"The orgiastic cult" - читать интересную книгу автора (Townsend Mark)


Marion had fallen into a deep sleep, drained by the wild session with Alida and Raoul. She lay on the carpeted floor of the worship room unaware that they had left her alone and were in the storeroom talking intimately.

"I'm going out, Raoul," Alida was saying, "I want to deposit the money that bitch brought to us. But it's not nearly enough. You have a way with her. You talk to her and get her to bring more. Tonight! Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mother," Raoul said, with a sly smile on his face. "I understand completely."

"And don't forget," she said, slipping into her gown and preparing to go outside, "tonight is the High Ceremonial. Lorraine will be here. In fact she called and said she might be bringing a new convert. Make sure that Marion is here, too. With money. After all, we wouldn't want her to miss the High Ceremonial, would we?"

"Of course not," her son replied. "Who is Lorraine bringing?"

"Someone she met recently who is interested in the worship of Vallus. A young man."

"It should be quite a Ceremonial, then. Lots of new… faces…"

Alida laughed.

"Yes… Vallus should be quite pleased. And I dare say we should get a kick out of it, too!"

"Have you prepared the ambrosia?"

"But of course," she said.

She moved to a drawer in the desk and took out a sealed vial of honey-colored liquid.

"Here," she said, "it's all prepared. Now, be careful. You know how potent this is. Just a drop or two tonight and that's all! You know what happened the last time…"

Raoul smiled, and his huge tool stiffened slightly as he remembered what had happened when he had taken a bit too much of the strange, aphrodisiacal liquid.

"What a wicked boy you were," Alida said, smiling as she remembered also. "Very wicked."

"I'll use it sparingly," he said.

"It'll be in the drawer when you want it," she said. "Don't give the others too much either, or things will get out of control, and we wouldn't want that to happen, would we, darling?"

"No, Mother," he said, affectionately, and kissed Alida lightly on the lips.

"I'll be going now," she said, slipping on a cloak.

Glancing through the two-way mirror, she saw that Marion was beginning to stir in her slumber.

"I think she's waking up, Raoul. Go to her. And remember, get her to bring money tonight. I don't care where she has to get it. I want her to get that money here before she gets any wise ideas about going to the police or dropping out of the group. All right?"

"I understand perfectly," Raoul replied.


They both left the storeroom. Alida went outside to the bank while Raoul went into the worship chamber. As he entered through the drapes, Marion was just waking up.

"How are you feeling?" Raoul asked, slipping down on the floor next to her. They were both still completely nude.

"Tired," she said.

Her body still throbbed from the painful experience she had just gone through, and her mind was numb.

"Vallus is very pleased with you," Raoul said, smiling and moving closer to her. "You were not afraid to surrender."

Marion felt instinctively she should leave at once. She was growing highly suspicious now of Raoul and his mother. And yet, another part of her was compelled by the strange God and the lewd rituals. She looked at Raoul and was struck again by his strange, exotic eyes.

"Tonight," he was saying, "tonight is the High Ceremonial, a special occasion. This only happens once a month and it is the most sacred of all the rituals of worship. Mother said that I should make sure you come. It will be quite interesting." He seemed to radiate sincerely and warmth.

"Oh, Raoul," Marion said, still numb and confused, "I'm not sure I ought to come. My husband would be so angry if he knew what I was doing. I'm afraid of what might happen…"

"Trust in Vallus," Raoul replied, "you must have trust. Everything will be all right. Come tonight, please. And… and bring your financial tribute to our beloved Master also."

Marion stiffened at the mention of money. Up until now she had been wavering in her feelings towards the group. But now, as Raoul once again mentioned money, she remembered the blackmail attempt by Alida earlier that day. She felt like a fool for having returned, given them money, and participated in their vile practices. Now they were asking her to repeat the performance that very evening.

"No," she said strongly, rising to her feet. "I haven't got any more money. I can't do what you ask. I can't."

Raoul rose also, anger clouding his sensual handsome face. He grabbed her by the wrist.

"What do you mean? Do you dare go against the will of Vallus?"

"I don't want to go against anything," Marion said, feeling Raoul's grip on her wrist, "but I don't think I can go through with this. Please. Let me go."

Raoul held her wrist tightly until her flesh burned from the strength of his grip.

"Ohhh!" Marion cried out, "You're hurting me."

