"Английский язык с Крестным Отцом (Метод чтения)" - читать интересную книгу автора (Франк Илья)And he would let nothing stand in the way (не позволит ничему встать на
пути = помешать) to a solution of that man's woe (решению бед того человека; woe [w?u] - горе, несчастья). His reward (награда [r?'wo:d])? Friendship, the respectful title of "Don," and sometimes the more affectionate salutation (более сердечное приветствие [?'fek?n?t]) of "Godfather." And perhaps, to show respect only, never for profit (никогда, вовсе не для пользы, прибыли), some humble gift (простой, незатейливый; humble ( смиренный) ( a gallon of homemade wine or a basket of peppered taralles specially baked to grace (чтобы украсить) his Christmas table. It was understood (понималось = все понимали, конечно), it was mere good manners (всего лишь вежливость: "хорошие манеры"), to proclaim that you were in his debt (в долгу у него) and that he had the right to call upon you (прийти к тебе: "навестить тебя) at any time to redeem (to redeem ( возвращать, получать обратно; искупать) your debt by some small service. 4 Now on this great day, his daughter's wedding day, Don Vito Corleone stood in the doorway (на пороге, в дверях) of his Long Beach home to greet his guests, all of them known (из которых он всех знал: "все из них знаемые"), all of them trusted (которым он доверял). Many of them owed their good fortune (были обязаны своим успехом; to owe [?u] - быть должным, в долгу) in life to the Don and on this intimate occasion felt free to call him "Godfather" to his face. Even the people performing festal services (исполняющие "праздничное обслуживание") were his friends. The bartender (бармен) was an old comrade (приятель) whose gift was all the wedding liquors ([l?k?]) and his own expert skills ("опытные" умения, навыки). The waiters (официанты) were the friends of Don Corleone's sons. The food on and the gaily festooned (весело наряженный гирляндами; festoon - гирлянда, фестон) one-acre garden itself had been decorated (был разукрашен) by the young girl-chums of the bride (подружками невесты; chum - близкий друг, приятель). 5 Don Corleone received everyone (принимал всех [r?'s?:v]) ( rich and poor, powerful and humble ( with an equal show of love (с одинаковым выражением любви ['?kw?l]). He slighted no one (никому не выказал пренебрежения, никем не пренебрег, никого не обидел). That was his character. And the guests so exclaimed (так восклицали [?ks'kle?m]) at how well he looked in his tux (= tuxedo [t(k's?d?u] ( смокинг) that an inexperienced observer (неопытный = сторонний наблюдатель; experience [?ks'p??r??ns] ( опыт) might easily have thought (мог бы легко подумать) the Don himself was the lucky groom (счастливый жених). 1 All of these people and many others received engraved invitations to the wedding of Miss Constanzia Corleone, to be celebrated on the last Saturday in August 1945. The father of the bride, Don Vito Corleone, never forgot his old friends and neighbors though he himself now lived in a huge house on Long Island. The reception would be held in that house and the festivities would go on all day. There was no doubt it would be a momentous occasion. The war with the Japanese had just ended so there would not be any nagging fear for their sons fighting in the Army to cloud these festivities. A wedding was just what people needed to show their joy. 2 And so on that Saturday morning the friends of Don Corleone streamed |