"Anonymous - Alliterative Morte Arthure, The" - читать интересную книгу автора (Anonymous) ---------------------------------------------------------
-75- 1259: He ayers by 3one hilles, 3one heghe holtez vndyr, 1260: Hufes thare with hale strenghe of haythen kyngez; 1261: Helpe nowe for His lufe, that heghe in Heuen sittez, 1262: And talke tristly to them юat thus vs destroyes." 1263: The Kyng biddis Sir Boice, "Buske the belyfe; 1264: Take with the Sir Berill and Bedwere the ryche, 1265: Sir Gawayne and Sir Geryn, these galyarde knyghtez, 1266: And graythe 3owe to 3one grene wode, and gose on юer nedes: 1267: Saise to Syr Lucius, to vnlordly he wyrkez, 1268: Thus letherly agaynes law to lede my pople; 1269: I lette hym or oghte lange, 3if me юe lyffe happen, 1270: Or many lyghte sall lawe юat hym ouere lande folowes. 1271: Comande hym kenely wyth crewell wordez, 1272: Cayre owte of my kyngryke with his kydd knyghtez: 1273: In caase that he will noghte, юat cursede wreche, 1274: Com for his curtaisie, and countere me ones. 1275: Thane sall we rekken full rathe whatt ryghte юat he claymes, 1276: Thus to ryot юis rewme and raunsone the pople. 1277: Thare sall it derely be delte with dynttez of handez, 1278: The Dryghtten at Domesdaye dele as Hym lykes!" 1279: Now thei graythe them to goo, theis galyarde knyghttez, 1280: All gleterande in golde, appon grete stedes, 1282: To grete wele the grett lorde, that wolde be grefede sone. 1283: Thise hende houez on a hill by юe holte eyues, 1284: Behelde юe howsyng full hye of hathen kynges: 1285: They herde in theire herbergage hundrethez full many 1286: Hornez of olyfantez full helych blawen; 1287: Palaisez proudliche pyghte, юat palyd ware ryche, 1288: Of pall and of purpure, with precyous stones; 1289: Pensels and pomell of ryche prynce armez, 1290: Pighte in юe playn mede, юe pople to schewe. 1291: And than the Romayns so ryche had arayede their tentez, 1292: On rawe by юe ryuer, vndyr юe round hillez, 1293: The Emperour for honour ewyn in the myddes, 1294: Wyth egles al ouer, ennelled so faire; --------------------------------------------------------- -76- 1295: And saw hym and юe Sowdane, and senatours many 1296: Seke towarde a sale with sextene kyngez, 1297: Syland softely in, swettly by them selfen, 1298: To sowpe withe юat soueraygne full selcouthe metez. 1299: Nowe they wende ouer the watyre, юise wyrchipfull knyghttez, 1300: Thurghe юe wode to юe wone there the wyese rystez; 1301: Reght as юey weschen and went to юe table, |