"Леса порядка Fagetalia sylvaticae в Украине. " - читать интересную книгу автора (Онищенко В.А.)

M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

V.A. Onyshchenko


Editor: S.L.Mosyakin

Kyiv – 2009

2 УДК 581.526.425(477) ББК 52.82 О 58

Онищенко В.А. О 58 Ліси порядку Fagetalia sylvaticae в Україні. / Під ред. С.Л. Мосякіна. – К.: Альтерпрес, 2009. – 212 с. ISBN 978-966-542-417-8
Книга є першим детальним оглядом широколистяних лісів порядку Fagetalia sylvaticae в Україні. На території дослідження виділено 31 асоціацію. Вони віднесені до 9 союзів: AsperuloFagion, Cephalanthero-Fagion, Carpinion betuli, Querco roboris-Tilion cordatae, Scillo sibericaeQuercion roboris, Tilio platyphylli-Acerion pseudoplatani, Dentario quinquefoliae-Fagion, Paeonio dauricae-Quercion petraeae, Alnion incanae. Описано видовий склад та поширення синтаксонів. Подано номенклатурні типи з українських публікацій. Додаток містить 802 описи.

Рекомендовано до друку ученою радою Інституту ботаніки ім. М.Г. Холодного НАН України
Рецензенти: проф., д-р. Г. Діршке (Університет Ґеорга-Авґуста, м. Ґьотінґен, Німеччина) д.б.н., проф. Л.М. Сапєгін (Гомельський державний університет ім. Ф. Скарини, Білорусь) д.б.н., проф. Т.Л. Андрієнко-Малюк (Інститут ботаніки ім. М.Г. Холодного, м. Київ, Україна)

Onyshschenko V.A. О 58 Forests of order Fagetalia sylvaticae in Ukraine./ ed.: S.L. Mosyakin. – Kyiv: Alterpress, 2009. – 212 p.
The book is the first detailed survey of broadleaved forests of order Fagetalia sylvaticae in Ukraine. Within the study area, 31 associations are distinguished. They belong to 9 alliances: AsperuloFagion, Cephalanthero-Fagion, Carpinion betuli, Querco roboris-Tilion cordatae, Scillo sibericaeQuercetum roboris, Tilio platyphylli-Acerion pseudoplatani, Dentario quinquefoliae-Fagion, Paeonio dauricae-Quercion petraeae, and Alnion incanae. The species composition and distribution of the syntaxa are described. Nomenclatural types from Ukrainian publications are provided. The Appendix contains 802 releves.

Approved by the Academic Council of the M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Reviewers: Prof. H. Dierschke (Georg-August University of Gottingen, Germany) Prof. L.M. Sapegin (F. Skaryna Gomel State University, Belarus) Prof. T.L. Andrienko-Malyuk (M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, Kyiv, Ukraine)

ISBN 978-966-542-417-8

© Онищенко В.А., 2009 © «Альтерпрес», 2009


1. Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………… 1.1. Basic information about Ukrainian forest vegetation ………………………………… 1.2. A brief history of studies of forest vegetation diversity in Ukraine ………….............. 1.3. Materials and methods ................................................................................................... 1.4. Acknowledgments ……………………………………………………………………. 2. Classification scheme …………………………………………………………………............. 3. Brief characteristics of syntaxa ………………………………………………………............. 3.1. Alliances ……………………………………………………………………………… 3.2. Asperulo-Fagion ……………………………………………………………………… 3.3. Cephalanthero-Fagion ……………………………………………………………........ 3.4. Dentario quinquefoliae-Fagion sylvaticae ………………………………………......... 3.5. Carpinion betuli ………………………………………………………………………. 3.6. Querco roboris-Tilion cordatae ……………………………………………………...... 3.7. Scillo sibericae-Quercion roboris ……………………………………………….......... 3.8. Paeonio dauricae-Quercion petraeae ……………………………………………......... 3.9. Tilio platyphylli-Acerion pseudoplatani …………………………………………........ 3.10. Alnion incanae ……………………………………………………………………..... 4. Geographical distribution of syntaxa and their dependence on edaphical factors ……….. Literature ………………………………………………………………………………............... Appendix. Releves ……………………………………………………………………………… A.1. Asperulo-Fagion …………………………................................................................... A.2. Cephalanthero-Fagion …………………………........................................................... A.3. Dentario quinquefoliae-Fagion sylvaticae …………………........................................ A.4. Carpinion betuli ……………………............................................................................ A.5. Querco roboris-Tilion cordatae ……………………………......................................... A.6. Scillo sibericae-Quercion roboris ……......................................................................... A.7. Paeonio dauricae-Quercion petraeae …………............................................................ A.8. Tilio platyphylli-Acerion pseudoplatani ……………………………………………... A.9. Alnion incanae ……………………………………………………………………….. 4 4 4 5 6 7 9 9 11 17 22 24 33 35 38 43 49 56 60 64 64 91 102 106 161 165 174 183 194


1. Introduction
1.1. Basic information about Ukrainian forest vegetation
The area of Ukraine comprises four geobotanical regions (Fig. 1): European Broadleaved Forest Region, Eurosiberian Forest-steppe Region, Eurasian Steppe Region, and Submediterranean Forest Region. There are two mountain systems: the Carpathians (in the European Broadleaved Forest Region) and the Crimean Mountains (in the Submediterranean Forest Region).

Fig. 1. Geobotanical regions of Ukraine (National Atlas of Ukraine, 2008). Forests occupy in Ukraine 9.5 millions ha, or about 15.7% of the total area of the country. The largest areas are covered by pine (33.1%, mainly Pinus sylvestris), oak (24.2%, mainly Quercus robur), spruce (7.6%) and beech (7.3%) forests. About 30% of Ukrainian forests belong to the order Fagetalia sylvaticae. The northern part of Ukraine (Polissia) is a fluvioglacial plain where acidic sandy soils prevails. Pinus sylvestris and acidophilous Quercus robur forests are typical of this region. Alder and oak-hornbeam forests cover lesser areas. In the Carpathians, the largest areas are dominated by Fagus sylvatica, Picea abies, and Abies alba. In lower peripheral parts of the Carpathians on the south-western macroslope, a considerable area is covered by Quercus petraea – Carpinus betulus forests. In plains of western Ukraine between Polissia and the Carpathians, Fagus sylvatica and Quercus robur – Carpinus betulus forests predominate. Forests of the forest-steppe region are represented mainly by Quercus robur – Carpinus betulus forests in the central and western parts of Ukraine, and Quercus robur – Tilia cordata forests in the eastern part of Ukraine. In the steppe region, natural broadleaved forests occupy about 1% of the region. They are dominated mainly by Quercus robur and Fraxinus excelsior. In the Crimean Mountains, main forest belts are formed by Quercus pubescens, Quercus petraea and Fagus sylvatica ssp. moesiaca.

1.2. A brief history of studies of forest vegetation diversity in Ukraine
For several decades, diversity of Ukrainian forests was studied using two main classificational approaches. The first one is the forest typology, developed and further elaborated by D.V. Vorobyov and P.S. Pohrebniak. It is used in forestry for forest inventory and planning. It is a two-dimensional scheme. The first dimension reflects soil richness, the second one shows soil humidity. Levels of richness and humidity are identified using indicator species.

Ukrainian geobotany (phytosociology) traditionally uses the dominant classification of vegetation. In this classification, associations are distinguished by combinations of dominants and subdominants of main layers. For example, the name Carpineto-Quercetum (roboris) aegopodiosum means that the main dominant of the tree layer is Quercus robur, the subdominant of the tree layer is Carpinus betulus, and the dominant of the herb layer is Aegopodium podagraria. The number of such combinations is very large: for example, the Prodromus of vegetation of Ukraine (1991) gives 1309 forest associations. A considerable contribution to our present knowledge of the broadleaved forests of Ukraine was made by F.O. Hryn’, M.I. Kosets, V.O. Povarnitsyn, M.O. Bukhalo, Yu.R. Shelyag-Sosonko, V.M. Lyubchenko, S.O. Muliarchuk, S.M. Stoyko, L.I. Milkina, and others. Information about these forests is generalized in several monographs, e.g. Forests of the pedunculate oak formation on the territory of Ukraine and their evolution by Yu.R. Shelyag-Sosonko (1974, in Ukrainian), Vegetation of the Ukrainian SSR. Forests of the Ukrainian SSR (1971, in Ukrainian), Geography of the plant cover of Ukraine (1977, in Russian), Geobotanical regionalization of Ukraine (1977, in Ukrainian), Plant cover of the Mountain Crimea by Ya.P. Didukh (1992, in Russian), Beech forests of the Podolian Upland by V.I. Melnyk and O.M. Korinko (2005, in Ukrainian). Most publications before 1996 have no full releves nor data on constancy of species. The first publication about the broadleaved forests of Ukraine using the floristic approach of J. BraunBlanquet is probably the book by W. Szafer Las i step na zachodniem Podolu (1935) (Forest and steppe in West Podolia, in Polish). In 1941, Yu.D. Kleopov in his dissertation Analysis of the flora of broadleaved forests of the European part of the USSR distinguished regional associations and provided their characteristics, such as constant and dominant species, geographical spectra of dominant and constant species, etc. V.V. Korzhenevskiy (1982), V.V. Korzhenevskiy and O.A. Kiseliov (1982), and L.Ya. Garkusha (1984) gave information about beech, oak and hornbeam forests of Crimea. Unfortunately, all new names of syntaxa in these works does not comply with the requirements of International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature. In 1996-2008, more than 30 articles and monographs have been published where Fagetalia sylvaticae forests of Ukraine were considered on the basis of the floristic classification approach. Ya.P.Didukh described new alliances and associations of the Crimean forests (1996). Some publications are devoted to the forests of Polissia (I. Solomakha et al. 1996; Vorobyov et al. 1997; Panchenko & Onyshchenko 2003; Biodiversity… 2004; Yakushenko 2004; Orlov & Yakushenko 2005; Panchenko & Onyshchenko 2005; Lukash & Onyshchenko 2006), western upland areas (Gorelov 1997; Onyshchenko 1998; Tkachyk 1999; Onyshchenko 2002; Ralo & Onyshchenko 2008; Soroka 2008); the forest-steppe region (Bayrak 1996; Shechyk et al. 1996; Shevchyk et al. 1997; Lyubchenko et al. 1997; Olefirenko 1997; Goncharenko 2001; Onyshchenko & Sidenko 2002; Goncharenko 2003; Onyshchenko & Lukash 2004; Onyshchenko & Lubinska 2006), and the steppe region (Onyshchenko et al. 2007). Data on broadleaved forests of the Carpathians and Transcarpathia are provided and discussed in articles of E. Hadac et al. (1996); V.V. Budjak and V.A. Onyshchenko (2004), V.A. Onyshchenko (2007); I.M. Danylyk and R.Ya. Kish (2008), and monographs on the flora and vegetation of national parks and nature reserves of Ukraine (Solomakha et al. 2004; Chorney et al. 2005; Klimuk et al. 2006). Beech forests of the western part of Ukraine are considered in the article of V.A. Onyshchenko (2009). In the book by Ye.O. Vorobyov and co-authors Classification of hornbeam forests of Ukraine (2008), Ukrainian forests of all. Carpinion are subdivided into 19 very narrow associations (10 associations are new and 4 associations are provisional). Crimean hornbeam forests are referred to 4 new associations.

1.3. Materials and methods
Publications available contain ca. 2002 releves of order Fagetalia sylvaticae from the territory of Ukraine. In addition to the published data, ca. 917 unpublished releves have been used for the analysis. Plot size values are from 100 m2 to 2500 m2, usually 400-900 m2. For most releves, the plot size is indicated in tables. The Appendix of this book contains 802 phytosociologial releves. The databases of releves and syntaxa were developed using the VEGPLOTS developed by the author. This program was used also for some kinds of data analyses. In characterizations of syntaxa, dominant and constant species are presented. Constant species are species with the constancy value more than 60 %. Lists of dominants include species with average cover more than 2% (releves without the species are treated as releves where the species cover is 0%). Values in parentheses after names of species indicate this cover. Only species with constancy more than 20% are included in the lists of dominants. In synoptic tables, constancies of species are given in percents. The symbol “0” means that the species is present but its constancy is lower than 0.5%. When calculating constancies of spring ephemeroids in synoptic tables, only releves with spring data were used. Constancies of species in alliances were calculated as means of constancies of these species in associations without taking into account number of releves and areas occupied by associations. Similarly, constancies of species in associations are calculated as means of constancies of these species in subassociations (if these subassociations are distinguished). The main criterion for the determination of differential taxa is C+ > 2C– + 15% , where C+ is the constancy in the positive group of syntaxa, C– – the constancy in the negative group.