"Brust,.Steven.-.To.Reign.In.Hell" - читать интересную книгу автора (Brust Steven)"All right, old friend," said the other. "I'll stay the night. Have you brandy?" Yaweh nodded. They both stood at once, as if a hidden message had come to them, and embraced. "I don't see you often enough," said Yaweh. "Heaven has grown too large," said Satan. One Descend, then! I could also say: Ascend! Twere all the same. Escape from the Created To shapeless forms in liberated spaces! Enjoy what long ere this was dissipated! —Goethe, Faust Primordial ooze. Flux. Chaos. Cacoastrum. The essential of the universe, in all its myriad forms and shapes. Essence. Any and all combinations of form and shape exist within this within chaos. How many times is order created? The question has no meaning. A tree falls in the forest, and the universe hears it. Order doesn't last; cacoastrum will out. The flux creates the essence of order, which is illiaster, which was the staff of life long before bread had the privilege. It can't last, however. Conscious? Sentient? Self-aware? Perhaps these things exist for a timeless instant, only to be lost again before they can begin to understand. They may have shape; they may have the seeds of thoughts —none of this matters. One of them may be a unicorn, another a greyish stone of unknown properties, still another a girl-child with big brown eyes who vanishes before she really appears. It doesn't matter. But let us give to one of these forms something new. Let us give it, for the sake of argument, an instinct to survive. Ah! Now the game is different, you see. So this form resists, and strives to hold itself together. And as it strives, cacoastrum and illiaster produce more illiaster, and consciousness produces more consciousness, and now there are two. |