"Дон Пендлтон. Caribbean Kill ("Палач" #10) " - читать интересную книгу автора

Don Pendleton

Caribbean Kill

The Executioner - 10

OCR Highroller

Ђ­­®в жЁп

Mack Bolan, the one-man war machine, bets his life against the Mafia
forces of glittering Las Vegas... and theres no business like show business
once The Executioner gets in the act!

Don Pendleton
Caribbean Kill

Come for the kill in Caribe land,
Not here to play in the sun and sand,
Just come to kill all the gangster man.
Calypso lyrics


The beautiful scene below him was probably the most hazardous spot on
earth for Mack Bolan - at this particular moment. But it was the one scene
Bolan had been hoping to find, the mob's Caribbean hardsite, and the peril
awaiting him there was merely another calculated risk in an impossible war
which could end only with his death.
Bolan was willing to die - but not overly so.
The sleek little seaplane that had brought him here buzzed low over the
rambling plantation house and rose again in a banking circle of the cozy,
crescent-shaped inlet on Puerto Rico's southern shoreline. San Juan was less
than fifty miles behind, at the far side of the island. The scenery below
was magnificently framed around a small bay - more like a lagoon - with
startlingly blue and glasslike water. It was probably a mile across at the
widest point, with a man-made breakwater built across the opening to the sea
and almost closing it.
The landward sides were edged with gleaming white sand - it looked
polished, and was nearly blinding in the midday sun. Beyond the sand was
lush tropical vegetation, in several shades of green, here and there wild
bursts of orange and yellow, and vivid purples. To the north lay cultivated
land, a large plantation on which seemed to be growing sugar cane and
tobacco side-by-side in well-defined patches. Eastward from the bay was a
high coastal plain and, away in the distance, a couple of small seaside
villages. Backdropping it all were the high mountains of the interior,
bluish and shimmering in haze.
Beautiful, sure. To many men, it would seem like paradise found.