"The orgiastic cult" - читать интересную книгу автора (Townsend Mark)CHAPTER TWOEarly the next morning, after Ed had left for work, Marion drove to the downtown area. Riding along the freeway in her Volkswagen convertible she felt exhilarated. The wind blew playfully through her blonde curls and the brightness of the day almost washed away all of the bitter memories of the night before. I don't know what's gotten into Ed lately. He's so completely opposed to the occult. Doesn't he realize how important this is? Our whole lives together could be changed for the better if only he wouldn't be so pig-headed about it. I'm sure of it! The dull throbbing pain in her loins was a periodic reminder of their quarrel, and the intense pain she had experienced because of her husband's loss of control only reinforced her desire to investigate this new group. After all, I want to be a better person. And if that means going against Ed's wishes, then that's the way it'll have to be. Besides, wasn't his cruel reaction last night proof of the instability of our marriage, proof of the destructiveness of wanton sensuality? And yet, she had to admit, she had always loved Ed's beautiful body, so thickly muscled, so strong. She loved the wiry, curly hair that covered his chest and grew like wild grass down to the warm bush surrounding his well-endowed genitals. She had always thrilled to the feeling of his long, thick cock sliding deep into her and sending warm, electric flashes through her. She tried to shake these thoughts out of her head, to purify her mind. She knew her mother had always disapproved of Eddie. She had hoped that her daughter would marry a lawyer, or a doctor; instead, her son-in-law turned out to be a mechanic and, in her eyes, a crude working man. She couldn't see beyond Ed's rough exterior, as Marion had, and hoped her daughter wouldn't remain serious about the marriage. In fact she had done what she could to thwart it. But Marion was so deeply in love with Eddie that she had married him despite her mother's objections. She had even consented to move to L.A., more than three thousand miles from her home in Philadelphia. She had made the move willingly, happily; but now she had grave doubts about the wisdom of her action. Mother is right. The things of the spirit are more important than the flesh! She must be right! She turned off the freeway and drove to the street listed on the pamphlet. She felt uneasy driving in this district; it was run down and full of warehouses, disreputable looking bars and luncheonettes. She felt the tips of her fingers grow cold as she drove slowly, looking for a parking place. She saw a small building, nestled in between two large, abandoned buildings; the glass-front door was draped from inside with blue velvet and there was a symbol glued to the glass, the same symbol that appeared on the pamphlet – a sort of dagger, with two rings at the top. When Marion saw it, she knew she must be at the right place. That symbol had fascinated her from the beginning. It seemed to have an irresistible pull all its own. She parked the car, carefully locked it, and walked to the building, glancing furtively about. She reached the door and knocked timidly twice. There was no answer. She knocked again. The velvet behind the glass was pulled aside slightly, and Marion thought she could see an eye peering out at her. In the next moment, the door opened slowly, just a crack. "Can I help you?" It was a woman's voice, and from the sound of it Marion thought it was an older woman. "Yes… yes," she said. "I'm looking for the headquarters of a group called Vallus?" "You wish to be purified? You wish to be strengthened?" At first Marion was puzzled by the questions, but then she realized that this was some sort of test, or ritual, and she was determined to make good. "Yes," she said with assurance. "I do. I am a willing seeker." Slowly the door opened. Before Marion stood a tall woman in her early forties, dressed in a robe of pure white with golden crescents scattered over it. The tightness of the robe revealed the woman's lush, curvaceous body beneath. "I am Alida," she said, in a low, husky voice, "High Priestess of Vallus. Come in, my dear." She stepped inside and Marion moved in as the door closed behind her. She found herself in a sort of office area. There was a desk, a few chairs, and pictures on the wall of ancient Gods of some sort. A huge picture, hung on the center of one of the walls, depicted a huge ancient God that seemed part-man, part-cat. The lower torso was