"The orgiastic cult" - читать интересную книгу автора (Townsend Mark)CHAPTER THREELater that morning, Ed was finishing up the last lube job of the day and was about to start repairs on a huge luxury Imperial. The sun was extraordinarily hot that day and he had been drinking cold soda from the machine, one right after the other. His frustrating quarrel with Marion the night before clung to his mind; he still felt angry and hurt, and could not understand his wife's fascination with the occult. To him it seemed she was being totally foolish, and that the whole business was a way her mother had devised to drive a wedge between them and ruin their good marriage. Christ, I'd of thought giving her a fuck like that would have knocked some sense into the broad. I don't know what the hell's wrong with her! He loved his wife deeply, but he had to admit that there was now a rift growing between them and he felt she was to blame. After all, he had been patient at the beginning, but now he had no more time for nonsense. It was the busiest season at the garage and after a hard day's work he didn't want to put up with a lot of crap. He had just raised the hood of the big car that was parked inside the garage, when a loud insistent beeping started out near the pumps. Who the hell's that, he thought. "Hold your horses," he shouted, "I'll be right out." Damn! Why is it that half the time I'm the only one in this Goddamn garage. With all the work there is, the boss should hire at least five more guys! Muttering under his breath, and wiping the sweat from his forehead with a large red handkerchief he kept in his pocket, he walked outside. A compact convertible, late model, was parked by the premium gas pump. At the sight of the driver, Ed almost dropped the handkerchief from his hand. It was a redheaded girl, about twenty-three, with an exotic face. Ed guessed that she must be foreign, maybe from Europe. He could only make out the upper half of her body in the car, but the short, tight halter she wore revealed her round, pointed breasts, and the skin he could see was as white as milk. The combination of her flaming hair, her pale, translucent skin, and the bright green of her eyes made Ed gasp; he felt an immediate attraction to this strange, radiant creature. He could feel his cock harden in the tight, oil-stained dungarees. "Fill her up?" he asked, as he approached the car. "Please do," the girl said, in a soft, melodious voice. In that moment, their eyes met and there was an electric charge between them. It seemed forever before they broke contact, and in that time Ed felt himself become flushed with excitement. He moved to the rear of the car and opened the gas tank. That's some gorgeous broad, he thought. Christ, I've got a hard-on already. She's really something. Yet, despite his attraction for the girl, he felt suddenly guilty as the face of his pretty blonde wife flashed into his mind. Well, hell he said to himself, if she can go gallivanting around to all these crazy cult-shops, then why can't I have an extracurricular activity of my own? Sure, why not? But immediately he tried to put these thoughts out of his mind. He had a lot of work to do and he knew if he started daydreaming about screwing every chick who drove into the station he'd not only ruin the work schedule, but take a big chance on really messing things up with his wife. Instinctively he felt he should reject these wild ideas and concentrate on the problems at hand. Still he had to admit, the girl in the car was exceptionally beautiful and seemed to find him attractive too. He slid the curved metal tube from the gas pump into the car's tank and watched thoughtfully as the thick golden liquid poured into the tank. In the front seat, the redheaded girl has been speculating about Ed in much the same way as he was thinking about her. She had been immediately attracted to his boyish good looks and strong build. There was something about him, she felt, something that had immediately charged her body with alertness. He looks so sexy in those tight dungarees, she thought wickedly, and I'm sure he's got a hard-on! There had been something about the thought of his lust-hardened genitals stuffed into the tight, dirty denim that she found irresistible. He was so muscular, and had that look she liked about men who worked at hard physical labor. There was a crudeness, a rough-hewn quality that was highly appealing to her. She could almost feel her body begin to twitch with excitement and high up between her thighs she felt the warm, wetness come oozing down at the thought of this handsome garage attendant. Well, take it as it happens. There's no sense getting all excited if it isn't going to come to anything. Ed finished with the gas, replaced the hose, and walked around to the front of the car. "Charge or cash?" he asked. "Charge," she said, rummaging in her huge purse to find her charge-card. "Damn, it's in here somewhere. I've got so much junk in this bag it's just impossible to find anything." "That's okay," Ed said, smiling. His eyes roved down inside the car and riveted hungrily on her long, slender legs fully revealed by the short shorts she was wearing. Look at those gams, he bought. Man, what