"Alexander Pushkin in english translation" - читать интересную книгу автора

To wash and clean your steely hoofs!
Have you forgotten all in spite?
My daring steed, this is your course
Now gallop, fly... The tired horse
Under the corpse would slowly ride.
My friend, forgotten are the fleeting era's prints
Forgotten is my youth's uprising flow
Don't question me on what I'm lacking since,
On what I felt in the times of joy and woe,
On what I loved, on how I was forlorn
I've yet to taste true joy, - that is inborn;
But you are innocent! conceived for only bliss
Believe in it and seize each moment's portion
Your soul was made for friendship and devotion,
A passionate and loving kiss.
Your soul is pure and unexposed to sadness
Your conscience is as bright as any day
Why then perceive the lunacy and madness
Of the uninteresting hearsay?
It will replace your peace with aggravation
You'll tremble with your heart and cry in bed
Your soul will lose its trust in agitation
And you, perhaps... my love may grow to dread
Who knows? perhaps forever... No, my dear
I fear to cast the only joy away
Don't ask for dangerous confessions here
Today I love, I'm happy for today.
I've lived to see desire vanish,
With hope I've slowly grown to part,
And I am left with only anguish,
The fruit of emptiness at heart.
Under the storms of merciless fate
My thriving garland withered lies-
In sadness, lonesome, I await:
How far away is my demise?
Thus, conquered by a tardy frost,
Through gale's whistling and shimmer,
Late, on a naked limb exposed
A lonesome leaf is left to quiver...
Alas! How come she's glimmering
With temporary, charming vibe?
It's evident that she is withering
While youth is blossoming with life...
Soon she will fade! Life of delight
Not very long she has to treasure;
And not for long will she provide
Her happy family with pleasure.