"Raymond E. Feist - Kingdom of the Isles 2 - The King's Buccaneer" - читать интересную книгу автора (Feist Raymond E)

"Now you'll see some things," said Nakor. Ghuda said, "Look, a castle."

Upon a promontory, the outlines of a castle could be seen as they drew closer.
As they neared, they began to discern details. It was built of black stones,
and set upon a rocky finger of land that was separated from the rest of the
island by a narrow fissure through which the surf pounded. Across the gap a
drawbridge extended, but even with it down, there was little about the place
that looked hospitable. A single window, high up in a tower, flashed an
ominous blue light.

The ship swung to the south of the rocks that lined the cliff base below the
castle, and soon they approached a small inlet. The boys, Ghuda, and Nakor
heard Amos call out, "Reef all sails! Drop anchor."

Within minutes the ship had stopped, and Amos came forward. "Well, who's going
ashore besides these two?" he asked, indicating Nakor and Ghuda.

Nicholas said, 'I'm not sure what you're asking, Amos— er, Captain."

Amos seemed to squint with one eye at the boy as he said, "Well, then it seems
your father was even less forthcoming with you than with me. All he said was I
was to heave to at Sor-



cerer's Isle for a bit, so you could visit your cousin Pug. I thought you'd
know all about this."

Nicholas shrugged. "I've not seen him since I was very young; I hardly know
the man."

Nakor said, "You come." He pointed at Harry. "You too." To Amos he said, "You
I don't know about. I think you come also, but I'm not sure. Ghuda comes with

Amos stroked his beard. "Arutha said to do as you asked, Nakor, so I'll tag

"Good," said the little man with a grin. "Let's go. Pug is waiting."

Harry said, "He knows we're here?"

Ghuda shook his head. "No, he's fast asleep and hasn't noticed this great ship
approaching for the last half day."

Harry had the decency to blush as Nicholas laughed. Amos turned to his crew,
many of whom hung in the rigging, watching the flashing lights of the distant
castle, and shouted, "Lower a boat!"