"Simon R. Green - Hawk and Fisher 3 - The God Killer" - читать интересную книгу автора (Green Simon R) They're in the house opposite with my partner, having a cup of tea. It's good for
shock, tea." "They see anything, apart from the body?" "Apparently not. Captain." "We'd better have a word with them, anyway. See if you can move that crowd along. The forensic sorcerer should be here soon, and he hates working in front of an audience." The Constable nodded, and Hawk and Fisher headed for the house he'd indicated, stepping around the bloodstains where they could. "You know," said Fisher quietly, "it's times like this I seriously think about getting out of this job. You think you've seen every nasty sight and spectacle the Northside can throw at you, and then something like this happens. How can one human being do that to another?" Hawk felt like shrugging, but didn't. It had been a serious question. "Drugs. Passion. Possession. Maybe just plain crazy. There are all sorts in the Northside, on their way up or on their way down. If a man's got any darkness in his soul, the Northside will bring it out. Don't take it so personally, Isobel. We've seen worse. Just concentrate on finding the clues that will help us nail the bastard." left, too shocked and disorientated even to think about making a fuss about leaving. They were clearly merchant-class by their dress, lower-middle by the look of them, and looked distinctly out of place in the dim smoky kitchen, being fussed over by a motherly washerwoman. Another Guard Constable was sitting comfortably by the fire, keeping an eye on them. He wore a ten-year star, but looked like he'd spent most of those years indoors. He nodded pleasantly to Hawk and Fisher, but made no move to get up. The merchant boy looked to be in his late teens, the girl a year or two younger. Hawk drew up a chair opposite them, and concentrated his questions on the boy. The girl was half asleep in her chair, worn out by shock and emotional exhaustion. file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/Sim...d%20Fisher%2003%20-%20The%20God%20Killer.html (7 of 175) [10/16/2004 3:26:01 PM] file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/Simon%20R.Green%20-%20Hawk%20and%20Fisher%2003%20-%20The%20God%20Killer.html "I'm Captain Hawk, of the city Guard. This is my partner, Captain Fisher. What's your name, lad?" "Fairfax, sir. Calvin Fairfax." "All right, Calvin, tell us about finding the body." Fairfax swallowed once, and nodded stiffly. "We were walking down Wool |