"Help with Negative Self–talk Volume I" - читать интересную книгу автора (Andreas Steve)

Changing location inside your body

First, listen to the voice again, and notice your response… .

Is it any different than when you began reading this chapter? …

Now experiment with changing the location of the voice in a variety of ways, to experience the impact of hearing the same voice coming from different locations in space, and how your feelings change when you do this. Again, most people find this quite easy; it is just not something they ever thought of doing. If you have any difficulty, simply allow that voice to change its location.

Now hear that voice coming from your left elbow, and notice what that is like… .

Most people find that when their critical voice comes from their elbow, it is less impactful. The voice may also change in tonality when you do this, perhaps becoming quieter and higher pitched, and your feelings probably also became less intense.

Next I want to offer you a number of other choices about where you hear that voice coming from. Some of them will probably make the voice less unpleasant, while others may make it more unpleasant. Your job is to simply to try out each suggestion that I offer you, and pause to discover how it changes your experience.

Now hear this voice coming from your stomach or belly, and notice what that is like… .

Now hear that same voice coming from your right kneecap, and notice what that is like… .

Next, hear that voice speaking from your heart, and notice what that is like… .

Now hear that voice coming from your left big toe, and notice what that is like… .

Next, experiment with hearing that voice coming from some other part of your body, and find out what that is like… .

Finally, return that voice to its original location and direction… .

Pause to notice if your response to what the voice says in its original location is the same now as before you tried these experiments, or whether it is different now? …

Typically hearing an unpleasant voice in locations more distant from your head will be the most comfortable, and locations near your head, or inside your head, will be most unpleasant. Hearing a troublesome voice from the stomach is usually unpleasant, and the feeling that results may be confused with hunger, loneliness, or nausea. Hearing a troublesome voice coming from your heart may be particularly unpleasant and confusing. Some people actually do this without realizing it, and it is not particularly useful in helping them live productive lives. I have asked you to experiment with hearing a troublesome voice from your stomach or heart only to give you an experience of the importance of location.

Next review the results of these little experiments, and ask yourself, "In which location was it most comfortable for me to listen to this troubling voice?" …

Now hear the voice coming from that location, and experiment with also changing the direction of the voice, in order to find which direction improves your feeling response the most… .