"Help with Negative Self–talk Volume I" - читать интересную книгу автора (Andreas Steve)

Changing Direction

First change the way the voice is pointing, and find out how this changes your experience of the voice. For most people this is quite easy; it is just not something they ever thought of doing. If you have any difficulty, simply allow that voice to change direction. First try allowing that voice to reverse direction (usually this will make it point directly away from the head) and find out what that is like… .

Then find out what it is like to listen to the voice when it is pointing half way between toward you and away from you… .

Notice if there is any difference between when it is pointing straight up and straight down, …

Or between pointing left and right,…

Or forward and back… .

When the voice is pointing away from you, usually the volume is less, and your response to it is less intense. Most people feel better when a troubling voice is pointing away from them, and this makes it easier and more comfortable to listen to what the voice is saying. When it is pointing half way between those extremes, the intensity of your response is usually somewhere in between when it is pointing toward you and away from you.

Notice that I used the word "usually" and "most people" in the previous paragraph. I will often offer generalizations about how people respond to their internal voices, based on my experience of making these kinds of changes with a large number of people. However, you may sometimes have a different response than what I outline here.

Whenever you response is different than what I describe, that is very important information. Your response is yours, no matter what I may say is "usually true" for "most people." It isn't "wrong"; it's just that your brain works somewhat differently. I will be offering you many changes to try out, so that you can find out what works for you — even if it is different from what most other people experience. Whenever you discover a change that is useful, that adds to your choices about how a voice sounds, and how you feel in response to it.

Simply changing the direction of the voice is only one small way that you can learn how to have some control over the intensity of your response to it, and this is a choice that you can now make at any time. Now return your voice to its original direction, so that you can discover other ways that you can change your response to a voice… .