"Anonymous - Alliterative Morte Arthure, The" - читать интересную книгу автора (Anonymous)

719: Wyth a reall rowte of юe Rounde Table
720: Soughte towarde Sandwyche, cho sees hym no more.
721: Thare the grete ware gederyde, wyth galyarde knyghtes,
722: Garneschit on юe grene felde and graythelyche arayede;
723: Dukkes and duzseperez daynttehely rydes,
724: Erles of Ynglande, with archers ynewe;
725: Schirreues scharply schiftys the comouns,
726: Rewlys before юe ryche of the Rounde Table;
727: Assingnez ilke a contree to certayne lordes,
728: In the southe on юe see banke, saile when юem lykes.
729: Thane bargez them buskez and to юe baunke rowes,
730: Bryngez blonkez on bourde and burlyche helmes;
731: Trussez in tristly trappyde stedes,
732: Tentez and othire toylez and targez full ryche,
733: Cabanes and clathe-sekkes and coferez full noble,
734: Hekes and haknays and horsez of armez;
735: Thus they stowe in the stuffe of full steryn knyghtez.
736: Qwen all was schyppede that scholde they schounte no lengere,


737: Bot ventelde them tyte, as юe tyde rynnez;
738: Coggez and crayers юan crossez юaire mastez,
739: At the comandment of юe Kynge vncouerde at ones.
740: Wyghtly on юe wale юay wye vp юaire ankers,
741: By wytt of юe watyre-men of юe wale ythez;
742: Frekes on юe forestavne faken юeire coblez,
743: In floynes and fercostez and Flemesche schyppes;
744: Tytt saillez to юe toppe and turnez юe lufe,
745: Standez appon stere-bourde, sternly юay songen.
746: The pryce schippez of the porte prouen theire depnesse,
747: And fondez wyth full saile ower юe fawe ythez;
748: Holly withowttyn harme юay hale in bottes;
749: Schipemen scharply schoten юaire portez,
750: Launchez lede apon lufe, lacchen юer depez;
751: Lukkez to юe lade-sterne when юe lyghte faillez,
752: Castez coursez be crafte when юe clowde rysez,
753: With юe nedyll and юe stone one юe nyghte tydez;
754: For drede of юe derke nyghte юay drecchede a lyttill,
755: And all юe steryn of юe streme strekyn at onez.
756: The Kynge was in a gret cogge, with knyghtez full many,
757: In a cabane enclosede, clenlyche arayede;
758: Within on a ryche bedde rystys a littyll,
759: And with юe swoghe of юe see in swefnyng he fell.
760: Hym dremyd of a dragon, dredfull to beholde,
761: Come dryfande ouer юe depe to drenschen hys pople,
762: Ewen walkande owte of the weste landez,
763: Wanderande vnworthyly ouere the wale ythez;
764: Bothe his hede and hys hals ware halely all ouer