I wouldn't give to lick those sweet legs all the way up into that snooty little pussy of hers. Glancing up at the dash board, he was suddenly struck by a strange object that was swinging on a chain from the rear view mirror. It was a dagger-like object with two rings at the top. "Say, what's that?" he asked pointing to it. "I've seen one of those things before." "That's the symbol for the group I'm with," she said. "It's called the Sign of Vallus." "Sign of Vallus?" he repeated. "Now why do I know that name?" He thought for a moment then realized that he had seen the symbol on the cover of the pamphlet that had caused the quarrel with his wife the night before. "Oh," he said, "now I remember. That's all that voodoo crap." The girl suddenly became angry. "Crap? Well, I don't think so. I happen to take it very seriously! Vallus has changed my life, and I think before you go around condemning something you ought to find out what it is!" "Hey, don't get all upset," Ed said, trying to calm her down. "I didn't mean to condemn it. I just don't believe in that stuff! Maybe it's all right for other people, but not for me!" "How do you know?" the redhead said, raising her eyebrows slightly and gazing steadily into his eyes. "Ever tried it?" "Huh?" "How do you know there's nothing in it for you. It seems to me you protest a little too much. Maybe if you found out a little more about these things instead of shouting at people you might pick up a thing or two." Ed was completely taken back by her words. She handed him the charge card imperiously and he turned away in a huff to stamp the receipt in the office. "Yeah… well, maybe so…" he mumbled as he moved inside. He had just put the card on the machine when he heard a car suddenly drive out of the gas station with a squeal of tires. "What the…" he said, his jaw hanging open. "That dumb bitch didn't even wait for her card. Christ!" He glanced down at the name on the charge-plate. It read LORRAINE HOLZMAN. Ed stared at the card, puzzling over his strange exchange with the girl. For some reason he found himself vividly recalling that strange talisman that hung from her mirror, and although he still felt it was all rubbish he nevertheless was drawn to the strange shape of the thing and to the intensity of belief that the girl seemed to have. A compelling idea began to take hold of him. Maybe, he thought, maybe I ought to find out more about this damn group. After all, if Marion decides she's going to get involved, the only way I can stop her is if I know first-hand what a bunch of baloney it is. Yeah, that's it. I'll return this chick's card in person and find out what the hell's going on with this Vallus thing… Still sprawled on the carpeted floor of the incense-laden room, Marion had fallen into a light sleep. As she slept, Raoul had slipped quietly out of the room and was in the adjacent storeroom with his mother, who had long since returned from her errands. "Just let me get this camera loaded with this film," she was saying, "and we'll be all set." "Hail Vallus," Raoul said, jokingly. His mother smiled at him. "You're such a good son," she said, as she leaned over and kissed him on the lips. "Soon we'll have enough money to get out of this hellish city. Maybe we'll go to Acapulco. Or Europe! That would be nice." She finished inserting the film into the camera and than placed it on the strange-looking device sitting on a nearby table. "The automatic timer is working perfectly, that means that once I start it, it will take pictures all by itself. I don't have to do a thing but watch." They both laughed. "Now," she continued, "let's see how our little housewife is doing." She drew aside a row of curtains that hung over most of the wall facing the camera. The next room, the worship chamber, was fully revealed, and they could see Marion sprawled lewdly on the floor. "The joys of a two-way mirror," Raoul said, gazing longingly at the sleek, white body. "Our smartest investment," Alida said. As they watched Marion from the other room, they could see her begin to twitch slightly, as if on the verge of waking up. Her slender, voluptuous body was undulating slowly, still caught in the thrall of what had taken place only minutes before. Her large, red-tipped breasts rose and fell like waves of the ocean. At the sight of her warm, squirming body, Raoul felt his thick shaft spring to life once more. The excitement of having new flesh to explore had charged him with sensuality, and he was anxious to give full vent to his obscene desires. "Well," Alida said, noticing her son's gently bobbing penis, "time to go back to work eh?" "Yes…" he said, fondling himself slightly to increase his desire, "but this time she's going to do the work while I lay back and enjoy it." "Yes, son, don't over-exert yourself. You'll spoil your looks." She reached out and patted her son's dark curling locks with her hands. "And we wouldn't want that to happen, would we?" "No, Mother," he said, a leering smile spreading across his face, "Definitely not." He turned and moved out of the room. Watching his slim naked body retreating from her, Alida sighed, as her own still-responsive body became somewhat excited by her son's