"Федор Тютчев. The Complete Poems of Tyutchev In An English Translation by F.Jude" - читать интересную книгу автора

with the pretty-pretty presentation of anthological pieces hitherto
All in all, I believe that Frank Murtagh's book is essential reading
for students and other readers of Russian poetry and is to be warmly
R. Lane
University of Durham, England
February, 1983
Since R. Lane wrote his Foreword in 1983, only one edition of "quality"
translations of Tyutchev has appeared till now, Anatoly Liberman's versions
of 181 of the poems published in 1991. In calling them "quality"
translations, I make a deliberate value judgement, for his is not the only
edition of selected poems to have appeared.
There are too many gaps in published Tyutchev scholarship for any one
researcher to deal with. The present book is intended to be the first of
several of various lengths and formats which I wish to produce as time
allows and whose overall aim is to fill some of these gaps. I shall also
continue to work at the translations of the poems. I am all too aware of the
defects of several of my versions, although I hope they are at least
accurately rendered, even if they do little justice to Tyutchev. Very little
has been published in English about his personal letters. There has been no
serious attempt to translate them in bulk, possibly because the task would
be monumental. A satisfactory Russian version of all the poems has yet to
appear. Russian editors still tend to favour splitting up the poems
according to relative quality, a very subjective business, to say the least.
A study of Tyutchev in the letters and memoirs of others would prove
illuminating. His family, in particular two of his daughters, Anna and
Ekaterina, deserve attention in their own right.
Studies carried out by Russian scholars during the late nineteenth
century and the Soviet period, culminating in Pigaryov's Lirika edition and
his book on the poet's life and work, Gregg's study of the life and poetry,
and Lane's extensive research, represented by numerous articles, some of his
contributions published in Literaturnoe nasledstvo (1988-89), now, it seems
to me, need drawing together with the many other smaller contributions of
the past twenty or thirty years into a single, new book in English on the
writer, a thorough, critical re-appraisal of his work. Such a task will be
for a new Tyutchev scholar of energy.
Frank Jude
Durham, England
January, 2000

Foreword by R.C. Lane to the 1983 edition vi
Foreword to this edition vii
Contents 8
Preface 26