"Федор Тютчев. The Complete Poems of Tyutchev In An English Translation by F.Jude" - читать интересную книгу автора

ii Kto khochet miru chuzhdym byt'
He who would be a stranger in the world
Wer sich der Einsamkeit ergiebt (Goethe)
37. Zapad, Nord i Yug v krushen'e 78
Hegire (Goethe)
38. Vesennyaya groza 80
A Spring Storm
39. Mogila Napoleona 80
Napoleon's Tomb
40. Cache-Cache 80
Hide and Seek
41. Letnii vecher 81
A Summer Evening
42. Olegov shchit 81
Oleg's Shield
43. Videnie 82
A Vision
44. Bairon 82
Totenkranze (Zedlitz)
45. Sredstvo i tsel' 86
The Means and the End
46. Imperatoru Nikolayu I 86
To the Emperor Nicholas I
Nicolaus das ist der Volksbesieger (Ludwig I of Bavaria)
47. Bessonnitsa 87
48. Utro v gorakh 88
Morning in the Mountains
49. Snezhnye gory 88
Snowy Mountains
50. Poslednii kataklizm 88
The Final Cataclysm
51. K N.N. 88
To N.N.
52. Eshchyo shumel vesyolyi den' 89
The happy day was loud
53. Vecher 89
54. Polden' 90
55. Lebed' 90
The Swan
56. "Prekrasnyi budet den", - skazal tovarischch 90
"It's going to be a nice day", my friend said
Reisebilder (Heine)
57. Ty zrel ego v krugu bol'shogo sveta 92
You saw him in polite company
58. V tolpe lyudei, v neskromnom shume dnya 92