"Английский язык с Крестным Отцом (Метод чтения)" - читать интересную книгу автора (Франк Илья)несмотря на свадьбу), there would be a little work this day. The Don would
be coming to see him. Then Hagen saw Sonny Corleone whisper in Lucy Mancini's ear and their little comedy as he followed her into the house. Hagen grimaced (to grimace [gr?'me?s]), debated whether to inform the Don (поразмыслил, сообщить ли), and decided against it. He went to the desk and picked up a handwritten list of the people who had been granted permission (которым было позволено: "предоставлено разрешение"; to grant - дарить, даровать; предоставлять) to see Don Corleone privately. When the Don entered the room, Hagen handed him the list. Don Corleone nodded (кивнул) and said, "Leave Bonasera to the end (оставь на конец, напоследок)." 2 Hagen used the French doors (застекленные створчатые двери) and went directly out into the garden to where the supplicants clustered (просители столпились; cluster - кисть, пучок, гроздь) around the barrel of wine. He pointed (указал пальцем) to the baker, the pudgy Nazorine. 3 Don Corleone greeted the baker with an embrace (приветствовал объятием). They had played together as children in Italy and had grown up in friendship. Every Easter (на каждую Пасху) freshly baked clotted-cheese (с расплавленным сыром; clot - комок, сгусток, свернувшийся) and wheat-germ (покрытые зернышками; wheat - пшеница; germ - зародыш; завязь) pies (пироги), their crusts (их корочки) yolk-gold (yolk [j?uk] - желток яйца), big around as truck wheels (как колеса грузовика), arrived at Don Corleone's home. On Christmas, on family birthdays, rich creamy pastries (кондитерские изделия /пирожные, печенья/; pastry ['pe?str?]) proclaimed the Nazorines' respect. And all through the years, lean and fat (благополучные и неблагополучные: "тощие, скудные - и жирные, толстые"), пошлины) to the bakery union (в союз пекарей) organized by the Don in his salad days (в пору юношеской неопытности). Never asking for a favor in return except for the chance to buy black-market OPA sugar coupons (правительственные карточки на сахар; OPA - Office of Price Administration) during the war. Now the time had come for the baker to claim his rights (заявить о своих правах) as a loyal friend, and Don Corleone looked forward with great pleasure (с большим удовольствием ожидал, собирался; to look forward - ожидать с нетерпением, предвкушать: "смотреть вперед") to granting his request (удовлетворить его просьбу). 4 He gave the baker a Di Nobili cigar and a glass of yellow Strega (итальянский лимонный ликер) and put his hand on the man's shoulder to urge him on (чтобы подбодрить его, побудить /изложить просьбу/; to urge - подгонять, подстегивать; побуждать, советовать). That was the mark (знак, метка) of the Don's humanity (человечности). He knew from bitter experience (по горькому опыту) what courage it took (сколько смелости требуется) to ask a favor from a fellow man (попросить ближнего об одолжении; fellow - приятель, коллега, напарник). 5 The baker told the story of his daughter and Enzo. A fine Italian lad (отличный парень) from Sicily; captured (взятый в плен) by the American Army; sent to the United States as a prisoner of war; given parole to help our war effort (усилие; достижение, успех ['ef?t])! A pure and honorable love had sprung up between honest Enzo and his sheltered Katherine (невинной: "оберегаемой дома") Катериной; shelter - приют; to shelter - приютить, укрыть) but now that the war was ended the poor lad would be |