"Anonymous - Alliterative Morte Arthure, The" - читать интересную книгу автора (Anonymous)

673: Thow has clenly юe cure that to my coroune langez
674: Of all my werХlеdez wele, and my weyffe eke;
675: Luke юowe kepe the so clere there be no cause fonden
676: When I to contre come, if Cryste will it thole;
677: And thow haue grace gudly to gouerne thy seluen,
678: I sall coroune юe, knyghte, kyng with my handez."
679: Юan Sir Modrede full myldly meles hym seluen,
680: Knelyd to юe Conquerour and carpes юise wordez:
681: "I beseke 3ow, Sir, as my sybbe lorde,
682: Юat 3e will for charyte cheese 3ow anoюer;
683: For if 3e putte me in юis plytte, 3owre pople es dyssauyde;
684: To presente a prynce astate my powere es symple.
685: When oюer of werre wysse are wyrchipide hereaftyre,
686: Than may I forsothe be sette bott at lyttill.
687: To passe in 3our presance my purpos es takyn,
688: And all my purueaunce apperte fore my pris knyghtez."
689: "Thowe arte my neuewe full nere, my nurree of olde,
690: That I haue chastyede and chosen, a childe of my chambyre;
691: For the sybredyn of me, foresake noghte юis offyce;
692: That thow ne wyrk my will, thow watte whatte it menes."
693: Nowe he takez hys leue and lengez no langere,
694: At lordez at legemen, юat leues hym byhynden.
695: And seyne юat worthilyche wy went vnto chambyre,
696: For to comfurthe юe Qwene, юat in care lenges.
697: Waynour, waykly wepande, hym kyssiz,
698: Talkez to hym tenderly with teres ynewe:
699: "I may wery the wye thatt this werre mouede,


700: That warnes me wyrchippe of my wedde lorde;
701: All my lykyng of lyfe owte of lande wendez,
702: And I in langour am lefte, leue 3e, for euere.
703: Whyne myghte I, dere lufe, dye in 3our armes,
704: Are I юis destanye of dule sulde drye by myne one?"
705: "Grefe юe noghte, Gaynour, fore Goddes lufe of Hewen,
706: Ne gruche noghte my ganggyng: it sall to gude turne.
707: Thy wonrydez and thy wepyng woundez myn herte;
708: I may noghte wit of юis woo, for all юis werlde ryche!
709: I haue made a kepare, a knyghte of thyn awen,
710: Ouerlyng of Ynglande, vndyre thy seluen,
711: And that es Sir Mordrede, юat юow has mekyll praysede,
712: Sall be thy dictour, my dere, to doo whatte the lykes."
713: Thane he takes hys leue at ladys in chambyre,
714: Kysside them kyndlyche and to Criste beteches;
715: And then cho swounes full swythe, wheХnе he hys swerde aschede,
716: Twys in a swounyng, swelte as cho walde.
717: He pressed to his palfray, in presance of lordes,
718: Prekys of the palez with his prys knyghtes;