"Help with Negative Self–talk Volume I" - читать интересную книгу автора (Andreas Steve)

1. Changing Location

Almost everyone can easily think of a troublesome voice, but very few people notice where it is located in their personal space. The location of a voice turns out to be a major aspect of its impact on you, and it is one of the easiest things to change.

Listen now to a troublesome voice that makes you feel bad in some way, and notice its location in your personal space. Most voices are located either somewhere inside your head or in the space immediately surrounding your head… .

Is it located somewhere inside your head or outside?

Is it in front or behind, left side or right side, above or below? …

And which way it is pointed — toward you, away from you, or somewhere in between? …

Take some time to identify all these different aspects of your voice. It may help to first gesture with your finger to where the voice is, and the direction it is pointed, and then find a way to describe what you discovered.

When a troublesome voices is located outside your head it is almost always pointed toward your head. Now that you know the location and direction of your troublesome voice, you can experiment with some changes, and notice how they change how you respond to it.