definitely masculine, especially, Marion noted, blushing slightly, in regard to his sexual endowments. For this strange creature had an enormous penis and large balls dangling beneath. The penis was in a state of erection, and coming out of it, like a cornucopia, were all manner of animals, men, women, fruits, flowers, birds. It was a highly unusual picture, and Marion was completely taken by it. The top half of his torso was that of a cat, completely black, with pointed ears, whiskers and strange, hypnotic green eyes. "That is our Lord and Master," Alida said seeing Marion's immediate fascination with the picture. "And yours, too?" Marion turned to the woman, somewhat startled. "Well, I think so. But I really came down to investigate first. I… I… mean… I'm sure I'll find it interesting but…" Suddenly a flash of anger crossed Alida's face. "We don't want dabblers here! This is not some kind of game for children you know! If you are interested in finding truth and the way, then you are welcome, but if you are here to laugh and waste our time, then please go!!" "No… no," Marion protested, cowed by Alida's fury. "Please, I'm very interested. I want to learn all I can. Please let me stay." Alida stared at her coldly for a moment, then her face broke into a warm, motherly smile. "Of course, my dear. I did not doubt you. But there are so many who are only fools and thrill-seekers. The true pilgrim is hard to find, but I do believe that you are one of them. You have a sincere tone to your voice that makes me believe you…" Suddenly, she closed her eyes and threw her hands upwards as if in some kind of fit or revelation. "OH!" she cried, startling Marion, "Vallus speaks to me! He speaks to me!" There was a moment of silence, and Alida seemed to be listening to some kind of inner voice. Then she opened her eyes beaming at Marion. "Oh, my dear," she said, ecstatic, "how very lucky you are! How very lucky! Vallus has chosen to speak to me about you! He says that you are to be trusted, that you were once a priestess, a High Priestess, who worshipped him in person… in person… centuries ago in Mesopotamia! Oh, my dear girl what a blessing it is to have you here at last!" She knelt down and kissed the hem of Marion's dress. At first Marion was completely taken aback by what she was saying, but there was also a feeling of excitement she felt hearing all these exotic pronouncements. After all, perhaps it was true! Perhaps she was a priestess long ago. Hadn't her mother told her about reincarnation and things like that? And she had been compelled by that dagger-like symbol – perhaps that was another omen that she was meeting her destiny across the ages. Glancing again at the strange picture of Vallus, she felt her heart begin to pound wildly in her chest, she felt exalted… like a chosen creature… like a priestess! Alida rose from her kneeling position before Marion, tears of happiness brimming in her eyes. "This is the Day of Days, the day for which we have been waiting!" "What do you mean," Marion asked. "We, the disciples of Vallus, have known for months that we were to be visited by someone of great importance. But we didn't know when that person would come, or who it would be. But now! Now! At last the prophecy is fulfilled!" She turned and moved to the door that appeared to lead to other rooms inside the building; she opened it and called inside. "Raoul! Raoul! Come quickly! Quickly!" She turned again to Marion. "I want my son to meet you. He, too, has been waiting for this day!" In a moment Raoul appeared and Marion was immediately taken with his dark good looks. He was nude from the waist up, a pair of tight, clinging velvet pants revealed a slim, muscular torso in perfect relief. She was particularly fascinated by his earring, something she had rarely seen a man wear before, and recognized the familiar symbol swinging in miniature from it. Despite her resolve to cling to the spirit, she felt an involuntary spasm of physical attraction pass through her when she saw the slim young man. He seemed so different from Ed, so sensitive and tender. "Yes, Mother?" he asked, glancing at Marion. "My son, Vallus has sent us his priestess… this is she! What is your name, my dear?" she asked. "Marion…" she said softly, "Marion Hill." Raoul smiled warmly and approached Marion, gazing steadily, almost hypnotically into her eyes. "Marion… an exquisite name," he murmured. "And you are sent to us from Vallus. I kneel at your feet, oh radiant creature." As his mother had done, Raoul knelt and kissed the hem of