"Джон Донн. Литания " - читать интересную книгу автораЋЎЁвҐ«м ¤Ґў, Є Є ᥣ, ЎҐ« ; €Јг¬Ґмп Ёе, б«®ў® Ѓ®¦мп Њ вм, ‚ҐаҐв § Ґ¬лҐ ⥫ ‘Ёе ¤Ґў ⥡Ґ ҐўЁл¬Ё ®Їпвм, •®вм ®в ’ҐЎп, Є Є ўбпЄ Ё§ б, Љ Є жҐаЄ®ўм ¤ «ҐЄЁ, —в®Ў Ё§ з «мл© бўҐв ў б Ґ гЈ б, €§ўҐаЈгўиЁ Ё§ б, Ё§Ўлў ЈаҐеЁ, ЃҐ§ЈаҐи®бвм иг ¤Ґўбвў®¬ ४Ё. XIII. The Doctors Thy sacred academe above Of Doctors, whose pains have unclasped, and taught Both books of life to us (for love To know thy Scriptures tells us, we are wrought In thy other book) pray for us there That what they have misdone Or mis-said, we to that may not adhere; Their zeal may be our sin. Lord let us run Mean ways, and call them stars, but not the sun. ‘®¬ Ў®Ј®б«®ў®ў ў ҐЎҐб е - €е ¤®«Ј бЁ¬ вм ЇҐз вЁ Ё гзЁвм ЋЎҐЁ¬ ЉЁЈ ¬ (ЁЎ® ў § Є ‹оЎўЁ Є ЏЁб Ёо бЇ®¤®ЎЁ¬бп ¬л ¦Ёвм € ў ЉЁЈҐ †Ё§Ё). Џ®¬®«Ёбм, —в®Ў ў бў®©б⢥ле г¬г ЋЎ¬®«ўЄ е Ґ Є®бҐ« и ¬лб«м, ѓаҐи Ёе ࢥ쥬. Џа®ўҐ¤Ё бЄў®§м вм¬г ‘⥧Ґ© Ёе §ўҐ§¤, ® Є б®«жг ’ў®Ґ¬г. XIV And whilst this universal choir, That Church in triumph, this in warfare here, Warmed with one all-partaking fire Of love, that none be lost, which cost thee dear, Prays ceaselessly, and thou hearken too, (Since to be gracious Our task is treble, to pray, bear, and do) Hear this prayer Lord: Ћ Lord deliver us From trusting in those prayers, though poured out th |