Raoul squeezed her wrist even tighter and suddenly twisted her arm behind her painfully. Marion screamed aloud. Raoul brought his face close to hers, a vicious sneer slashed across his lips. His hypnotic eyes burned into her.

"You be here tonight! With money! Or I take those photographs to your husband! Photos of me with my cock in your asshole! Photos of you sucking me off! Would you like that! Would you?"

"No… no," Marion moaned, pain burning into her as Raoul twisted her arm.

He's crazy, Marion thought suddenly. He's crazy! Oh God, what have I gotten myself into?

She realized that she was deeply and dangerously involved with people who were mentally unbalanced. She was terrified, frozen in fear.

"I'll… I'll do whatever you say," she stammered, knowing that any resistance might only aggravate the peril she was already in. "Anything."

"Good," Raoul said, smugly satisfied. "Be here at eight o'clock. With some money. At least two hundred dollars."

"But I…"

"I said two hundred dollars more! Understand?" he twisted her arm for emphasis.

"Yeeesss! Yeeessss!" Marion screamed in pain.

Suddenly Raoul let go of her.

"Good. Then we understand each other completely. You will return tonight."

Marion stared at him. She was completely under his domination now, and there seemed to be nothing she could do about it.

"Yes…" she said flatly, defeated and ashamed. "I will return tonight…"


Later that same afternoon, Lorraine and Ed were driving towards the downtown area of Los Angeles.

"I'm not so sure about this," Ed was saying as he drove. "I'm still suspicious about these groups."

"That's why I want you to come and see for yourself," Lorraine replied. "After all, unless you have first-hand experience, you can't know what it's all about, can you?"

"Well, I suppose not."

"Don't worry, everything's going to be fine."

In a few minutes they were in the midst of the rundown warehouse district.

"There it is," Lorraine exclaimed, pointing to a narrow building. "That's the headquarters."

Ed parked the car, and the two of them were soon at the door of the Vallus cult. Lorraine knocked and the door was opened by Alida, who had returned from her errand.

"Ah, Lorraine, my dear," Alida said warmly, "how nice to see you so early. The Ceremonial doesn't begin until eight o'clock."

"Yes, I know. But I wanted to bring our new disciple here first to meet you and get acquainted. I'm afraid he's still a little skeptical."

Alida glanced at Ed, approving inwardly of his rugged, muscular build and handsome face.

"Oh?" she said. "Well then, do come inside and we'll do our best to persuade you of the truth of our beliefs."

Alida ushered them into the office. "My son, Raoul, isn't here just now. But he'll be back soon."

Ed was immediately taken by the large illustration of Vallus that dominated one wall.

"That is our Lord and Master," Alida said proudly.

"Yeah, I've seen a picture like this before." Ed said.

"Oh, yes? Tell me, young man," Alida asked, "what is your name?"

"Ed… Ed Hill…"

For a moment Alida's face went ashen.

Ed Hill, she thought, Ed Hill. Isn't that bitch Marion's last name Hill? What if… what if? No, it's too much of a coincidence… and yet…

In the back of her mind, she thought that Ed might possibly be related to Marion. He might even be her husband, since she knew Lorraine had a special taste for married men. It seemed an incredible coincidence, but it could be true, and she knew she had to take precautions. She reminded herself to warn Raoul when he returned.

"Come into the chamber," she said, "where we worship the Master. Tonight is the High Ceremonial. You will stay for it, won't you?"

"Well… I'm not sure…"

"Oh, come on," Lorraine said, "you're not afraid, are you?"

"Me?" Ed said, laughing. "Not on your life!"

"Then follow me," Alida said and led the way into the corridor behind the office. About halfway down the corridor she suddenly got an idea. "Lorraine, why don't you take Mr. Hill inside. I want to get something from the storeroom. All right?"

"Sure. Follow me, Ed."

Alida quickly slipped into the storeroom, and through the two-way mirror she watched Lorraine and Ed enter the worship chamber. Then, she went to the desk drawer and took out the vial of ambrosia and poured a few drops into a tiny glass. Then she resealed the vial and replaced it in the drawer.

Just in case he is her husband, this will make sure he's in no shape to cause trouble, she thought.

She closed the curtains, concealing the two-way mirror, and joined the others in the velvet-lined room.

"This is a little something I thought would cheer us up," Alida said, holding up the glass of liquid.

"What's in that?" Ed asked suspiciously. "Nothing lethal, I hope?"

