"Alexander Pushkin in english translation" - читать интересную книгу автора

Her mellow wit will not abide
To energize our conversations
And with her soul, she won't subside
The sufferer's lamentations.
I hurry, still distraught in thought,
Concealing all of my dejection,
To catch her every cheerful word
And to delight in her perfection.
I watch her move, with admiration,
Perceive each sound from her soul
From every moment's separation
My tender heart becomes appalled.
Oh blazing Muse of pure satire!
Come forth on my inviting call!
I do not need the blatant lyre,
Give me the scourge of Juvenal!
And neither lifeless imitators
Nor hungry, gluttonous translators,
Nor rhymesters who don't relate,
With epigrams shall I abate!
Peace to the poets, poor creators,
Peace to the journal's adulators,
Peace to the fools who have been tamed!
But rascals, you I'll put to shame,-
Come forth you villains, don't resist!
And everyone I'll punished then
But if by chance one I shall miss,
Please do remind me, gentlemen!
How many faces - shameless-pale,
How many forehands - dull and stale,
From me are ready to acquire
The timeless imprint of my lyre!
Verses, composed during a night of insomnia...
I can't sleep, the light is out;
Chasing senseless dreams in gloom.
Clocks at once, inside my room,
Somewhere next to me, resound.
Parcae's soft and mild chatter,
Sleeping twilight's noisy flutter,
Life's commotion - so insane..
Why am I to feel this pain?
What's your meaning, boring mumble?
Disapproving, do you grumble
Of the day I spent in vain?
What has made you so compelling?
Are you calling or foretelling?
I just want to understand,
Thus I'm seeking your intent...
Winter morning