"Raymond E. Feist - Kingdom of the Isles 2 - The King's Buccaneer" - читать интересную книгу автора (Feist Raymond E)

Nicholas involuntarily gripped the rail, for the ship seemed to leap forward
as the wind filled the sails. In the brisk morning breeze the ship sped
through the water. The sun began to burn through the early morning haze and
the sky turned a vivid blue. Above, sea gulls flew after the ship, waiting for
the day's garbage to be tossed over the side.

Nicholas pointed down at the bow wake, and Harry looked over to see dolphins
racing the ship. Both boys laughed at the sight.

Amos watched the landmarks of the harbor fall away behind, then he consulted
the position of the sun above the harbor. Turning to the first mate, he said,
"Due west, Mr. Rhodes. We make for Sorcerer's Isle."

FOR six DAYS they tacked against the prevailing westerly winds, until the
lookout called, "Land ho!"

"Where away?" shouted Amos.

"Two points off the starboard bow, Captain! An island!"

Amos nodded. "Look for the headlands, Mr. Rhodes. There's a cove to the
southwest that we can lie in. Pass word that we'U only be laying over for a
day or so. No one is to leave the ship without permission."

Rhodes, a laconic man, said, "No one's going to wish to set foot on Sorcerer's
Isle without a direct order, Captain."

Amos nodded. He knew who lived there now, but old su-

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perstitions died hard. For years the abode of Macros the Black, the island was
reputed to be the home of demons and other dark spirits. Pug, a magician
related to Arutha by adoption whom Amos had met on a number of occasions, had
come to live on this island almost nine years before, and for his own reasons
made few welcome there. Without thought, Amos said, "Pass the word to be

Looking around, Amos realized that there was no need. Every man on the ship
had his eyes fixed upon the spot of land that was growing larger with every
passing minute. Amos felt a little stirring of anticipation, for while he knew
Pug had requested no visitors, he doubted he would attack a ship flying die
Krondotian royal ensign.

Nakor and Ghuda had come up on deck, and the little man rushed to the bow,
where Nicholas and Harry were already stationed. Nicholas grinned at the
strange little man. He had taken a liking to Nakor, who had proved an
entertaining companion on an otherwise dull voyage.