"Эмили Дикинсон. Избранные переводы (пер.Б.Львов)" - читать интересную книгу автора

How they will tell the Story-
When Winter shake the Door -
Till the Children urge - But the Forty -
Did they - come back no more?

Then a softness - suffuses the Story -
And a silence - the Teller's eye -
And the Children - no further question -
And only the Sea - reply -

x x x

I asked no other thing -
No other - was denied -
I offered Being - for it -
The Mighty Merchant sneered -

Brazil? He twirled a Button -
Without a glance my way -
" But - Madam - is there nothing else -
That We can show - Today? "

x x x

I dwell in Possibility -
A fairer House than Prose -
More numerous of Windows -
Superior - for Doors -

Of Chambers as the Cedars -
Impregnable of Eye -
And for an Everlasting Roof
The Gambrels of the Sky -

Of Visitors - the fairest -
For Occupation - This -
The spreading wide my narrow Hands
To gather Paradise -

x x x

Each Life Converges to some Centre -
Expressed - or still -
Exists in every Human Nature
A Goal -