her. They had taken pictures of her grotesque interlude with Raoul! A rush of shame and guilt coursed through her body; she felt suffused with degradation.

"See you this afternoon, darling?" Alida asked.

"Y… y… yess…" Marion whispered tears forming in her eyes, "yes… yes…"

There was a click as Alida hung up.


Ed was working under the huge, luxury Imperial when Lorraine's car pulled into the garage. He didn't even hear her until her smooth, silky voice called to him under the car.

"Say, handsome, can you give me a little hi-test?"

He slid out from under the gleaming auto on the wheeled dolly. His face broke out in a wide grin as he caught sight of her flaming red hair and the lush, sloping breasts barely concealed behind the thin material of her blouse. She wore a mini-skirt of the barest minimum length, so short that from his advantageous position on the dolly, he could see the entire length of her statuesque legs and thighs, almost right up into the honey-bush of her pussy.

"Hi," he said. He stood up and wiped the grease onto his dungarees. "Surprise visit, huh?"

"Yes," she said, her eyes roving over every muscular inch of his hard, lean body. Seeing him in his own environment of the garage only heightened her excitement. The chains hanging from the rafters, the tires, the grease, the smell of oil and gas, combined with his incredible physique and tight, dirty work-clothes, gave him an animal-like sexuality. Lorraine became tingly with lusty expectation. She had driven to the garage on a whim; she'd been feeling restless all morning, and she wanted him again. Her body ached to feel him inside her. She reached out and took his hand and placed it up under her short skirt, right on the soft, moist mound between her legs.

Ed was taken completely by surprise.

Christ, she's not wearing anything under that little bit of a skirt. My hand's right on her naked pussy!

The redhead indeed had brazenly clamped Ed's hand over her open cuntal entrance, and was sliding her hips back and forth over his dirty palm leaving no question in his mind what she wanted and why she was here.

Ed glanced about and realized that they could be seen from the street.

"Hey, listen babe, I hate like hell to stop this, but maybe this isn't such a good place, you know what I mean?"

"Why not?" she asked coyly, rubbing more furiously over his grease-stained fingers, obscenely spreading her legs so that his fingers were placed right over the wet, excited flesh of her vaginal slit. "I like it here. It's… uh, it's exciting."

God, this is some hot bitch, he thought. She wants to do it anywhere, anytime!

"Well," he said finally, straining to think clearly, driven to a fever pitch of passion by her vulgar gestures, "lemme close up the garage. If the boss gets word of what's going on, I'll be fired for sure."

"Whatever you say, lover," she cooed, releasing his hand.

Ed walked into the station office. There was nobody outside, and it looked like it would be a slow afternoon. Despite his passion for Lorraine, he had some doubts about closing up. After all it was practically unheard of to close a gas station in the middle of a weekday afternoon; in fact he knew if he was discovered, he would be fired on the spot. But his surging lust for this strange, exotic young woman overcame all his doubt and anxiety. Indeed the minute Lorraine had placed his grimy palm on her obscenely naked cunt his penis had hardened instantly, and it was still pulsing savagely, longing to fuck her immediately. He pulled down the shade of the office and locked the door carefully. Then he lowered each of the garage doors, so that the garage was locked up tighter than a drum. For good measure, he hung a "back in one hour" sign on the door. Then, after a last look around the street and pavement to make sure they were empty, he went into the garage. What he saw made his eyes pop.

Lorraine had taken off all her clothes and was sprawled on the shining metal hood of the Imperial standing on the grease rack. She was lying on her stomach, her white skin and bright red hair a vivid contrast to the glistening dark maroon of the car metal. She began undulating and twisting her body on the cool metal as if she were trying to… to fuck the shining hood! Her eyes were half-closed as she bucked and writhed. Ed stared in disbelief. In the back of his mind something told him that Lorraine's depravity was deeper than anything he had ever known in any girl; she seemed to go to any lengths to satisfy her senses. Maybe, he thought, maybe this is what comes of Vallus; maybe she's gone crazy from what she learned in that cult. But these thoughts were but a dim call; primary in his consciousness was his own lust and the sense of lewd delight that rippled through him as he saw her warm, gleaming body undulating on the cold metal of that streamlined car. His penis shuddered with a new spasm of aching desire. Half-crazed with what he saw, he began to tear off his own clothes, longing to join the wanton redhead in whatever sensual desires happened to come to them.

Lorraine's eyes widened with obscene delight as she saw this sandy-haired, muscular man frantically stripping himself. She watched intently as he exposed his thick chest, strewn with light, curling hairs. She stared at the hard sculptured ridges of his stomach, rippling and tightening as he leaned over to remove his grimy boots and jeans. Soon his body was completely nude, and Lorraine drank in every beautiful inch of him with increasing desire. His strong, hairy legs, his thighs and buttocks, so sinewy and lean, and his enormous cock and balls all intensified her craving to have him take her in the garage, to fuck her breathless!

Fully naked, Ed moved slowly across the garage toward her. He stared as she lay on the hood of the Imperial, gazing at him with openly lustful desire. She was on her back now and her breasts jutted up toward the ceiling like two mountain peaks, her curvaceous body seemingly poured over the shining metal of the car in a soft, sensuous invitation to fuck. Shivers of animal excitement rumbled through his body like bursts of thunder. His cock was throbbing with acute anticipation; his soft tender balls tightened and pulsed with potency and desire. Every muscle in his body seemed to come alive and prepare itself for the seething passion that was ready to unfold.

"Hey, baby!" he said as he approached her. "You're really something."

"You're something yourself," Lorraine said, running her tongue over her lips in lewd and open admiration. She suddenly slid off the hood of the car and knelt before him on the oily floor of the garage. Before Ed knew what was happening, the brazen redhead had edged back the silky envelope of foreskin around his aching cock and had fully exposed its rubbery purplish head. Then she edged her lithe young body closer to him and closed her lips tautly around the sensitive top of his cock-head and began to lightly suck at it, her tongue darting teasingly over the warm skin.

"Ooooohhhh, that feels sooo gooood!" Ed groaned as he felt Lorraine's teeth biting slightly at the hard, blood-engorged head. Then she moved her mouth further along his aching shaft, reveling in the hotly pulsing flesh. As her lips slid along the entire sensitive length of his penis, Lorraine felt it widening at the middle and expanding still farther until its full girth had finally been accepted far back into the tender depths of her throat. Her tightly ovalled lips came to rest against the very base of his pounding cock, and the delicate curls of Ed's bristly pubic hair tickled her nose and chin. It was like having a huge thick sword in her mouth; she closed her lips tightly around it, prepared to endure its punishment.

Ed gripped the thick, silky strands of her flame-colored hair as the student of the cult of Vallus sucked greedily on his prick. Flames of lust licked hotly at his loins and spread quickly through his entire body. The smell of her fragrant, musky perfume was mixed with the familiar garage smells, and the combination made for an erotic headiness that increased his sense of illicit passion. Periodically Ed felt anxious about the fact that they might be discovered in the garage at any moment by a curious customer, or even the boss or another mechanic. But all these worries were dashed aside as Lorraine sucked skillfully at his cock – so well that the only thing that reached his consciousness with any real force was the incredible, obscene excitement that pervaded him.

"Yeeeessss!" Marion's husband sighed as Lorraine pulled wildly at his lust-swollen penis with her lewd, wet mouth. "Yeeeeesssss!"

As the young girl sucked, Ed lay back against the car hood and his passion spiraled as the cool metal pressed itself against the hot flesh of his lusty body. His back tingled with the sensation and his buttocks rubbed sensuously against the car fender as Lorraine took the full length of his desire-hardened cock into her oral cavity and moved back and forth like a demon-possessed man-woman. Ed was spread-eagled now across the car's hood, and Lorraine sucked hungrily at his genitals, hunching her body obscenely between his widespread thighs and running her hands maddeningly up and down his body as if she couldn't get enough of this handsome hunk of man.

