"Anonymous - Alliterative Morte Arthure, The" - читать интересную книгу автора (Anonymous)

1394: It befell hym full foule юat юam so fyrste namede."
1395: Thane юe riche Romayns retournes юaire brydills
1396: To юaire tentis in tene, telles theire lordez
1397: How Sir Marschalle de Mowne es on юe monte lefede,
1398: Forejustyde at that journee for his grett japez.
1399: Bot thare chasez on oure men cheuallrous knyghtez,
1400: Fyfe thosande folke appon faire stedes,
1401: Faste to a foreste ouer a fell watyr,
1402: That fillez fro юe falow see fyfty myle large.
1403: Thare ware Bretons enbuschide, and banarettez noble,
1404: Of юe cheualrye cheefe of юe kyngez chambyre,
1405: Seese them chase oure men and changen юeire horsez,
1406: And choppe doun cheftaynes that they moste chargyde.
1407: Thane юe enbuschement of Bretons brake owte at ones,


1408: Brothely at baner, and Bedwyne knyghtez
1409: Arrestede of юe Romayns юat by юe fyrthe rydez
1410: All юe realeste renkes юat to Rome lengez;
1411: Thay iche on юe enmyse and egerly strykkys,
1412: Erles of Ingland, and "Arthure!" ascryes;
1413: Thrughe brenes and bryghte scheldez brestez they thyrle,
1414: Bretons of the boldeste, with theire bryghte swerdez.
1415: Thare was Romayns ouerredyn and ruydly wondyde,
1416: Arrestede as rebawdez with ryotous knyghttez;
1417: The Romaynes owte of araye remouede at ones,
1418: And rydes awaye in a rowtte, for reddoure it semys.
1419: To юe Senatour Petyr a sandesmane es commyn,
1420: And saide "Sir, sekerly, 3our seggez are supprysside."
1421: Than ten thowsande men he semblede at ones,
1422: And sett sodanly on our seggez, by юe salte strandez;
1423: Than ware Bretons abaiste and greuede a lyttill,
1424: Bot 3it the banerettez bolde and bachellers noble
1425: Brekes that battailes with brestez of stedes;
1426: Sir Boice and his bolde men myche bale wyrkes.
1427: The Romayns redyes юam, arrayez юam better,
1428: And al toruscheez oure men withe theire ryste horsez,
1429: Arestede of the richeste of юe Rounde Table,
1430: Ouerrydez oure rerewarde and grette rewthe wyrkes.
1431: Thane the Bretons on юe bente habyddez no lengere,
1432: Bot fleede to юe foreste and the feelde leuede;
1433: Sir Beryll es born down and Sir Boice taken,
1434: The beste of our bolde men vnblythely wondyde;
1435: Bot 3itt our stale on a strenghe stotais a lyttill,
1436: All tostonayede with юe stokes of юa steryn knyghtez;
1437: Made sorowe fore theire soueraygne, юat so юare was nomen,
1438: Besoughte Gode of socure, sende whene Hym lykyde.
1439: Than commez Sir Idrus, armede vp at all ryghttez,