"Anonymous - Alliterative Morte Arthure, The" - читать интересную книгу автора (Anonymous)

627: "Kayere to 3our cuntrez and semble 3our knyghtes,
628: And kepys me at Constantyne clenlyche arayede;
629: Byddez me at Bareflete apon юa blythe stremes,
630: Baldly within borde, with 3owre beste beryns;
631: I schall menskfully 3owe mete in thos faire marches."
632: He sendez furthe sodaynly sergeantes of armes
633: To all hys mariners on rawe, to areste hym schippys.
634: Wythin sexten dayes hys fleet whas assemblede,
635: At Sandwyche on юe see, saile when hym lykes.
636: In the palez of 3orke a parlement he haldez,
637: With all юe perez of юe rewme, prelates and oюer;
638: And aftyre юe prechynge, in presence of lordes,
639: The Kyng in his concell carpys юes wordes:
640: "I am in purpos to passe perilous wayes,
641: To kaire with my kene men to conquere 3one landes,
642: To owttraye myn enmy, 3if auenture it schewe,
643: That ocupyes myn heritage, юe Empyre of Rome.
644: I sett 3ow here a soueraynge, ascente 3if 3owe lykys,
645: That es me sybb, my syster son, Sir Mordrede hym seluen,
646: Sall be my leuetenaunte, with lordchipez ynewe,
647: Of all my lele legemen юat my landez 3emes."
648: He carpes till his cosyne юane, in counsaile hym seluen:
649: "I make the kepare, Sir Knyghte, of kyngrykes manye,
650: Wardayne wyrchipfull, to weilde al my landes,
651: That I haue wonnen of werre, in all юis werlde ryche.
652: I wyll юat Waynour, my weife, in wyrchipe be holden,
653: That hire wannte noo wele ne welthe юat hire lykes;
654: Luke my kydde castells be clenlyche arrayede,
655: There cho maye suggourne hire selfe wyth semlyche berynes;
656: Fannde my forestez be frythede o frenchepe for euere,
657: That nane werreye my wylde botte Waynour hir seluen,
658: And юat in юe seson whene grees es assignyde,
659: That cho take hir solauce in certayne tymms.
660: Chauncelere and chambyrleyn chaunge as юe lykes;
661: Audytours and offycers ordayne thy seluen,
662: Bathe jureez and juggez and justicez of landes;
663: Luke thow justifye them wele that injurye wyrkes.


664: If me be destaynede to dye at Dryghtyns wyll,
665: I charge the my sektour, cheffe of all oюer,
666: To mynystre my mobles fore mede of my saule
667: To mendynauntez and mysese in myschefe fallen;
668: Take here my testament of tresoure full huge:
669: As I trayste appon the, betraye thowe me neuer!
670: As юow will answere before the austeryn Jugge,
671: That all юis werlde wynly wysse as Hym lykes,
672: Luke юat my laste wyll be lelely perfournede.