her dress, then rose, staring adoringly into her eyes. "Oh, my son, this is the supreme day for which we have all waited!" She turned to Marion. "Welcome, welcome, my dear. We have much to teach you about your calling, and you, I'm sure, have much to teach us. Raoul, show Marion the rest of our temple to Vallus, while I run some errands." She turned to Marion with an apologetic look. "I have some wearying daily task to complete in the material world outside. Tedious things, but they must be done. I leave you in the hands of my son. He will tell you what you need to know. I will return shortly." She quickly slipped on a coat that covered most of her glittering garb and with a strange smile she slipped out the door. "Come," Raoul said, extending his hand. "Let me show you our temple." Trembling slightly, Marion put her hand in his. His hand was small and tapered and felt strange around hers. He led her through the door into a dark, narrow hallway. "This is our storeroom," he said, opening the first door along the hall. Marion peered inside and saw a room full of tables and chairs; boxes of pamphlets were scattered everywhere. "I'm afraid things are in a terrible state of disorder," he said, "but we have so much to do. In these times, it seems one must work ceaselessly to combat the pressures that surround one from all sides. Do you agree?" "Yes… yes…" she stammered, gazing into his dark eyes, "it's so confusing nowadays." "Ah, confusing! That's the very word. You put it so well." He smiled warmly. Marion felt flattered. He took her hand and led her further down the hall. They came to another door, and when Raoul opened it, Marion went inside. She found herself in a very dark chamber, and when Raoul shut the door it was pitch black. She began to panic in the darkness and everywhere she turned she seemed to be enveloped by heavy, velvet drapes. She turned, frightened, and suddenly brushed against Raoul's semi-nude torso. In the suddenness of their embrace her hands had inadvertently felt the wiry, slim outline of his back and hips. His skin felt cool and silky and Marion felt her breath come faster at actual contact with this exotic young man. "I'm sorry… I'm sorry," she said, "I can't see…" She pulled away, embarrassed. "Don't be afraid," he said, soothingly, "everything is going to be all right." He pulled apart the drapes, revealing a room within the folds of the heavy velvet. It was the room of worship with the low platform and heavy carpeting. Marion moved into the room, at once caught in the heavy fragrance of sandalwood incense and almost hypnotized by the flickering of the candles which lit the interior. "This is where we hold our ceremonials in honor of Vallus," Raoul said. Marion moved wonderingly about the room. She suddenly saw the huge, smoky-glass mirror, and was shocked by her reflection in its surface. She seemed so out of place in this bizarre atmosphere. Dressed in her tight skirt and blouse, with a light sweater, she felt she looked ordinary and common. Raoul and Alida were strange and had the look of mystery about them, even their clothes and carriage seemed to carry a hint of other worlds, other realms. Marion felt suddenly ugly. Raoul watched Marion hungrily as she wandered, awestruck, about the room. God, look at those tits, they look so soft and huge; would I like to get my lips around those. Indeed, even in her plain clothes, Marion's supple, well-developed body was outlined perfectly. I've had more than enough of Lorraine, and I've been just itching to get my prick into some new piece of tail… "Tell me about Vallus," Marion said, turning to him. "Who is he? How do I worship him?" "Vallus is the ancient God from Sumeria. Do you know Sumeria?" "It flourished about the same time as Babylon, but whereas Babylon was devoted to sin and cruelty, Sumeria was the seat of true knowledge. And Vallus, the God of Darkness and Night Creatures, was their primary object of worship." "How… how did they worship…" "Sacrifice." "Sacrifice?" Marion gasped… "What do you mean?" "The sacrifice was a symbol of surrender to the God. Anything could be sacrificed… an animal, part of a harvest… even oneself." "Oneself?" Marion said, shocked. "How?" "Don't worry," Raoul said, smiling, "in the olden days there actually were human sacrifices, but Vallus no longer requires it. He does require, however, that you surrender yourself to him totally, to give of yourself, to sacrifice your ego and worldly identity for his sake." Give up the ego? Marion thought to herself, that sounds like something