"Mnnnnnggggghhhhh," she mewled as her mouth slavered over his nakedly upthrust cock. "Mmmmmmnnnnn…"

Lorraine craved this kind of dangerous excitement! Ever since her initiation by Raoul and Alida into the Sign of Vallus, she had come to know stranger and more bizarre forms of sexual play, and once this had been opened up to her, she couldn't get enough of it. For a while, her encounters with Raoul and Alida in the worship chambers had satisfied her; but now she hungered after bizarre sexuality from the minute she woke up. She took her lewd pleasure now wherever and whenever she could find it, all in the name of Vallus. For it was the all-pervading image of the cat-God and his symbol that seemed to be driving her on. The merest memory of the demon would automatically set the redhead's body quivering; her flesh and spirit would begin to lust for wild satisfaction, and she was helpless in its thrall. She was bound now to Vallus, and she worked only to add money to Raoul and Alida's coffers. Whenever she didn't work she pursued her dark, compulsive, obscene desires wherever they took her. Anywhere. Anytime. She never paused to question what she was doing. She simply abandoned herself completely to her corrupt feelings.

But Ed was unaware of all this as he lay heavily breathing on the hood of the Imperial, eyes closed, caught in a sensuous whirlpool of excitement that Lorraine had produced in him with her lewd sucking and obscene noises. He was almost adrift in aching eroticism, almost reaching an elevating orgasm… when suddenly she pulled away. He opened his eyes for a moment to see what was happening, but she had disappeared.

Where the hell is she? he thought. What's going on?

"Lorraine?" he called. There was no answer. "Lorraine?"

Christ, maybe she was a Goddamn vision. Maybe I'm having hallucinations!

She was nowhere to be seen in the garage. Then suddenly he noticed that one of the back doors to the Imperial was slightly open. He moved toward the back of the car and through the glass could see Lorraine's naked white body spread out alluringly on the black leather upholstery. She was looking at him with one eyebrow arched in sensuous invitation and a lewd smile playing on her lips. One of her hands rested on her hip, falling temptingly over her flesh and just barely touching her own cinnamon-colored pubic hair. She had one knee pulled up slightly to expose the pinkly throbbing petal-edges of her cuntal lips. Her mouth was half-open and her tongue licked obscenely across her lips.

Ed quickly opened the door of the car and moved inside. He hovered pantingly over her and a current of wild, erotic energy leaped between their hot, hungry flesh. Inside the car they were closed off in their own little world, surrounded by supple, black leather and pungent sexual odors. It was a perfect place to fuck! Perfect!

He leaned over her body, arching his thickly-muscled frame like an animal in heat. With his hand, he nudged his lust-inflamed cock into the lewdly splayed entrance of her seeping pussy.

"Oh," she moaned, "slide that beautiful big prick of yours right up into me, right into me!"

"Fuck…" he cried. "Fuck!"

With a sharp convulsive movement, he shoved his thickly swollen penis all the way up into the redhead's clinging cunt, pushing it all the way in until he filled her completely like a gun in its case. She moaned beneath him on the black leather car seat, and a shudder coursed hotly through his body. He felt like an all-powerful God, just as he had felt before in her apartment!

"Oh, Christ," he groaned, "I've never felt like this before! Oh, baby!"

"That is because of Vallus," she said suddenly. "You feel the power of Vallus! I knew you would! Hail Vallus! Hail Vallus!"

So that's it, he thought. Vallus!

He realized that perhaps she was right, perhaps this incredible potency and power he felt were a result of Vallus. And for the first time, his interest in the group transcended his contempt. He found himself unconsciously repeating the hypnotic phrase…

"Hail Vallus… Hail Vallus… Hail Vallusssss…"

He began to rhythmically swing his hips, forcibly fucking his thick cock in and out of her streaming pussy. The crude chant had an incredibly stimulating effect on his brain, and Ed's lustfully aching penis throbbed and bulged with increasing desire. His softly dangling balls, already filling with sperm, pulsed lewdly as they slapped against the warm folds of Lorraine's anal crevice. She twisted and moaned under his increasingly powerful thrusts.

Lorraine loved to feel this man moving like an animal deep inside her, raging against the undulating walls of her vagina. His rubbery, blood-swollen cock head was smashing painfully against the cushiony hardness of her trembling cervix and she wanted more… more!

"Fuck me!" she cried. "Fuck me! Screw me good! Baby, fuck me good!"

Ed began to pump away at her like a bull, battering her mercilessly. He felt every muscle in his body straining with sensuality and lust.

"Uunnnngggggghhhhh!" he groaned, "Oo o o h h h h h y e e e e s s s s s! Yeeeessssss!"

She ran her hands over his sinewy workingman's body as he slithered snake-like over her, his penis rippling along the palpitating walls of her cunt like a flaming hot poker. She was reveling in it; her eyes were glazed with excitement as she pumped and thrust her hips lewdly upward in feverish acceptance of his brutal strokes. She spread her legs wide and bent her knees as much as possible to give him complete ease of entry as he sank deeper and deeper up into her slippery, passion-drenched pussy. He filled her as no one had ever filled her before, and was fucking her as no one had ever fucked her – not even Raoul!

The two squirming bodies thrashed wildly on the supple black leather upholstery of the car, their passion mounting to incredible proportions. Ed grunted and heaved as he rammed his viciously skewering cock headlong into her streaming vaginal flesh. His brain was reeling with the dimensions of his newfound power. He felt every bit as strong as that picture he remembered of Vallus with the gigantic genitalia.

Lorraine's whole body trembled with the earthquaking excitement of their fucking. Closing her eyes, she saw flying pinwheels of exploding color that spun wildly as Ed sliced his cock up between her obscenely thrashing legs.

"Oooohhhhhhh!" she screamed in naked abandon, "Oooohhhhh!"

Suddenly, from outside the car came a beeping. My God! It's a customer, Ed thought suddenly. Christ, it's a customer!

Ed was suddenly gripped with fear, fear of discovery combined with a rush of anxiety about the crude, vile act of which he was a willing partner. The beeping continued.

Lorraine could feel his passion suddenly falter; quickly she dug her long nails into the flesh of his back, as if to shock him back to the sensuous whirlpool into which they had both sunk. She gyrated her hips wildly, the hot, wet walls of her pussy clutching demandingly at his mammoth masculine hardness still trapped deeply within her loins.

Feeling the sharp, intense pain of her nails digging into his skin, Ed turned back to his naked redhead. The beeping suddenly stopped and he heard the car pull out of the station onto the street. In a dizzying rush, his fear was forced into oblivion by the strange words Lorraine was chanting…

"Surrender to Vallus… surrender to Vallus… Hail Vallus! Hail Vallus!"

Suddenly he was potent and powerful again. With a savage cry, he began furiously fucking his cock into her as if possessed by a demon. "Hail Vallus! Hail Vallus!" he cried, abandoning himself totally. His eyes rolled back in his head and his breathing became fast and hard as he resumed his insane, inspired fucking, his body consumed by raging passion.

"Uuuuunnnnngggghhhh!" he screamed as he neared a searing climax. His balls were shaking, bursting with seed and longing to shoot their boiling load into the pulsing interior of Lorraine's hotly steaming cunt.

"AH… AH… AH…" he began to groan in the gathering turbulence of his verging climax.

Lorraine knew her own release was not far off; her pussy was shaking and shuddering, aching and pleading for orgastic relief. A breathtaking spasm clutched stabbingly at her knotted stomach and gushed through her entire body as she closed her eyes and sank into a surging sea of ecstasy. Waves of uncontrollable delight washed over her as Ed fucked his screaming cock in and out of her. She ran her hands over his wet, straining body and kneaded the fleshy globes of his buttocks that bobbed obscenely as he fucked into her deeper and harder and even more rapidly.

"Aaaaaaaggggggggh!" he cried out suddenly, shooting forth the first hot streams of his heavy cum. His body was trembling and bucking frantically in a roaring, rising tide of orgasm.

Lorraine felt his boiling seed pouring into her wildly sucking young cunt, splashing off her quivering vaginal walls and merging with her own honeyed essence.

She was cumming too!

"Oooohhhhhhhhbbbaaaabbeeeee!" she cried, as she felt the searing rocket-load of pent-up male cum spurt out of his insanely pistoning cock and mix with her own draining vapor. She was torn apart by the volcanic churning deep inside her body, and felt submerged, carried away on a torrent of unbridled cumming.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, their passion drained and Ed, finally satiated, moved away from the red-haired young girl and sat naked and panting on the cool leather seat of the ear.

Lorraine drowsily gazed at him through half-closed eyelids, purring warmly from the wonderful excitement of what had just happened.

"The thing I like most about this gas station," she said in a sultry voice, "is that the service is so good."

Ed laughed aloud and leaned over to kiss her full, red lips.