"Anonymous - Alliterative Morte Arthure, The" - читать интересную книгу автора (Anonymous)

1214: All юe myche tresour юat traytour had wonnen,
1215: To comouns of the contre, clergye and oюer:
1216: "Luke it be done and delte to my dere pople,
1217: That none pleyn of theire parte, o peyne of 3our lyfez."
1218: He comande hys cosyn, with knyghtlyche wordez,
1219: To make a kyrke on юe cragg, ther the corse lengez,
1220: And a couent therein, Criste for to serfe,
1221: In mynde of юat martyre, юat in юe monte rystez.


1222: Qwen Sir Arthur the Kyng had kylled юe gyaunt,
1223: Than blythely fro Bareflete he buskes on юe morne;
1224: With his batell on brede, by юa blythe stremes,
1225: Towarde Castell Blanke he chesez hym the waye;
1226: Thurghe a faire champayne, vndyr schalke hyllis,
1227: The Kyng fraystez a furth ouer the fresche strandez,
1228: Foundez with his faire folke ouer as hym lykez;
1229: Furthe stepes that steryn and strekez his tentis
1230: One a strenghe by a streme, in юas straytt landez.
1231: Onone aftyre myddaye, in the mene-while,
1232: Юare comez two messangers of tha fere marchez,
1233: Fra юe Marschall of Fraunce, and menskfully hym gretes,
1234: Besoghte hym of sucour and saide hym юise wordez:
1235: "Sir, thi marschall, юi mynistre, thy mercy besekez,
1236: Of thy mekill magestee, fore mendement of thi pople,
1237: Of юise marchez-men, that thus are myskaryede,
1238: And thus merred amang, maugree theire eghne.
1239: I witter юe юe Emperour es entirde into Fraunce,
1240: With ostes of enmyse, orrible and huge;
1241: Brynnez in Burgoyne thy burghes so ryche,
1242: And brittenes thi baronage, that bieldez юarein;
1243: He encrochez kenely by craftez of armez,
1244: Countrese and castells юat to thy coroun langez,
1245: Confoundez thy comouns, clergy and oюer:
1246: Bot thow comfurth them, Sir Kyng, couer sall they neuer!
1247: He fellez forestez fele, forrayse thi landez,
1248: Frysthez no fraunchez, bot fraiez the pople;
1249: Юus he fellez thi folke and fangez theire gudez:
1250: Fremedly the Franche tung fey es belefede.
1251: He drawes into douce Fraunce, as Duchemen tellez,
1252: Dresside with his dragouns, dredfull to schewe;
1253: All to dede they dyghte with dynnttys of swerddez,
1254: Dukez and dusperes юat dreches tharein.
1255: Forthy the lordez of the lande, ladys and oюer,
1256: Prayes the for Petyr luffe, юe Apostyll of Rome,
1257: Sen thow arte presant in place, юat юow will profyre make
1258: To юat perilous prynce, be processe of tym.