Alida and Lorraine laughed.

"Just a little mild brandy," Alida said, "a strange liqueur made from an ancient Sumerian formula. Apparently it was quite popular in the ancient days, when Vallus was worshipped by everyone. It's delicious and absolutely harmless."

To prove her point, she took a slight sip of the liquid, allowing just a touch to actually pass her lips.

"Here," she said holding it out to Ed, "try it. A good-looking young man like you should be able to handle a little drink like this."

Laughing, and a little flattered by the attention of the two beautiful women, Ed took the glass and swigged down the entire contents.

What the hell, he thought, why not have a little drink? It'll loosen me up. This chick don't look like she's dangerous.

The liquid felt warm as it coursed down his throat, and Ed felt immediately relaxed and pleasant.

"It's nice," he said, handing the glass to Alida. "Real nice."

"Let me return the glass," Alida said graciously. "Meanwhile, Lorraine, why don't you amuse our friend by telling him a little more about Vallus."

She slipped out of the room in an instant. Ed turned to Lorraine and smiled. He was feeling slightly euphoric already from the strange drink.

"Why didn't you have any of that stuff?" he asked Lorraine.

"Oh," she said, with a trace of a smile playing across her lips, "I'll have some later. Do you like it?"

"Yeah…" he said, "it's nice. I mean it's not anything fantastic…"

"Well, it takes a little while to take effect fully. Tell me, what do you think of the statue?" she asked, changing the subject and turning to the huge metal sculpture of Vallus that dominated the room.

"It's really something," Ed said.

He gazed at the statue. It depicted Vallus standing tall, like a giant straddling a river, his giant cock grasped firmly in his hands, and his face a mask of ecstasy and satisfaction. As Ed watched, the statue seemed to move slightly. Perhaps it was the way the candle flames flickered over the sculpture, but Ed was sure there was a movement in the face.

"Is that statue moving?" he said to Lorraine.

"Moving?" she asked, knowing inwardly that the potion was probably taking effect and starting to alter his brain chemistry. "Is it?"

"It sure looks that way to me."

As he watched, the statue seemed to change expression. The look of ecstasy seemed to change into a leer. The eyes seemed to look directly at Ed, staring at him almost mockingly. The statue's lips seemed to grow full and sensual and twist themselves into a look of utter corruption and degradation.

"Christ… Christ…" Ed whispered, scarcely believing the strange vision he was seeing. But as he heard his own voice, it seemed far away and blurry.

"My voice… sounds so… so strange… so strange…"

Something was definitely happening to him, and he was slightly alarmed. His voice sounded distinctly different; it was too deep and far away. But his eyes were riveted to the statue, which continued to shift and change before him. Now the metal cock that the figure held in its hands seemed to grow to enormous proportions, in fact the entire statue began to grow and tower over Ed in a terrifying way. A light film of nervous perspiration broke out on his body, and his hands grew cold.

"What's happening…" he slurred in a thick voice. "What's going on here?"

He tore his eyes away from the statue and turned to find Lorraine. His body felt light, and as he turned it seemed as if the entire room were turning with him. Nothing seemed to stay in one place, objects changed size and the walls of the room seemed to be shifting and billowing. Yet, despite all these strange occurrences, Ed felt light-headed and euphoric…

"Lorraine… Lorraine…" he called, trying to locate her in the jumble of distorted images that flashed across his eyes. He couldn't quite focus on anything, and even the floor felt strange, as if he were on a ship in the ocean.

"What's the matter?" It was Lorraine's voice but it sounded strangely melodious and distant, as distant as his own. He located her by the sound of her voice, and when he saw her, the sight took his breath away.

She had taken off all of her clothes and now stood in front of the huge, smoky mirror, totally naked! As Ed's drugged eyes beheld her, she looked unearthly. Her pale skin seemed to glow from within; it was opalescent and gleamed incredibly. Her bright hair looked like fire, fire that flamed outwards from her head like billowing flames. Her eyes were like two pinwheels, glistening and sparkling, and her lips seemed incredibly sensual. They looked so rich and full that Ed felt his body begin to tremble with the renewal of desire. As his eyes roved further down her body, he felt his excitement grow in a way that he had never felt before. Her mountainous breasts seemed to pulse with a life of their own, and the pinkish aureoles that circled the hardened tips were bright halos radiating an invitation to be licked and sucked. Her body looked creamy and soft, and every curve glistened tantalizingly. Her long, slender legs were spread apart, and the darkly secret hair high up between them seemed to throb with an open invitation to screw. Although Lorraine was actually standing still, in Ed's eyes she was undulating in unbelievable lewdness, like a figure in a dream. His body responded with a sudden rush of sensuality. He moved towards her as if hypnotized. He had to get his hands on that glowing vibrant flesh! He wanted to kiss her like crazy and stuff his prick into her hot pussy and feel himself slicing in and out of her. He longed to squirm and writhe on that warm, silky body of hers. He wanted to lose himself completely in screwing her! His genitals sprang achingly to life. His cock was gorged with lust. His large balls tightened in eager anticipation, and he could feel blood and excitement surging through his body. He had never been as excited as this before in his entire life! Never! He felt light and powerful as the drug took full effect. He was riveted to Lorraine and moved towards her like a lurching drunkard, his vision blurred.

"Oh, baby…" he groaned, "oh baby I feel so… soo…"

"Yes?" Lorraine asked, knowing full well that the drug was taking its toll on his mind.

"Man, it feels so fucking good! And you're beautiful! Beautiful!"

He started tearing at his clothes but his coordination was so bad that he could barely open the buttons of his work-shirt. Lorraine began to help him, kissing him sensuously as she unbuttoned each button of his shirt slowly. As her lips pressed against his, and her tongue darted wantonly into his mouth, Ed let himself be taken over fully by the drug, although he was only dimly aware of what was happening. The effect of the potion had been so overwhelming that he barely remembered it was the source of his incredible new feelings. Rather, all anxiety and reason were brushed aside in the onrush of ecstatic delight overtaking him totally. Now, as Lorraine kissed him and removed his clothes with slow, tantalizing gestures, he felt like a potentate being made love to by a harem girl. He was the most powerful man in the world, and it seemed only right that this woman should pay tribute to him.

Like Vallus! he thought, I'm as powerful as that! Yes!! Yeeesssss!

His eyes glazed with excitement as Lorraine kissed him deeply. He was completely naked now and, standing right next to her tempting young body, Ed exploded with lust. She pressed her full, soft lips tightly against his own, and her long serpentine tongue obscenely explored the interior of his mouth, running along the edges of his teeth, and probing provocatively into the back of his throat. Ed reached up with his hands and grasped the flesh of her naked back. He could scarcely believe the velvety softness of her skin. Each ripple of flesh and muscle felt wildly thrilling to his touch, and he seemed almost to sink inside of her as he ran his hands over her shoulders, then down her tapered back to the full, cushiony mounds of her buttocks.

Man oh man, he thought, I'venever felt so hot in my life! I feel like I could climb right inside this chick's body! Christ!

Lorraine began sliding down in front of Ed's body. He felt the underside of her tongue brush across the skin of his stomach and lick hungrily at his lower abdomen. Suddenly, as she moved down, he saw himself in the strange mirror that nearly covered the wall. What his eyes beheld was like a bizarre hallucination, for it seemed to him that he looked like a gigantic demon, almost like Vallus himself. His eyes were dark and flashing, bursting with power and a hint of cruelty. His body gleamed and pulsed with light. Each muscle bulged with lusty excitement. He could scarcely believe the picture of the red-haired amazon kneeling lewdly in front of him about to take his throbbing penis into her mouth. In the mirror he could see her smooth white back glistening like white satin, and her hair like a bursting blaze of fire.

Suddenly Lorraine took his aching cock completely in her mouth and sucked so hard on it that Ed was completely overwhelmed by a violent rush of ecstatic pleasure.

"Oooooohhhhhhh!" he cried, swept away by excitement. Her lips skillfully massaged the smooth, tender flesh of his excited cock, and she moved her mouth back and forth along the charged, thick shaft, pausing only to nibble greedily at the pulsing head.

Standing there in that strange room with the exotic redhead sucking obscenely at his straining, swollen cock, Ed felt a sense of power that was unlike anything he had ever expected to experience in his entire life! He felt like a titan! He was Vallus! A delicious sense of corruption and degradation flowed through him; loosened and furthered by the bizarre drug he had been given. All fear vanished.

"Uuuuunnnggggh!" he cried out triumphantly, as Lorraine pulled hungrily at his prick with her hot, wet lips. "Suck it! Suck it!"

He felt himself start to lower, as if some invisible hand were gently nudging him to the floor. It was as if he was floating; as he lay gently back on the thick carpet, Lorraine continued all the while to suck greedily at his huge cock. Normally this strange feat of physical skill would have been quite difficult, but under the influence of the potion, he was able to lower himself without Lorraine having to pause for a minute. He sank back onto the carpet, reveling in the luxurious softness, as Lorraine's madly clasping lips drove him to further heights of ecstasy. His hands reached down and played with the silky strands of her hair that looped through his fingers in curling red tendrils.

"OOooohhhhh babbeeeee!" he cried out as Lorraine began to suck on his balls, making them pulse with wild excitement. "Suck my balls! Christ, suck my balls!"

He could scarcely believe the incredible pleasure he felt; he was the king of the universe now.

Delicately mouthing his balls, Lorraine felt a lewd and shameless passion take complete hold of her. The disciple of Vallus had been tremendously excited at having gotten him to the worship chamber, and when he began to submit to the effect of the drug, she knew she had truly made a convert of him. She sucked and pulled hotly at his gently swinging balls, then slid her wanton mouth back to encompass his tensely throbbing cock. As her hands skimmed up and down his hard, muscular thighs, she let her lips totally enclose his angry red cock-head, sucking and licking until the entire pulsing length of his penis was hard as steel. She loved the musky odor that filled her nostrils and stung her tongue. She took the entire massive penis into her mouth, letting her teeth brush lightly against the highly sensitive skin.

Ed was totally consumed with ravishing excitement. Waves of pleasure shot through him as this voluptuous creature worked her warm, wet lips over his huge genitals. He began almost unconsciously to push his pelvis back and forth, to move his whole body in tune with the sensual warmth that washed over him. Through his drug-glazed eyes he could see this ravishing, uninhibited creature sucking at his penis with complete abandon and the sight filled him with superhuman power. He was strong, potent, and shaking with lust.

"Oh yes…" he cried, "Oh yeesssss, oh God, oh God ooooohhhhh!"

"HAIL Vallus!" a voice suddenly cried aloud.

Ed tried to see who had come into the room, but as he looked straight up he saw two gigantic female legs straddling his head. Alida! She was totally naked, and from his position on the floor she seemed to tower over him like a creature of tremendous size. Her shapely legs loomed like huge pillars of flesh, her pussy, an enormous thatch of dark hair high above his head. Her breasts were gargantuan, pendulous mounds of quivering flesh, and her face, which seemed incredibly far away, was wild with desire. Her lips were pulled back in a wicked smile that exposed her gleaming teeth. Her black hair seemed to fan down over her shoulders like a waterfall of black ink.

"Hail Vallus!" she cried again, and her voice echoed as if they were in a gigantic valley. Laughing she began to lower herself.

Holy God, Ed thought, she's going to sit on my face! And with Lorraine sucking my prick, too! Man oh man!

Indeed, as Alida lewdly lowered her vaginal mound toward Ed's mouth, Lorraine continued to suck his cock. Seeing the priestess of Vallus enter the room had given the redhead a renewed sense of excitement.

"Ummmmnnnnn," she mewled.

As Alida's fleshy pink furrow lowered towards Ed's face, he smelled her sweet feminine odor and the scent electrified him; he became dizzy from it. Now her trembling cuntal folds were almost against his lips, and tentatively he reached out with his tongue and explored the curling strands that surrounded the vertical pink slit. As he did so, his hands reached up and grasped Alida around the hips as she squatted over his face. Holding her firmly, her hips two flanks of hot, excited flesh under his hands, he moved his tongue down closer to the tender fleshy area of her cuntal furrow. Suddenly he could feel his oral member slide lewdly along that moist, wet flesh; he could feel every fold and wrinkle of the delicate skin.

"Aaannnnnggggghhh!" Alida moaned pleasurably, as her hands reached down and tousled Ed's sandy hair. She was utterly delighted to have this good-looking young stud licking at her pussy. It wasn't often that a new disciple was as handsome as this one. Despite her anxiety that he might be Marion's husband, she gave herself completely to the gushing sensuality that pervaded her.

Ed moved his tongue up and down the warm, wet slit, savoring the feeling of the pulsing flesh against his tongue. His mouth found the tender nub of her clitoris and he began to suck at it feeling it vividly surge to life. It throbbed and became rigidly erect!

Like a little penis, he thought! Man!

