"Simon R. Green - Hawk and Fisher 3 - The God Killer" - читать интересную книгу автора (Green Simon R)

Street, Belinda and I, when we heard something. Footsteps, like someone running
away. Then Belinda saw spots of blood on the ground, leading into the next street.
She didn't want to get involved, but I thought we should at least take a look, in
case someone was injured and needed help. We walked a little way down the
street… and that's when we saw the body."

"Did you see anyone else in Silver Street?" said Fisher.

"No. There was no one else there. Belinda screamed, but no one came to help. A
few people looked out their windows at us, but they didn't want to get involved.
Finally the Guard Constables heard her, and came to see what was happening."

Fisher nodded understandingly. "What time was this?"

"About three o'clock. I heard the tower bell sound the hour not long before. The
Constables took over once they saw the body. We've been waiting here ever since.
Can we go now, please? We're very late. Our parents will be worried."

"In a while," said Hawk. "The forensic sorcerer will want to see you, when he
finally gets here, but after that you're free to go. You'll have to make a statement
for the Coroner's Court, but you can do that any time. And in future, stay out of
the Northside. This isn't a safe place to be walking about, especially early in the

"Don't worry," said Fairfax earnestly, "I never want to see this place again for the
rest of my life. We wouldn't have come this way anyway if Luther hadn't dared us
to walk past the Bode house."

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Hawk's ears pricked up. The Bode house. The name rang a faint but very definite
bell. "What's so special about the Bode house?"

Fairfax shrugged. "It's supposed to be haunted. People have seen things, heard
things. We thought it would be a lark." His mouth twisted sourly. "We thought it
would be fun…"

Hawk talked reassuringly with him for a while, and then he and Fisher left the
house and walked back down Silver Street. The cold morning air seemed even
harsher after the comfortable warmth of the kitchen.

"Bode house…" Hawk frowned thoughtfully. "I know that name from

"You should do," said Fisher. "It's been mentioned in our briefings for the past
three nights. There are some indications the place may be haunted. Neighbors
have complained of strange lights and sounds, and no one's seen the occupant for