young, manly buttocks bobbing as he walked, and the way the light fell across the silky fine skin of his tightly-muscled back. The door closed as he left the room, and she turned her attention to the camera, checking it again for possible mechanical flaws, and gazing through the two-way mirror at the scene that was about to unfold inside. Raoul slipped inside the room and lay down next to Marion. He hadn't been this excited in weeks; suddenly, from nowhere, was a new disciple, a new toy for his pleasure. It was times like this he relished most, when his sense of potency and power was at its peak. Lying spread-eagled and naked on the rug, Marion was awakened by the feeling of Raoul's hot, wet tongue forcing its way into her mouth. His body was pressed against hers, and she could feel his hard cock digging into her thigh. At first she was confused and frightened, and tried to resist him. "Surrender to Vallus," Raoul said, soothingly, "Surrender, surrender." Marion realized where she was. Yet, she remembered, only minutes ago she had surrendered to that strange demi-God at Raoul's insistence. Wasn't that enough? Was there still more required? She tried pulling away from him again to question him further about the cult. "Raoul… please…" she said. "Why do you resist?" he asked. "I told you to surrender, to give yourself completely to the will of Vallus. Separate from the ego! Lose yourself in Vallus." "I… I'm… I'm tired…" she stammered, "and I should get home soon…" Raoul's eyes burned with fiery anger. "So! You are nothing more than a terrified small-minded person! Is that it? You come here to make a mockery of us, despite your calling! Despite the fact that you are a chosen creature of Vallus. Do you wish the curse of Vallus to descend on you forever? Do you?" He was screaming at her, his eyes bulging with rage. "No… no," Marion replied, cringing in terror. "I want to do what's right. Please believe me, I do." "Then surrender! Surrender!" he shouted. Marion was exhausted by his insistence, and felt herself submitting completely once again. "All right…" she said weakly. "I surrender… I give myself to Vallus…" "Good… good," he said softly. "Trust. Trust. You will be purified. You will be saved. Trust in Vallus. Hail Vallus…" "Hail Vallus," Marion repeated, hypnotically. He took her head in his hands and kissed her violently. They both fell back on the floor, their two hot naked bodies were crushed together. Marion thought she would smother from the intensity of his kiss but she did not resist. I mustn't at resist, she thought, no matter how difficult this is I must overcome my resistance. I must surrender, surrender totally! She thought about the strange cat-demon, the picture of Vallus she had seen in the outer office and remembering it and the strange symbol seemed to calm her. Raoul's tongue had forced its way between her teeth and was hotly searching every area of her mouth. Then, she felt him take her head and begin to push her downward, forcing her away from him down towards the lower half of his body. What is he doing, she thought. Why is he pushing me like this? Then, in a sudden flash, she realized that she was being shoved down towards his genital area! He was pushing her head down towards his throbbing, rock-hard penis! "No! Nooooo!" she screamed in panic. "Surrender! Surrender now!" Raoul shouted, forcing her onward. She was unable to resist his strength. Despite her instinctive revulsion to the lewd act he was forcing her to perform, she once again submitted to his commands, fearing the wrath of Vallus if she did not. He crushed her face against the thick, hot staff; she could feel it pulsing, gorged with lust. The pungent, masculine odor filled her nostrils, at once repelling her, yet charging her with an alert awareness of her senses. Everything in her resisted performing this crude act. This was something she had never done, not even with her husband! She had always been the passive partner, Ed taking the active role! She had never taken a man's cock in her mouth before! The bulbous head of Raoul's penis brushed against her lips, demanding to be tasted, licked, kissed! "SUCK IT!" Raoul shouted coarsely, "Suck it!" A wave of shame washed over her, sweat broke out on her forehead. "Suck it! Vallus commands! Suck it!" Her eyes were filling with tears as she timidly opened her mouth. I must, she said to herself. I must go through with this no matter how I feel. I must overcome these fears in the name of Vallus! She tentatively reached out with her hands and pulled back the velvety foreskin of his penis to fully expose the round, pinkish helmet. She shuddered slightly as she reluctantly forced her lips to close over the tip, as if kissing the rubbery skin. A shiver of horror ran through her as she determinedly took the entire charged head into her mouth, and began to suck on it as commanded… In the other room, watching through the two-way mirror, Alida became wildly excited at the sight of this young woman paying homage to her son. She had watched, breathless, as the young woman moved slowly down towards his huge, pulsing cock and then had given a little cry of elation as she saw Marion's lips close around her son's stiff cock. She had perched on the edge of the table, taking care not to disrupt the clicking mechanism of the automatic camera, and had lifted her crescent-studded gown above her legs, exposing the pinkish slit of her pussy. Watching intently as her son writhed his wiry, Adonis-like body, the older woman began to explore her exposed cuntal lips with her fingers. She ran them up and down the wet, warm length of her fleshy folds, sending little ripples of pleasure throughout her body. She began to massage her clitoris, searching, turning until her skillful fingers found exactly the right spot. "Aahaaaaahhhhh…" Alida moaned softly, totally absorbed in the delightful feelings she was producing in her own pussy, "Mmmmmm…" In the worship chamber Raoul groaned and mewled as he shoved his thick, aching cock up into Marion's mouth, almost to the back of her throat. She was hunched over his genitals, shuddering with revulsion as she felt the hard, swollen ramrod in her mouth. Her lips closed ovally around the hot flesh, feeling the veins standing out along the length of it gorged and pulsing. She gagged as he shoved the massive pole into her resisting mouth. But she soon realized that the more she resisted the worse it was for her, so she began, little by little to suck and pull at the huge penis. As the hard, rubbery head moved in and out of her mouth she could taste the little droplets of pre-cum on her tongue. The young housewife felt disgusted by it all, but was determined, for the sake of Vallus and her own salvation to go through with it. Raoul slowly insinuated his pulsing spear in and out of her mouth, then pulling out slowly, savoring the delicious feeling of the young blonde's lips nibbling and licking at the bulbous head and then clasping wetly around the thick shaft as he drove it in again, pushing his prick deeply within the fleshy interior of her mouth. He liked the lewd, exciting feeling of her teeth rubbing teasingly along the underside of his shaft. He fucked in and out, increasing the tempo as his corrupt passion mounted. "Suck it harder," he cried, "Harder! Suck it harder!" In the other room Alida had driven herself to new heights of frenzy by rubbing her clitoris until it quivered erect, like a hard little penis, swollen with excitement. She had twisted and pulled at the fleshy bud sending rippling waves of warmth and sensuality coursing through her limbs. In her frenzy she pulled it so hard it became slightly raw and little stings of pain were sometimes mixed with the wanton passion she was experiencing. But this only drove her further. She, in fact, enjoyed the pain as part of her sexual needs, and yearned momentarily for some of the most advanced of the ceremonials that she and her son had devised, where pain played an active part. But that's for later, she thought lewdly, after these little preliminaries. There's plenty of time. Her fingers moved away from her madly throbbing clitoris and moved towards the wet steaming entrance to her vaginal canal. For a moment she toyed with the dark, curling hair that surrounded that tender vee, relishing the aching anticipation that came from deliberately, sadistically postponing the longed-for touch. "Ooooohhhhh…" she moaned in complete abandon, still watching as her handsome son jerked and undulated in an ecstasy of his own produced by that nubile young girl sucking at his cock. "UUuuuuunnnnnggghhh…" Raoul grunted in pleasure and jammed his hot, wet penis farther up into Marion's mouth. He gripped her head cruelly, tangling her blonde curls in his fingers as if in a vise, and began to pump his loins back and forth like a madman. His glistening, sweat-drenched body squirmed snake-like as he shoved his prick in and out. He pulled his knees up, lying back on the floor, with Marion laboring on her hands and knees over his prostrate body as if in supplication before his genitals, her mouth wrapped around the hot symbol of her worship. Marion, despite her determination to overcome her repulsion and please her new God, felt like a whore, degraded and disgusting. And yet, as she sucked and licked, praying to Vallus for guidance, a new feeling began to come over her… a feeling of perversity and darkness that was wickedly intriguing. What's happening? she thought to herself. What is this new feeling? Is this what is supposed to happen when I am no longer afraid? When I have surrendered my ego completely? She had thought she would feel like an angel of some kind, but the feeling that pervaded her nakedly servile body was strange and wild, almost like what she had felt last night with Eddie. Now too, there was a tantalizing hint of animal degeneracy to it that, though unexpected, began to take hold of Marion completely like a dangerous drug. She felt swept up in this new feeling that pervaded her… a sense of… of power! Yes, that was it! She had shown the world that she could pass the test of Vallus! She had shown everybody! Particularly Ed! Ed, who doubted her beliefs and had mistreated her cruelly the night before! She would show him! In the depths of her degradation she was unaware that what she mistook for fulfillment was actually the beginning of a corrupt downward spiral from which she might