"Raymond E. Feist - Kingdom of the Isles 2 - The King's Buccaneer" - читать интересную книгу автора (Feist Raymond E)

her eyes, yet she held back her tears. Nicholas was her baby, but she had seen
three other children leave home before, and that kept her in balance. Still,
she kept a tight hold on her husband's arm. Something in his manner made her

Nicholas and Harry stood near the bow, waving to those upon the docks. Amos
stood behind them, his eyes fixed upon his beloved Alicia. Nicholas looked
from his grandmother to Amos and said, "Well, should I begin to call you

Amos gave Nicholas a baleful look. "You do and you'll swim to Crydee. And when
we clear the harbor, you'll call me 'Captain.' As I told your father over
twenty years ago, Prince or not, upon a ship none is master save the captain.
Here I'm high priest and king, and don't you forget it."

Nicholas grinned at Harry, not quite ready to believe that Amos could turn
into some sort of raging tyrant once they were at sea.

The harbor crew continued to tow the large ship clear of the royal quay, then
cast off. Amos shot a glance at the harbor pilot and shouted, "Take the wheel,
master pilot!" To the crew he shouted, "Set all topsails! Make ready mainsails
and topgallants!"

When the first three sails were deployed, the ship seemed to come to life.
Nicholas and Harry felt the movement beneath their feet. The ship heeled
slighdy to the right as the pilot brought it about. Amos left the boys to
their own devices and made his way to the stern.

Slowly the ship moved through the fwfeor, majestically



passing dozens of lesser craft. Nicholas watched every detail as the crew
sprang to answer the pilot's commands. Two smaller coastal cutters were
entering the harbor mouth as they approached. Seeing the ensign of the royal
house of Krondor atop the mainmast, they dipped their own Kingdom flag in
salute. Nicholas waved to them.

Harry said, "Not very dignified, Your Highness."

Nicholas threw an elbow into Harry's ribs, laughing. "Who cares?"

The ship turned into the wind near the harbor mouth, bringing it to a virtual
halt. A small rowboat came alongside and the pilot and his assistant hurried
down into it, turning command of the ship over to Amos.

Once the pilot's boat was clear, Amos turned to his first mate, a man named
Rhodes, and shouted, "Trim topsails. Set mainsails and topgallants!"