"Simon R. Green - Hawk and Fisher 3 - The God Killer" - читать интересную книгу автора (Green Simon R)

"Wait a minute," said Fisher. "I thought you needed the head for that, so you
could see the killer's face in the victim's eyes?"

Jaeger smiled condescendingly. "Medical sorcery has progressed far beyond those

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old superstitions, Captain Fisher." He knelt down beside the body again,
grimacing as the bloody slush stained his clothes, and bent over the torso. The
fingers of his left hand moved slowly in a complex pattern, and he muttered
something short and guttural under his breath. Blood gushed suddenly from the
neck of the torso, spilling out in a steady stream to form a wide pool. Jaeger
gestured abruptly, and the blood stopped flowing. Ripples spread slowly across
the pool, as though disturbed by something under the surface. Hawk and Fisher
watched, fascinated, as a face slowly formed in the blood. The features were
harsh, brooding, and quite distinct. Hawk and Fisher bent forward and studied the
face thoroughly, committing it to memory. The image suddenly disappeared, and
the blood was only blood again. Hawk and Fisher straightened up, and Jaeger got
to his feet again. Hawk nodded appreciatively to him.

"Anything else you can do for us?"

"Not really. From the pattern of the bloodstains, I don't think the victim had time
to struggle much. Which suggests that most if not all the mutilations took place
after death."

"Cause of death?" said Fisher.

Jaeger shrugged. "Take your pick. Any one of those injuries would have been
enough to kill him."

Hawk gestured for the Guard Constable to come over and join them. He was a
dark, heavy-set man in his mid-forties, with a twenty-year star on his uniform. He
had the calm, resigned look of the seasoned Guard who'd seen it all before and
hadn't been impressed then, either. He glanced briefly at the body as he came to
stand beside it, but nothing snowed in his face.

"Constable Roberts at your service. Captain Hawk, Captain Fisher."

"Who found the body?" said Hawk.

"Couple of kids coming back from a party. Merchant families. Took a shortcut
through the Northside on a dare, and found a bit more than they bargained for.

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