"Илья Франк. Английский язык с Дж.Р.Р.Толкиеном: Хоббит" - читать интересную книгу автораdo know your name (Ё п в®з® § о ў иҐ Ё¬п), Mr. Bilbo Baggins (¬ЁбвҐа
ЃЁ«мЎ® ЃнЈЈЁб). And you do know my name (Ё ўл в®з® § ҐвҐ ¬®Ґ Ё¬п), though you don't remember that I belong to it (е®вп ўл Ё Ґ Ї®¬ЁвҐ, зв® ®® ЇаЁ ¤«Ґ¦Ёв ¬Ґ: "п ЇаЁ ¤«Ґ¦г Ґ¬г"). I am Gandalf (п - ѓн¤ «мд), and Gandalf means me ( ѓн¤ «мд нв® Ё Ґбвм п: "нв® Ё § зЁв п")! To think (Ї®¤г¬ вм в®«мЄ®) that I should have lived (зв® п ¤®¦Ёўг) to be good-morninged by Belladonna Took's son (¤® в®Ј®, зв®Ўл ¬Ґ "¤®Ўа®гва®ўбвў®ў «"= Ј®ў®аЁ« а §лҐ « ¤л "„®Ўа®Ґ гва®" бл ЃҐ«« ¤®л ’гЄ), as if I was selling buttons at the door (Є Є Ўг¤в® п вгв в®аЈго ЇгЈ®ўЁж ¬Ё г ў®а®в)!" conversation [?k?nv??se?? (?) n] though [???] button [?b?tn] "Good morning!" he said at last. "We don't want any adventures here, thank you! You might try over The Hill or across The Water. " By this he meant that the conversation was at an end. "What a lot of things you do use Good morning for!" said Gandalf. "Now you mean that you want to get rid of me, and that it won't be good till I move off. " "Not at all, not at all, my dear sir! Let me see, I don't think I know your name?" "Yes, yes, my dear sir - and I do know your name, Mr. Bilbo Baggins. And you do know my name, though you don't remember that I belong to it. I am Gandalf, and Gandalf means me! To think that I should have lived to be good - morninged by Belladonna Took's son, as if I was selling buttons at "Gandalf, Gandalf! Good gracious me (Ѓ®¦Ґ Їа ўл©; gracious - ¬Ё«®бвЁўл©)! Not the wandering wizard (Ґ в®в «Ё б ¬л© бва бвўгойЁ© ў®«иҐЎЁЄ) that gave Old Took a pair of magic diamond studs (Є®в®ал© Ї®¤ аЁ« ‘в ஬㠒гЄг Ї аг ў®«иҐЎле ЎаЁ««Ё в®ўле § Ї®®Є) that fastened themselves (Є®в®алҐ б ¬Ё § б⥣Ёў «Ёбм; to fasten - бўп§лў вм, бЄаҐЇ«пвм) and never came undone till ordered (Ё ЁЄ®Ј¤ Ґ а бб⥣Ёў «Ёбм, Ї®Є Ё¬ Ґ ЇаЁЄ ¦Ґим)? Not the fellow (Ґ в®в «Ё б ¬л© зҐ«®ўҐЄ) who used to tell such wonderful tales at parties (Є®в®ал©, Ўлў «®, а ббЄ §лў « в ЄЁҐ г¤ЁўЁвҐ«млҐ Ёбв®аЁЁ ў Ј®бвпе; party - ®вап¤, Є®¬Ї Ёп; ўҐзҐаЁЄ ), about dragons and goblins and giants (® ¤а Є® е, Ё Ј®Ў«Ё е, Ё ўҐ«ЁЄ е) and the rescue of princesses (Ё ® ᯠᥨЁ ЇаЁжҐбб) and the unexpected luck of widows' sons (Ё ® Ґ®¦Ё¤ ®© г¤ зҐ ў¤®ўмЁе бл®ў)? Not the man that used to make (Ґ в®в «Ё б ¬л© зҐ«®ўҐЄ, Є®в®ал©, Ўлў «®, гбва Ёў «) such particularly excellent fireworks (в ЄЁҐ ®б®ЎҐ® ўҐ«ЁЄ®«ҐЇлҐ 䥩ҐаўҐаЄЁ)! I remember those (п Ёе Ї®¬о)! Old Took used to have them on Midsummer's Eve (‘в ал© ’гЄ, Ўлў «®, гбва Ёў « Ёе ў Є г /¤п/ ‹ҐвҐЈ® б®«жҐбв®пЁп: "бҐаҐ¤Ёл «Ґв "). Splendid (Ў«ҐбвпйҐ)! They used to go up (®Ё, Ўлў «®, Ї®¤Ё¬ «Ёбм /в Є ўлб®Є®/) like great lilies (Є Є ®Ја®¬лҐ «Ё«ЁЁ) and snapdragons (Ё «мўЁл© §Ґў) and laburnums (Ё а ЄЁвЁЄ-§®«®в®© ¤®¦¤м) of fire (Ё§ ®Јп) and hang in the twilight all evening (Ё ўЁбҐ«Ё ў бг¬ҐаЄ е ўҐбм ўҐзҐа)!" gracious [??re???s] wizard [?w?z?d] diamond [?da??m?nd] laburnum [l??b?: n?m] |