"Федор Тютчев. The Complete Poems of Tyutchev In An English Translation by F.Jude" - читать интересную книгу автора

Note on transliteration 34
Acknowledgements 35
Introduction 36
The Poems 53
Notes 237
Selective Bibliography
The title/first line of a known translation and the author's name are
given after the English title/first line. Some titles are in French or
Latin. Where the first line is given in French, the poem was written in
French. Italics are used for the first line of each untitled poem. Where the
title is a proper name identical in the languages in question, it is given
once only (e.g. Sakontala).
Title/first line Page
1. Lyubeznomu papen'ke 53
Dear Dad!
2. Na novyi 1816 god 53
New Year 1816
3. Dvum druz'yam 54
To Two Friends
4. Puskai ot zavisti serdtsa zoilov noyut 55
Let envy gnaw Zoilus's heart
5. Poslanie Goratsiya k Metsenatu, v kotorom priglashaet ego k 55
sel'skomu obedu
A Letter from Horace to Mecenatus Inviting him to Dinner in the
Tyrrhena progenies, tibi (Horace)
6. Vsesilen ya i vmeste rab 57
Omnipotent am I while weak
7. Uraniya 57
8. Nevernye preodolev puchiny 61
Inconstant, watery gulfs finally behind him
9. K ode Pushkina na Vol'nost' 61
On Pushkin's Ode to Freedom
10. Kharon i Kachenovsky 62
Charon and Kachenovsky
11. Odinochestvo 62
L'Isolement (Lamartine)
12. Vesna (Posvyashchaetsya druz'yam) 63
Spring (Dedicated to my Friends)
13. A.N.M. 64
14. Gektor i Andromakha 64
Hector and Andromache
Hektor und Andromacha (Schiller)
15. Na kamen' zhizni rokovoi 65
Along the fateful shore of life
16. "Ne dai nam dukhu prazdnoslov'ya!" 65
"Do not endow us with the spirit of idle gossip!"