"Anonymous - Alliterative Morte Arthure, The" - читать интересную книгу автора (Anonymous)

1302: Sir Wawayne юe worthy vnwynly he spekes:
1303: The myghte and юe maiestee юat menskes vs all,
1304: That was merked and made thurghe юe myghte of Hym seluen,
1305: Gyffe 3ow sytte in 3our sette, Sowdane and oюer,
1306: That here are semblede in sale, vnsawghte mott 3e worthe!
1307: And юe fals heretyke юat Emperour hym callez,
1308: That ocupyes in erroure the Empyre of Rome,
1309: Sir Arthure herytage, юat honourable kyng,
1310: That all his auncestres aughte but Vtere hym one,
1311: That ilke cursynge юat Cayme kaghte for his brothyre
1312: Cleffe on юe, cukewalde, with croune ther thow lengez,
1313: For the vnlordlyeste lede юat I on lukede euer!
1314: My lorde meruailles hym mekyll, man, be my trouthe,
1315: Why thow morthires his men, юat no mysse serues,
1316: Comouns of юe countre, clergye and oюer,
1317: Юat are noghte coupable юerin, ne knawes noght in armez.
1318: Forthi the comelyche kynge, curtays and noble,
1319: Comandez юe kenely to kaire of his landes,
1320: Ore ells for thy knyghthede encontre hym ones;
1321: Sen юow couettes the coroune, latte it be declarede!
1322: I hafe dyschargide me here, chalange whoo lykez,
1323: Before all thy cheualrye, cheftaynes and oюer;
1324: Schape vs an ansuere, and schunte юow no lengere,
1325: Юat we may schifte at юe schorte and schewe to my lorde.
1326: The Emperour ansuerde wyth austeryn wordez:
1327: 3e are with myn enmy, Sir Arthur hym seluen;
1328: It es non honour to me to owttray hys knyghttez,
1329: Юoghe 3e bee irous men юat ayres on his nedez;
1330: Bot say to thy soueraygne I send hym thes wordez,
1331: Ne ware it for reuerence of my ryche table,


1332: Юou sulde repent full rathe of юi ruyde wordez,
1333: Siche a rebawde as юowe rebuke any lordez,
1334: Wyth theire retenuz arrayede, full reall and noble,
1335: Here will I suggourne whills me lefe thynkes,
1336: And sythen seke in by Sayne with solace юeraftere,
1337: Ensegge al юa cetese be юe salte strandez,
1338: And seyn ryde in by Rone, юat rynnez so faire,
1339: And of all his ryche castells rusche doun юe wallez;
1340: I sall noghte lefe in Paresche, by processe of tyme,
1341: His parte of a pechelyne, proue when hym lykes!"
1342: "Now certez," sais Sir Wawayne, "myche wondyre haue I
1343: Юat syche an alfyn as thow dare speke syche wordez!
1344: I had leuer then all Fraunce, that heuede es of rewmes,
1345: Fyghte with the faythefully on felde be oure one."
1346: Thane answers Sir Gayous full gobbede wordes,
1347: Was eme to юe Emperour and erle hym selfen,