Ed could use! And something I could use too! I get so sick of myself sometimes. How wonderful it would be to lose yourself completely, to give up completely to a strong figure like Vallus. The thought excited her a great deal, and she felt on the verge of thrilling discoveries. "I… I want to know more…" she stammered. "There's so much I need to know." "Trust me," Raoul said, moving slowly, steadily, towards her, "trust in what I say and you shall know the joys of full surrender, the joy of sacrifice." He was standing close to Marion now, his eyes seemed to be penetrating hers with incredible intensity. She could not avert her gaze… the power in his eyes seemed to make her hazy, slightly dizzy. She felt somehow she was being taken over by another power… her will was weakening… "Hail, Vallus…" Raoul began to intone, "Hail, Vallus, Hail Vallus…" As he repeated this phrase over and over still gazing into her eyes, Marion could feel a giddy lightness overtake her. She began, unconsciously to repeat the same phrase over and over… "Hail Vallus, Hail Vallus, Hail Vallus…" The effect seemed to put her into a lightheaded trance, and she began to feel exhilarated and almost as if she could float off the ground. Raoul began to sway before her, undulating like a snake, as he kept repeating the phrase over and over. "Hail Vallus… Hail Vallus… Hail Vallus…" Caught up in the hypnotic rhythms, Marion began to sway also. They had broken their gaze, but she still felt caught in the spell Raoul had created for her. She tried undulating her body as he was doing, repeating the phrase over and over again. She felt very strange, very excited. She was lost in the bizarre feelings that coursed through her. All this, combined with the incense and flickering candles created an atmosphere that was incredibly unreal, dreamlike, and Marion gave herself to it willingly and completely. But suddenly she was brought back to reality for as she turned she saw Raoul slipping out of the tight velvet pants, exposing himself completely. Instantly she panicked, and sweat broke out on her forehead. What's happening, she thought, what's going on? Is this some kind of horrible joke? She felt she had made an enormous mistake coming to this strange place. Here was a young man she had only met moments before completely nude and undulating in a manner that she could only describe as obscene despite the talk of purity and spirit. Was it all a fake? Was Ed right? "No… No…" she cried, and tried to run out of the room. But she was unable to find the opening in the velvet. Everywhere she went the heavy drapes seemed to bar her way. "Do not be frightened," Raoul said soothingly, "no harm will come to you. Surrender to Vallus. Hail Vallus." Marion turned to him, fear in her eyes. "Why… why have you…" "Why have I divested myself of all clothing?" he asked calmly. "Y… yes," she stammered. "Are you afraid of being naked?" he asked. "There is nothing wrong with the body. Vallus wants nothing to separate him from his worshipers, not even the superficial cloth that is forced upon us by society for modesty's sale. If you are afraid, then go, leave us. Run away into your terror and fear. If not, stay, and do as I do. Worship Vallus in all of your natural beauty." Marion was torn by his words. One part of her screamed for her to run as fast as she could, to get away from this degenerate place as quickly as possible. But another part whispered that her fear was her own barrier, her own unwillingness to open herself to the strange new truths that she was about to discover. I mustn't run away she thought, that would only mean that Ed is right. I've got to carry this through to the end or I'll never be a better person. "Hail Vallus," Raoul was saying, as he moved about the room, performing ritual dances with his naked body, running his hands shamelessly over his own skin and genitals, seeming to abandon himself to his self-pleasure. "Are you afraid?" he asked suddenly. "Are you afraid of Vallus?" "N… no… no…" she whispered. "I don't think so." "This is the moment of truth for you," he said with compelling conviction. "Either you surrender completely to the will of Vallus or remain forever in your closed little world of terror and gross materialism! Which is it to be? You must decide now! Now! Now! NOW!" He was chanting hypnotically and the words came pounding into Marion's head. She felt herself being torn apart, and raised her hands to her head in anguish, completely confused. Then suddenly she began to tear at her clothes, furiously peeling