"Anonymous - Alliterative Morte Arthure, The" - читать интересную книгу автора (Anonymous)

765: Oundyde of azure, enamelde full faire;
766: His scoulders ware schalyde all in clene syluere,
767: Schreede ouer all юe schrympe with schrinkande poyntez;
768: Hys wombe and hys wenges of wondyrfull hewes,
769: In meruaylous maylys he mountede full hye;
770: Whaym юat he towchede he was tynt for euer.
771: Hys feete ware floreschede all in fyne sabyll,
772: And syche a vennymous flayre flowe fro his lyppez,
773: That the flode of юe flawez all on fyre semyde.


774: Thane come of юe oryente, ewyn hym agaynez,
775: A blake, bustous bere abwen in the clowdes,
776: With yche a pawe as a poste and paumes full huge,
777: With pykes full perilous, all plyande юam semyde;
778: Lothen and lothely lokkes and oюer,
779: All with lutterde legges, lokerde vnfaire,
780: Filtyrde vnfrely, with fomaunde lyppez,
781: The foulleste of fegure that fourmede was euer.
782: He baltyrde, he bleryde, he braundyschte юerafter;
783: To bataile he bounnez hym with bustous clowez;
784: He romede, he rarede, that roggede all юe erthe,
785: So ruydly he rappyd at to ryot hym seluen.
786: Thane the dragon on dreghe dressede hym a3aynez,
787: And with hys dХiеnttez hym drafe on dreghe by юe walkyn;
788: He fares as a fawcon: frekly he strykez;
789: Bothe with feete and with fyre he feghttys at ones.
790: The bere in the bataile юe bygger hym semyde,
791: And byttes hym boldlye wyth balefull tuskez;
792: Syche buffetez he hym rechez with hys brode klokes,
793: Hys brest and his brayell whas blodye all ouer.
794: He rawmpyde so ruydly that all юe erthe ryfez,
795: Rynnande on reede blode as rayne of the heuen.
796: He hade weryede the worme by wyghtnesse of strenghte,
797: Ne ware it fore the wylde fyre юat he hym wyth defendez.
798: Thane wandyrs юe worme awaye to hys heghttez,
799: Commes glydande fro юe clowddez and cowpez full euen,
800: Towchez hym wyth his talounez and terez hys rigg,
801: Betwyx юe taile and the toppe ten fote large.
802: Thus he brittenyd the bere and broghte hym o lyfe,
803: Lette hym fall in the flode, fleete whare hym lykes.
804: So they юryng юe bolde kyng bynne юe schippe-burde,
805: Юat nere he bristez for bale, on bede whare he lyggez.
806: Than waknez юe wyese kyng, wery foretrauaillede,
807: Takes hym two phylozophirs that folowede hym euer,
808: In the seuyn scyence the suteleste fonden,
809: The conyХnеgeste of clergye vndyre Criste knowen.
810: He tolde юem of hys tourmente юat tym юat he slepede: