"Anonymous - Alliterative Morte Arthure, The" - читать интересную книгу автора (Anonymous)

585: All thate faillez on юe felde be forfette fore euere!
586: Of Babyloyn and Baldake the burlyche knyghtes,


587: Bayous with theire baronage bydez no langere;
588: Of Perce and of Pamphile and Preter Iohne landes,
589: Iche prynce with his powere appertlyche graythede;
590: The Sowdane of Surrye assemblez his knyghtes,
591: Fra Nylus to Nazarethe, nommers full huge;
592: To Garyere and to Galele юey gedyre all at ones,
593: The sowdanes that ware sekyre sowdeours to Rome;
594: They gadyrede ouere юe Grekkes See with greuous wapyns,
595: In theire grete galays, wyth gleterande scheldez;
596: The kynge of Cyprys on the see юe Sowdane habydes,
597: With all юe realls of Roodes arayede with hym one.
598: They sailede with a syde wynde oure юe salte strandez,
599: Sodanly юe Sarezenes, as them selfe lykede;
600: Craftyly at Cornett the kynges are aryefede,
601: Fra юe cete of Rome sexti myle large.
602: Be that the Grekes ware graythede, a full gret nombyre,
603: The myghtyeste of Macedone, with men of юa marches;
604: Pulle and Pruyslande presses with oюer,
605: The legemen of Lettow with legyons ynewe.
606: Thus they semble in sortes, summes full huge,
607: Sowdanes and Sarezenes owt of sere landes;
608: The Sowdane of Surry and sextene kynges,
609: At the cetee of Rome assemblede at ones.
610: Thane yschewes юe Emperour, armede at ryghtys,
611: Arayede with his Romaynes appon ryche stedys;
612: Sexty geauntes before, engenderide with fendez,
613: With weches and warlaws to wacchen his tentys,
614: Ayware whare he wendes, wyntres and 3eres.
615: Myghte no blonkes them bere, thos bustous churlles,
616: Bot couerde camellez of tourse, enclosyde in maylez.
617: He ayerez oute with alyenez, ostes full huge,
618: Ewyn into Almayne, юat Arthure hade wonnyn;
619: Rydes in by юe ryuere and ryottez hym seluen,
620: And ayerez with a huge wyll all юas hye landez.
621: All Westwale of werre he wynnys as hym lykes,
622: Drawes in by Danuby and dubbez hys knyghtez;
623: In the contre of Coloine castells enseggez,
624: And suggeournez юat seson wyth Sarazenes ynewe.
625: At the vtas of Hillary, Syr Arthure hym seluen


626: In his kydde councell commande юe lordes: