"Brust,.Steven.-.To.Reign.In.Hell" - читать интересную книгу автора (Brust Steven)wanted her to move into the Hold with me. She wasn't sure, and I
tried to push her, without thinking, and—" He punctuated the sentence with a shrug. Yaweh studied him somberly for a moment, then sighed. "I wish there was something I could do for you." The Regent shook his head. "It doesn't matter. I'll get over it. Maybe it'll teach me something. But enough. What do you want me to do?" Yaweh cleared his throat. "In order to accomplish this, we need the cooperation of every angel in Heaven. But when I mentioned the plan to one of the angels who dwells here, he had a strange reaction. Rather than being excited by the idea, he was frightened by it." The Regent's eyes widened. "Why?" "There will be some danger associated with it. I don't know how much yet, but certainly some. He understood that, and was more frightened by the plan than happy with the idea of the safety that would follow." He shrugged. "It's natural, now that I think of it. Most angels remember little or nothing of their first Wave—the one that created them. Our hatred of the flux comes later." "I don't believe that any angel could fail to see what we gain with this, Yaweh. We may have to explain it to them, but certainly not more than that." Yaweh sighed. "I hope you're right." "I am," said the other. "It may take a little time, that's all." "I hope you're right," he repeated. "In any case, Lucifer will be coming this evening, and we'll go over the general plans then, and discuss things in more detail. There is an archangel named Uriel who can help you—" "Help me what, Yaweh? You still haven't told me." "Let me save it for tonight." The Regent looked at him closely. "Whatever it is, you don't like it, do you?" Yaweh shook his head. The Regent changed the subject. "I'll want to go back to the Hold soon. It's quite a walk." "All right. But can you wait until tomorrow? It's been a long time since you've slept under my roof. We'll be having some pin- dancing. I would be pleased," he added. |