"Федор Тютчев. The Complete Poems of Tyutchev In An English Translation by F.Jude" - читать интересную книгу автора362. Chemu by zhizn' nas ni uchila 222
Whatever life might have taught us 363. Da, vy derzhali vashe slovo 223 Yes, you have kept your word 364. Ah, quelle meprise 224 I'm bewildered and let me say 365. Brat, stol'ko let soputsvovavshii mne 224 Brother, you have been with me so long 366. S novym godom, s novym schast'em 224 Happy New Year, all the best 367. Davno izvestnaya vsem dura 224 A fool we've known for ages 368. Vprosonkakh slyshu ya - i ne mogu 224 I'm half asleep and I can't 369. Chyornoe more 224 The Black Sea 370. Vatikanskaya godovshchina 226 The Vatican's Anniversary 371. Ot zhizni toi, chto bushevala zdes' 226 Of the life that raged here 372. Vrag otritsatel'nosti uzkoi 227 Enemy of narrow negativity 373. Pamyati M.K. Politkovskoi 227 To the Memory of M.K. Politkovskii 374. Den' pravoslavnogo Vostoka 228 375. Mir i soglas'e mezhdu nas 229 There's peace and harmony between us 376. Kak bestolkovy chisla eti 229 These dates are so illogical! 377. Tut tselyi mir, zhivoi, raznoobraznyi 229 Here's a whole world, living, varied 378. Chertog tvoi, spasitel', ya vizhu ukrashen 229 Saviour, I see your mansion decked out 379. Khotel by ya, chtoby v svoei mogile 229 In my grave I'd love to lie 380. Napoleon III 229 381. Tebe, bolyashchaya v dalyokoi storone 230 To you, ill in a distant land 382. Britanskii leopard 231 The British Leopard 383. Konechno, vredno pol'zam gosudarstva 232 Of course, it is harmful to the wellbeing of the state 384. Vo dni napastei i bedy 232 In days of misfortune and trouble 385. Vsyo otnyal ot menya kaznyashchii Bog 232 In punishment, God's taken everything away 386. Ital'yanskaya vesna 233 Spring in Italy 387. My solntsu yuga ustupaem vas 233 |