off her sweater and blouse. "No! No!" she cried, "I don't want to be afraid. I will submit! I will surrender! Yeesssss!" Tears streamed down Marion's cheeks as she slipped off her shoes, stockings and skirt. She stood dressed only in her bra and panties, feeling totally ashamed and terrified. "Dance, dance," Raoul exclaimed, his eyes roving lustily over her voluptuous body. As Marion began a hesitant, halting imitation of wild, lewd dance, Raoul could feel his cock spring to life with excitement. He had grown tired of Lorraine, he knew every inch of her body and was bored with it. He needed new flesh, new bodies to explore, and this ravishing young blonde was just the ticket. Damn, he thought, look at those huge breasts. They're so big they're almost falling out of that bra of hers. And that body! He watched her as she danced, watched her buttocks quiver and her skin shimmy. Her skin was so fair that it seemed to glow against the dark blue of the velvet. Her smooth, slender legs reminded him of a beautiful, frisky mare. He wanted to run his hands over every inch of her soft, creamy body; he wanted to explore every crevice of her furry, hot little pussy that he knew was nestled snugly in those stupid nylon panties. He moved toward her, fondling himself absently as he did, keeping himself in a perpetual state of excitement, something he particularly liked to do. He enjoyed feeling at all times poised on the brink of orgasm, or on the verge of a huge hard-on. As he approached her, Marion stopped, terrified. He appeared like a vision to her, a young satyr-God running his hands obscenely over his genitals, his eyes glazed and burning, his body sleek with the sweat from the effort of dancing. She could smell the heady odor of his sharp, foreign cologne, mixed with the almost narcotic muskiness that flowed from his body. Her vision was becoming rapidly more blurry and Raoul looked increasingly to her like a dream figure. Dazed, as if this were all happening to another person, she could feel him unhooking her bra. Her breasts suddenly leaped free of their tight enclosure, and the rush of air felt cool and exciting. It made her shiver – made her nipples grow hard and pointy. Her mind's eye watched Raoul bend down and begin to suck and bite on her hard, rubbery nipples, and as he did, little waves of delight slid through her body. His hands were rubbing up and down her hips, smooth and wet from her own nervous perspiration; she felt herself come alive with excitement. It was as if she had been put into a pleasant, semi-conscious state. Everything seemed to be happening from afar, like a wonderful movie. Her fear and doubt seemed to be banished by the euphoric spell that had come over her. Raoul worked his lips and mouth over every soft, resilient inch of her firm and shapely breasts, relishing in this new young body that was giving in to him. His lips and teeth closed around one of the hard buds of her breasts and he pulled at it obscenely, biting it slightly. "Aaaaaahhhhhh," Marion sighed unconsciously, feeling ripples of pleasure surge through her breasts and a maddening tingle grab at her vagina. "Oooohhhhhh…" So, Raoul thought, this blonde Aphrodite is mine already! She's the easiest one yet! And young, too, only about eighteen. He began to work his way down the front of her tingling, trembling body. His hotly slavering tongue licked over the smooth, quivering, planes of her stomach, and slid along the lush surface of her mobile young body with relish and abandon. His tongue felt the curly golden tendrils of her pubic hair as he worked his way down towards her pussy. His fingers reached up and locked in the tight elastic waistband of her nylon panties. Then slowly he peeled the panties down over her sleek legs, exciting her so that the skin of her legs twitched in response. Marion remembered with revulsion the harsh way her husband Eddie had torn her panties from her body the night before. The excitement this young man called Raoul was inciting in her flesh by his slow, teasing removal of her lingerie reinforced her complete surrender to this bizarre demi-God. "Ooooohhhhh," she sighed, "that feels so good." "Hail Vallus," Raoul whispered as he slipped the limp nylon bikini over her tapered, slender feet. "Yessss… yes…" Marion mewled, carried away with the excitement of this newfound Master she could worship; Vallus, half-man, half-cat… God of the Night Creatures… from Sumeria… centuries and centuries ago… She felt herself being lowered to the thickly carpeted floor of the worship