"Anonymous - Alliterative Morte Arthure, The" - читать интересную книгу автора (Anonymous)1348: "Euere ware юes Bretouns braggers of olde!
1349: Loo, how he brawles hym for hys bryghte wedes, 1350: As he myghte bryttyn vs all with his brande ryche; 1351: 3itt he berkes myche boste, 3one boy юere he standes!" 1352: Than greuyde Sir Gawayne at his grett wordes, 1353: Graythes towarde юe gome with grucchande herte; 1354: With hys stelyn brande he strykes of hys heuede, 1355: And sterttes owtte to hys stede, and with his stale wendes. 1356: Thurghe юe wacches юey wente, thes wirchipfull knyghtez, 1357: And feyndez in theire farewaye wondyrlyche many; 1358: Ouer юe watyre юey wente by wyghtnesse of horses, 1359: And tuke wynde as юey walde by юe wodde hemmes. 1360: Thane folous frekly one fote frekkes ynewe, 1361: And of юe Romayns arrayed appon ryche stedes, 1362: Chasede thurghe a champayne oure cheualrous knyghtez, 1363: Till a cheefe forest, on scalke-whitte horses. 1364: Bot a freke all in fyne golde, and fretted in sable, 1365: Come forюermaste on a freson, in flawmande wedes; 1366: A faire floreschte spere in fewtyre he castes, 1367: And folowes faste on owre folke and freschelye ascryez. 1368: Thane Sir Gawayne the gude, appone a graye stede, 1369: He gryppes hym a grete spere and graythely hym hittez; --------------------------------------------------------- -78- 1370: Thurghe юe guttez into юe gorre he gyrdes hym ewyn, 1371: That the grounden stele glydez to his herte; 1372: The gome and юe grette horse at юe grounde lyggez, 1373: Full gryselyche gronande, for grefe of his woundez. 1374: Юane presez a preker in, full proudely arayede, 1375: That beres all of pourpour, palyde with syluer; 1376: Bryggly on a broune stede he profers full large, 1377: He was a paynyme of Perse юat юus hym persuede. 1378: Sir Boys, vnabaiste all, he buskes hym agaynes, 1379: With a bustous launce he berez hym thurghe, 1380: Юat юe breme and юe brade schelde appon юe bente lyggez; 1381: And he bryngez furthe the blade and bownez to his felowez. 1382: Thane Sir Feltemour of myghte, a man mekyll praysede, 1383: Was mouede on his manere and manacede full faste; 1384: He graythes to Sir Gawayne graythely to wyrche, 1385: For grefe of Sir Gayous, юat es on grounde leuede. 1386: Than Sir Gawayne was glade: agayne hym he rydez, 1387: Wyth Galuth his gude swerde graythely hym hyttez; 1388: The knyghte on юe coursere he cleuede in sondyre, 1389: Clenlyche fro юe croune his corse he dyuysyde, 1390: And юus he killez юe knyghte with his kydd wapen. 1391: Than a ryche man of Rome relyede to his byerns: 1392: "It sall repent vs full sore and we ryde forthire! 1393: 3one are bolde bosturs юat syche bale wyrkez; |