never recover, a descent into the darkest evil the human mind can know. Totally blind to the reality of what she was doing, the pretty little housewife now began to suck this strange man's lust-engorged penis with obscene abandon. She devoured Raoul's hot, bloated member with vulgar excitement. What had been revolting to her only minutes before now began to fill her with a sense of crude passion and wild delirium. She opened her mouth lewdly wide to receive Raoul's lust-impassioned strokes. "Mmmnnnnnngggghhhhh!" she moaned as she sucked at his angry red cock. "Uuuuunnnnnggggghhh!" Watching them from the other room, her excitement now at a fever pitch, Alida had plunged three of her fingers deep up into her hotly creaming pussy and was fucking them in and out of her naked cunt in the same tempo as her son's pelvis was thrusting up into the mouth of the lewdly crouching girl in the other room. The older woman felt her fingers sliding along every inch of her shuddering inner flesh and pressing against the quaking nub of her cervix. "Aaaahahhhhh!" she groaned, "Suck my son's cock good, girl! Suck it good!" Alida had sprawled back on the table, her sheer gown pulled up past her lewdly heaving stomach, as she plunged her eager fingers ever deeper into the widening channel of her frantically clasping cunt. Her hips began to shudder and twitch as her body completely lost itself in the obscene act she was committing upon herself, and her legs, swinging and kicking, seemed to become as excited as the rest of her. She could feel her quaking vaginal walls begin to throb with a new fury, and she knew her moment of climax was not far off! Passion raged in her naked flesh as she intensely watched her son's hard muscular body convulse with pleasure from the new girl's insanely sucking mouth. Raoul's gypsy face was twisted in a sexual leer, and his mouth was half-open, as he thrashed in the grips of passion. Behind the two-way mirror, his mother's eyes roved up and down every inch of his sleekly glistening body; as his hips pumped madly and he jammed his crazily jerking cock deep into Marion's tightly positioned mouth. Marion herself was completely and totally lost now in the strange, thrilling passion that intoxicated her. She was no longer the person she had been that morning, for she had discovered, through her experience, a totally new side of herself. She felt wild and uninhibited, thrashing like a banshee in the grips of forbidden ecstasy. Her entire consciousness centered on the thick cock that filled her mouth, and she could feel every part of it with her lips and teeth. Her taut lips traveled hungrily up and down its hugely throbbing length, from the wide, hair-crowned base, down the blood-engorged shaft to the bulbous head. And now as Raoul fucked his massive tool far back into her mouth, Marion received his blows eagerly and greedily, lost in a torrent of sexuality that felt so good. Soooo gooooood!! "Aaaaeieeeeeee!" Raoul screamed, as he grew near to his orgasm. His body trembled violently as he increased his obscene pumping to the point where he was slamming his aching cock into her mouth like a jackhammer. It was like a rushing earthquake that was just beginning, so intense was the feeling that tore through his entire body. "I'm cu… ccu… cu… cummmmming!" he screamed, his eyes bulging wildly from the force. "ooohhhhhh Goodd!" Wildly hot also, Marion could feel her cuntal juices flow freely down between her tensely kneeling thighs as Raoul's thick, hot seed suddenly spurted into her mouth. At first she gagged as it filled her tiny mouth and coursed down her throat, nearly suffocating her, but the wanton, wicked ecstasy she felt from her own release quickly shattered her resistance, and she drank his manly essence with rapture, sucking and pulling at his cock while Raoul screamed with delight. Her body thrashed in the turbulence of its own bucking climax. "Ooooohhhhhbabeeeee!" Raoul cried as he felt his river-gush of cum spurt out of his penis into the deep interior of her slender white throat. Alida, in the other room, was also carried along on her own tide of orgasm. She was cumming too! She was cumming along with her son and his new disciple! Under the plunging, twisting strokes of her nimble fingers, her cuntal walls were stimulated and driven beyond their breaking point, as the High Priestess' female fluids cascaded down her hot vaginal channel and poured out over her ramming, probing fingers and spread like a sheen, satiny and warm, over her palms and inner thighs… "Ooooohhhhhh!" she cried loudly. "Ooooohhhhhh God, oh God! Uuuuunnnnnnggggghhhhhh!" Explosion after explosion tore through her body as she experienced what seemed like an endless climax, her eyes still glued to the glass where she watched her son thrashing and shooting his cum into Marion's helplessly subservient mouth. Finally, after wave upon wave of crashing violence, all three lewdly writhing bodies felt their wild ejaculations drawing to a close. Raoul lay back, drained and half-mad with the intensity of what he had experienced, as Marion crumpled to the floor. In the other room, a satisfied smile spreading across her face, Alida switched off the automatic camera. |