He heard her groan and squirm above him as he licked and teased the quivering little wand. He was excited by her passionate reactions, even though he had scarcely met this woman more than fifteen minutes ago. His drugged state had destroyed all rational thought in his mind, and he desired only to satisfy the enormous sense of sexuality and power he experienced. Now, with one exotically beautiful young woman sucking his prick and another squatting obscenely over his face, Ed felt more than ever like a decadent, half-crazed God. A phrase kept running through his mind…

"Hail Vallus… Hail Vallus… Hail Vallus…"

Alida was hot with passion as Ed's hungrily searching tongue maddeningly licked her aching pussy. She undulated her body obscenely and squatted down over Ed's face so as to give him complete access to her throbbing cuntal slit. A warm tingling radiance surged through her naked body. It was at moments like this that she felt truly alive.

This… This is what it's all about! the gypsy thought.

Ed plunged his tongue deeply up between her thighs, whirling and crashing against the shuddering walls of her cunt. He twisted and turned his oral member, driving Alida to new heights of excruciating passion.

"Ooooohhhhh!" Raoul's mother cried aloud, her hands gripping Ed's thick, sandy hair, "Ooooohhhhhh!"

Alida could feel his tongue dart in and out, sometimes flicking maddeningly over her clitoris and then ramming back into the eagerly widening hole, and it was driving her wild.

Down between Ed's lewdly spread legs, Lorraine clasped her mouth hungrily about the thickly rigid penis in her hand and began to move her tautly ovalled lips up and down its length with increasing excitement, as Ed undulated his pelvis wantonly back and forth. A swelling, tidal feeling rushed through the fair-skinned young girl, and hot flashes seemed to tear at her loins. She began to breathe faster and faster.

As Ed jammed his wetly curling tongue deeply up into her pulsing canal, Alida felt new convulsions of excitement begin to rock through her entire body. Her vaginal walls began to shake and tremble spasmodically and her body felt light, as if she were flying.

"Ooooohhhhh… ooohhh…" she mewled, feeling an incredible onrush of lust course through her, "I'm cu… cu… cumming!"

As she spoke, Ed, too, felt close to an incredible climax. He began to shake and thrash with excitement. His balls grew tight from the intense tingling sensation running through him. His body felt as if it were being brushed by the beating wings of a thousand birds, and drumming sensations rang in his head.

"Mmmmmnnnnngggggh!" he screamed, his mouth pressed cruelly against the wetly pungent flesh of Alida's frantically climaxing pussy. "Mmmmmnnnnnggghh!"

Lorraine, in complete response to the others, felt her own female juices flowing warm and tingly down between her legs, and she now devoured Ed's heavily swollen cock with renewed vigor.

"Uuuuunnnnnggggg!" she screamed, clasping the hot flesh with her hungry lips in wildly thrashing excitement.

Ed was like a boiling volcano about to explode as the white, hot cum bubbled up from the depths of his balls and shot forth into Lorraine's voracious mouth. The ecstatic release that he felt was far beyond anything he had ever known. He redoubled his efforts at tonguing Alida, lashing his oral member deeply up into her still-twitching cunt as his cock spurted its life into the redhead kneeling between his loins.

"Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!" Alida shrieked as her hot feminine secretions shimmered searingly down her vaginal canal, pulled forth by the whirling of his tongue. It spread across Ed's mouth like honey and he swallowed it happily.

Lorraine, cumming also with wild intensity gnawed like an animal at Ed's crazily spasming cock, draining him of every drop of his cum while her own heated fluids streamed down over her thighs. She was floating aloft, carried along effortlessly by the bubbling torrent of the combined orgasm of the three sex-crazed disciples of Vallus.

"Mmmmmnnnnn…" she groaned. "Unnnnggggghhhhh."

As the last of Ed's cum gushed into Lorraine's mouth in one final excruciating spurt, his passion, driven to incredible heights by the drug he had unwittingly taken, began to ebb slowly, and a relaxing coolness wafted over his body.

Alida slowly rose, herself feeling drained and at the same time exultant from the wild orgy. Lorraine also moved away from Ed's slowly softening body, and lay back on the carpet, exhausted. Both women glanced at Ed, and smiled slyly at each other, realizing he had fallen into a heavy, drug-induced slumber.

"He's out like a light," Lorraine said.

"… Like a light," Alida repeated, gazing down at the sleeping, muscular young man.