"Федор Тютчев. The Complete Poems of Tyutchev In An English Translation by F.Jude" - читать интересную книгу автора

265. Inym dostalsya ot prirody 183
Nature has endowed some with a sense
266. Svyatye gory 183
The Sacred Mountains
267. Zateyu etogo rasskaza 184
For itself this story speaks
268. Uzhasnyi son otyagotel nad nami 184
We've been burdened by a horrible dream
269. Ego svetlosti A.A. Suvorovu 184
To his Grace Prince A.A. Suvorov
270. Kak letnei inogda poroyu 185
Just as now and then during summer
271. N.I. Krolyu 186
To N.I. Krol'
272. 19-oe fevralya 1864 (i tikhimi poslednimi shagami) 186
February 19th. 1864 (With his last quiet steps)
273. Ne vsyo dushe boleznennoe snitsya 187
Not always does the soul have sickly dreams
274. Utikhla biza.... Legche dyshit 187
the breeze has dropped and lighter is the breath
275. Ves' den' ona lezhala v zabyt'I 187
All day she lay oblivious
276. Kak nerazgadannaya taina 187
Like an unresolved mystery
277. O, etot Yug, o, eta Nitstsa! 188
Oh, this south, oh, this Nice!
278. Kto b ni byl ty, no vstretyas' s nei 188
No matter who you are, just meeting her
279. Encyclica 188
An Encyclical
280. Knyazyu Gorchakovu (vam vypalo prizvan'e rokovoe) 188
To Prince Gorchakov (Yours has been a fateful calling)
281. Kak khorosho ty, o more nochnoe 189
Ocean-billows, night-surging
282. Kogda na to net Bozh'ego soglas'ya 189
When god has deferred assent
283. Otvet na adres 189
In Reply to an Address
284. Est' i v moyom stradal'cheskom zastoe 190
In the martyrdom of my stagnation
285. On, umiraya, somnevalsya 190
Dying, he doubted
286. Syn tsarskii umiraet v Nitstse 191
In Nice the tsar's son is dying
287. 12-oe aprelya 1865 191
April 12th. 1865
288. Kak verno zdravyi smysl naroda 192
How truly has the common sense of folk
289. Pevuchest' est' v morskikh volnakh 192
The sea is harmony