"Эмили Дикинсон. Избранные переводы (пер.Б.Львов)" - читать интересную книгу автора

And "t was like Midnight, some -

When everything that ticked-has stopped-
And Space stares all around -
Or Grisly frosts- first Autumn morns,
Repeal the Beating Ground -

But most, like Chaos -- Stopless - cool -
Without a Chance, or Spar -
Or even a Report of Land
To justify - Despair.

x x x

I Took my Power in my Hand-
And went against the World -
'T was not so much as David -- had-
But I was twice as bold -

I aimed my Pebble - but Myself
Was all the one that fell-
Was it Goliaf - was too large-
Or was myself - too small?

x x x

I fear a Man of frugal Speech-
I fear a Silent Man-
Haranguer - I can overtake -
Or Babbler - entertain-

But He who weigheth - While the Rest-
Expend their furthest pound-
Of this Man - I am wary-
I fear that He is Grand.

x x x

Glee - the great storm is over -
Four - have recovered the Land -
Forty - gone down together -
Into the boiling Sand -

Ring - for the Scant Salvation -
Toll - for the bonnie Souls -
Neighbor - and friend - and Bridegroom,
Spinning upon the Shoals -