"Simon R. Green - Hawk and Fisher 3 - The God Killer" - читать интересную книгу автора (Green Simon R)

affably to Hawk and Fisher. The Doctor was squatting in the bloodstained snow
beside the body, but rose to his feet to nod briefly to the two Captains. He was a
short, delicate man with pale face and eyes and large, clever hands. His official
cloak was too large for him and looked like a hand-me-down, but he had the
standard look of calm assurance that all doctors seem to be issued along with their

"I'm glad you're here, Captain Hawk, Captain Fisher. I'm Dr. Jaeger. I haven't had
much time with the body yet, but I can tell you this much: The killer didn't use a
weapon. He did all this with his bare hands."

Hawk looked at the body, and had to fight to keep his face impassive. The arms
had been torn out of their sockets. The torso had been ripped open from throat to
groin and the internal organs pulled out and strewn across the bloody snow. The
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legs had been broken repeatedly. Jagged splinters of bone pierced the tattered
skin. There was no sign of the head.

"Hell's teeth." Hawk tried to imagine how much sheer strength was needed to
destroy a body so completely, and a disturbing thought came to him. "Doctor, is
there any chance this could have been a nonhuman assailant? Werewolf, vampire,

Jaeger shook his head firmly. "There's no evidence of blood drainage; you can see
for yourself how much there is around the body. There's no tooth or claw marks to
indicate a shapeshifter. And apart from the missing head, everything's here
somewhere. No evidence of feasting. No, Captain, the odds are this is your
standard homicidal maniac, with a very nasty disposition."

"Great," said Fisher. "Just great. How long before the forensic sorcerer gets here?"

Jaeger shrugged. "Your guess is as good as mine. He's been contacted, but you
know how he hates to be dragged from his nice warm bed at this hour of the

"All right," said Hawk. "We can't wait; the trail will get cold. We'd better use your
magic to get things started. Doctor. How much can you do?"

"Not a lot," Jaeger admitted. "When he finally gets here, the forensic sorcerer
might be able to recreate the entire killing and show us exactly what happened.
The best I can give you is a glimpse of the killer's face."

"That's more than we've got from the last three killings," said Hawk.

"We were lucky with this one," said Jaeger. "Death couldn't have taken place
more than half an hour ago. The chances of scrying the face are very good."