"Джон Донн. Литания " - читать интересную книгу автора

‡ з ў а §«Ёз­л© §« Є,
ЌҐ ўҐ¤ Ґв, Є Є Ўа Є ᢥаиЁ«бп ᥩ -
’ Є ¤ © Ё ¬­Ґ Ўлвм Їа ўл¬ ў Ёе ®з е,
•®вп - б«ҐЇ®¬г - ¬­Ґ ­Ґ§аЁ¬ Ёе §а Є.

VII. The Patriarchs

And let thy patriarchs' desire
(Those great grandfathers of thy Church, which saw
More in the cloud than we in fire,
Whom Nature cleared more, than us grace and law,
And now in heaven still pray, that we
May use our new helps right,)
Be satisfied, and fructify in me;
Let not my mind be blinder by more light
Nor faith by reason added, lose her sight.

VII. Џ ваЁ аеЁ

Џгбвм Ї ваЁ ае®ў бва бвм ў® ¬­Ґ
(‘Ёе жҐаЄўЁ Їа ®вж®ў - ’л Ё¬ бЁпвм
Њ®Ј ў ®Ў« ЄҐ ᢥ⫥©, 祬 ­ ¬ ў ®Ј­Ґ,
‚ Є®¬ ¤ ¦Ґ Ї«®вм - § Є®­ Ё Ў« Ј®¤ вм,
—в® ¬®«пв, Їгбвм ­  б« ўг ў ­ б
ЏаЁЎг¤Ґв ­®ўле бЁ«) -
ЏаҐЎг¤м Ёе бва бвм ў® ¬­Ґ, Ї«®¤®вў®апбм,
—в®Ў ­®ўл© ᢥ⠬­Ґ г¬ ­Ґ ®б«ҐЇЁ«
€ §­ ­мҐ¬ ­®ўл¬ ўҐаг ­Ґ § в¬Ё«.

VIII. The Prophets

Thy eagle-sighted prophets too,
Which were thy Church's organs, and did sound
That harmony, which made of two
One law, and did unite, but not confound;
Those heavenly poets which did see
Thy will, and it express
In rhythmic feet, in common pray for me,
That I by them excuse not my excess
In seeking secrets, or poeticness.


‚бпЄ ’ў®© Їа®а®Є ®а«Ё­®®Є -
Ћ­, Є Є ®аЈ ­, 祩 ў бў®¤ е еа ¬  §ўгЄ
‘в®«м Ј а¬®­ЁзҐ­, зв® Ё§ў«ҐЄ