"Raymond E. Feist - Kingdom of the Isles 2 - The King's Buccaneer" - читать интересную книгу автора (Feist Raymond E)

THE BOAT GROUND into the sand and two sailors jumped out and pulled it ashore.
Nicholas and Harry climbed out and waded through the ankle-deep water as
Nakor, Ghuda, and Amos followed.

Nakor immediately headed for a path that led up to a ridge overlooking the
cove. Amos called, "Where are you going?"
Nakor kept walking as he turned and said, "That way," pointing up to the top
of the path.

Ghuda looked at the others, shrugged, and began to follow. The boys hesitated
an instant, then also started walking up the path.

Amos shook his head and turned to the sailors. "Return to the ship. Tell Mr.
Rhodes to keep a sharp eye out; we'll signal from here when we want the boat
to pick us up."

The two sailors saluted and pushed the boat back, while the two who were still
sitting in it unshipped a pair of oars and started pulling against the
breakers. The two at the bow leaped into the boat and soon there were four
sailors pulling hard to get back to the relative safety of their ship.

Amos trudged after the other four to find them waiting at the top of the path.
Another path diverted from the one that led to the castle, and Nakor started
walking down that one.


Raymond E. Feist

Amos said, "The castle's over that way, Keshian." "Isalani," answered Nakor.
"Keshians are tall, dark people who run around without most of their clothing.
And Pug is

this way."

Ghuda said, "Best not to argue with him, Admiral," as he followed. The others
fell into step and followed Nakor down into a smal! de61e, then upward to
another ridge. From the top of the second ridge they could see down into a
small vale. It was overgrown with brush and thick with ancient trees. The path
seemed to vanish at the edge of the woods at the base of the hill.

Ghuda said, "Where are you taking us?"

Nakor almost skipped as he walked, tapping his walking stick on the path.
"This way. It's not far."

The boys hurried along, almost running, and soon were beside the Isalani.
"Nakor," said Nicholas, "how do you know Pug is here?"