"Simon R. Green - Hawk and Fisher 3 - The God Killer" - читать интересную книгу автора (Green Simon R)

days. Since Bode is an alchemist and a sorcerer, no one's taking it too seriously
yet, but there's no doubt it's got the neighbors rattled."

"Beats me how you can take in all that stuff," said Hawk. "It's all I can do to keep
my eyes open at the beginning of the shift. I don't really wake up till I've been on
the streets an hour."

"Don't think I haven't noticed," said Fisher.

"Where is this Bode house?"

"Just down the street and round the corner."

Hawk stopped and looked at her. "Coincidence?"

"Could be."

"I don't believe in coincidence. I think we'd better take a look, just to be sure."

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"Might be a good idea to have a word with Constable Roberts first," said Fisher.
"This is his particular territory; he might know something useful."

Hawk looked at her approvingly. "You're on the ball today, lass."

Fisher grinned. "One of us has to be."

As it turned out, Constable Roberts wasn't much help.

"Can't tell you anything definite about the house, Captains. I've heard a few
things, but there are always rumors with a sorcerer's house. Bode's a quiet enough
fellow; lives alone and keeps himself to himself. No one's seen him for a while,
but that's not unusual. He often goes off on journeys. Since no one's been actually
hurt or threatened, I've just let the place be. Bode wouldn't thank me for sticking
my nose into his business, and I'm not getting a sorcerer mad at me for no good

Hawk's mouth tightened, and for a moment he almost said something, but in the
end he let it go. Looking out for Number One was standard practice in Haven,
even amongst the Guard. Especially amongst the Guard. "Fair enough, Constable.
I think we'll take a look anyway. You stay here until the forensic sorcerer arrives.
And keep your eyes open. The killer could still be around here somewhere."

He got exact directions from Roberts, and then he and Fisher pushed their way
through the thinning crowd and set off down the street. It wasn't far. The
sorcerer's house was set on the end of a row of fairly well-preserved tenements.