"Brust,.Steven.-.To.Reign.In.Hell" - читать интересную книгу автора (Brust Steven)

again, for that was the way of the universe. When that happened,
he would again feel the sorrow of losing his brothers, perhaps one
of those who had been with him from the beginning. He would
know the joy of seeing new ones created from illiaster, and the
pleasure of watching them become aware of themselves and the
others around them, but nothing could heal the pain of loss.

Again, as he had so many times before, he wondered if there
couldn't be a way to end the conflict forever.

He sighed, and, with his four eyes, looked about the ways of
Heaven. He saw that it was good. But not quite good enough.
Second Prologue

"There's plenty of pain here—but It don't kill.

There's plenty of suffering here, but it don't last. You see,
happiness ain't a thing in itself—it's only a contrast with something
that ain't pleasant."

—Mark Twain, "Extract from Captain Stormfield's Visit to Heaven"

"There seems to be a lot of work left to do on it," said the Regent
of the South. "All you have is the barest outline."

"I know," said Yaweh, "but what do you think of it so far?"

The Regent licked his lips. "I... to be honest, I'm afraid of it—afraid
to hope for it. It seems like a dream. Of course, it's what we've
always wanted, but—I don't know, Yaweh. Can it be done?"

"I think so. The one who'd be best at it is working on the details; he
thinks so."

The Regent raised a brow over a bright green eye. "Lucifer?"

Yaweh smiled. "Who else? He and Lilith are—" He stopped, as a
look of pain crossed the Regent's face. "What is it, old friend?"

The other shook his head, then smiled, ruefully. "Lilith."

"I'm sorry I—"

"Don't, Yaweh. If everyone had to apologize for all the hearts
Lilith's broken, we could hardly speak to each other."

Yaweh studied him closely. "Does she know how much hurt she

"She didn't do any hurting. I did it to myself. It was stupid, really. I