"Джон Донн. Литания " - читать интересную книгу автора …¤Ёбвў® Ё§ ’ў®Ёе ‡ ўҐв®ў ¤ўге -
‘ЁЁ ЇҐўжл, § ў ’ў®© ѓ« Ј®«, ђҐЄ«Ё ўҐ«Ґмо ў « ¤, Њ®«пбп ЄгЇ®, зв®Ўл Ґ ЇаҐиҐ« —Ґавл п, зв®Ў ®вўҐаЈ Ё§«ЁиҐбвў п¤, ‚§лбЄгп в ©, зв® §ўгЄЁ «Ёим в пв. IX. The Apostles And thy illustrious zodiac Of twelve apostles, which engirt this all, (From whom whosoever do not take Their light, to dark deep pits, throw down, and fall,) As through their prayers, thou' hast let me know That their books are divine; May they pray still, and be heard, that I go The old broad way in applying; Ћ decline Me, when my comment would make thy word mine. IX. ЂЇ®бв®«л ’ў®© ¤®бв®б« ўл© §®¤Ё Є ЂЇ®бв®«®ў - Ё¬ ЇаҐЇ®пб ¬Ёа - ‘ҐЎп б ЇаЁўҐа¦Ґж ¬Ё ЄгЇ® ў Ј«гЎм ¬®ЈЁ«) - ‚ ¬®«Ёвў е Ёе ¤ « § вм ¬Ґ Ѓ®Ј, —в® ваг¤ Ёе Ў®Ј®¤ ; Џгбвм ¬®«пвбп Ё ўЇаҐ¤м, зв®Ў § мп «ҐЈ ЏаҐ¤ Ё¬Ё ¤аҐўЁ© Їгвм; а §ўҐ© ®Ў¬ , Љ®Ј¤ ѓ« Ј®« ’ў®© ¬®Ё¬ б«®ў®¬ ®Ўгп. X. The Martyrs And since thou so desirously Didst long to die, that long before thou couldst, And long since thou no more couldst die, Thou in thy scattered mystic body wouldst In Abel die, and ever since In thine, let their blood come To beg for us, a discreet patience Of death, or of worse life: for oh, to some Not to be martyrs, is a martyrdom. X. Њг票ЄЁ € а § в Є бва бв® Ўл«® ў ў б |