chamber and it seemed as if she were floating… was it Raoul who was lowering her, were there others? She couldn't tell, everything seemed to be so far away, and she felt so happy… sooooo happy! Raoul gently lowered her body down to the floor and then positioned himself over her so that his mouth was directly in front of the tender fleshy slit hidden beneath her blonde, curly muff. The pungent female scent that wafted up to his nose increased his eroticism every part of his body tingled and yearned for release. It was as if an aching, violent storm were gathering and about to explode with full fury inside his rigidly tensed body. As he slid his tongue into the wet, warm flesh of her pussy, his hugely aching ramrod became iron-hard and pulsed with excitement. "Ooooohhhhhhh…" Marion cried as she felt his hotly probing tongue run teasingly the entire length of her naked vaginal slit. She had never felt such excitement in her life! Even her husband Ed, who was very active in his sexual responses, had never excited her like this before! She could feel every inch of her sexual entrance seemingly magnified a hundred times as this demi-God's wild tongue ran wetly down towards her puckery vaginal hole. She felt the rough top surface and sleek underside of his licking tongue as it moved tormentingly up and down over her sensitive pussy flesh. She was lost in the feelings it was giving her; her body felt warm and radiant and there were hot little sparks of desire flying to every inch of her skin. She floated light as a feather, and soon something else began to take hold of her – another deeper feeling that Raoul was calling up to her that no one had ever aroused before. It was strangely dark and lascivious, with more than a hint of corruption. But how could that be, she thought suddenly, isn't this supposed to be a purifying experience? Her mind exploded with panic for a moment; suddenly she was terrified that she was committing a vile deed under the guise of something good. What, after all, if Raoul were a complete fraud; what if all of this were some horrible, evil trap. "Hail Vallus!" Raoul suddenly screamed, lifting his head from her steaming pussy. "Hail Vallus!" The shouted cry washed over her like a cloud of smoke. "Hail Vallus!" she cried, "Yesss! Yeeeeessssss!! Yeeeeeeeesssss!!" She was caught, submerged again in the compelling enchantment of Raoul and the Sign of Vallus. She sank into complete abandon spreading her legs wide to his expertly probing tongue, shoving her hips lewdly forward to crush her yearning pussy lips hard against Raoul's madly licking tongue. And Raoul, consumed with lust, rammed his oral rod deeply up into her vaginal canal. "Aaaaaieeeeee!" she cried as she felt his hot tongue lashing and whirling inside her undulating cunt. Raoul felt his sperm-laden balls shudder and quake with desire as he reached his hand down to his pulsing straining penis and began to jerk wildly at it. He felt about to be carried involuntarily forward on a tidal wave of wild, crashing orgasm. As his tongue rammed deeply into Marion's heaving, shuddering pussy, Raoul felt her female juices begin to flow thickly around his substitute cock as the pretty blonde's climax was about to begin. "Mmmmmnnnnggggghhhhh!" Raoul grunted as he felt his hot male fluid begin to gather and strain in his heavily swinging balls. His hand continued to labor feverishly up and down the rigid length of his wildly jerking cock. "O o o o o h h h h h yeeeeesssssss!" Marion shrieked, swinging her head from side to side her body trembling obscenely with lust and desire, her legs thrashing crazily with the steaming rush of her approaching climax. "I'm cu… cu… cummmiiiinggg!" she cried out. "I'm cumminnnnggggg!" Never before had she felt such incredibly intense passion; it was like she was about to shatter into a million tiny pieces. "Yeeessss! Yeeeesssss!" Raoul screamed as his scalding white male cum spurted out of his convulsively swollen cock and splashed softly on the dark blue carpet. His hand still jerked wildly as he squeezed and pulled at his rocketing member. Marion felt herself draining completely, totally lost in a suffocating orgastic flood. She was lost in a white, radiant universe that seemed burningly alive. Finally, their passion ebbed, and Raoul pulled away, completely exhausted. Drenched with sweat, he threw himself back on the deep carpeting. Marion moaned softly in utter abandon, feeling like a completely new person. Above them, the candles threw a shadow on the thick drapes and the Sign of Vallus. |