"Henry Lion Oldie. Fragments of novels in english translation" - читать интересную книгу автора

battle the Kabireans managed to overcome the interdiction to kill and defeat
the Shulmus utterly; those who were lucky to stay alive were taken as
prisoners. The nomads are overwhelmed by the fighting skills of their
enemies, moreover, due to a casual coincidence of words they suppose Chan
Unkor to be the incarnation of the Yellow God Mo, the highest war deity of
Shulma. During the duel between Chan Unkor and the chief of Shulmus scouts
Chan's right hand, made of iron, is uncovered by chance, and this put an end
to all doubts of the Shulmus.
The Kabireans go to Shulma; Kush-Tengry, a clairvoyant shaman abiding
in the steppe goes to meet them because he forebodes great changes. Having
arrived to a holy place where it is forbidden to fight, the Kabireans and
the shaman soon found common language. It comes out that some time ago a
High Gurkhan (chief governor) had appeared in Shulma and united all tribes
in order to lead them to Kabir. This Gurkhan is evidently a native Kabirean.
And Cinqueda, a short sword (his Brilliant) in its turn united the
intelligent arms of the Shulmus that stayed until then in a savage state. In
the holy place a variety of events happen until the Shulmus hords surround
There follows a duel between Gurkhan and Chan Unkor. A stone thrown
unexpectedly from a sling stunned the Kabirean, but the Unicorn and the iron
hand save his life; while Chan is unconscious, the Unicorn, controls the
iron hand holding it and continues to fight. When Chan comes to his senses
he joins the battle, tears off the armour of the defeated Gurkhan - and
finds out that the leader of the Shulmus is a woman!
The ashamed nomads try to kill their former leader, but the Kabireans
prevent them from doing this. The body-guards of the impostor Gurkhan take
Chan's side believing him to be the god.

Epilogue: Ambassadors from Shulma (the shaman Kush-Tengry and a friend
of Chan Unkor's) come to the Kabirean Emirate. They meet the old Emir and
the jester Druddle who had survived only by pure chance. There's no peace in
the Emirate. The extremist part of the Batinites raised their heads. The
peace treaty with Shulma seems to promise a happy end - but already a smith
and an alchemist demonstrate in the presence of Emir the first sample of an
arquebuse and the action of a powder bomb, proposing to use the new arms for
the overcoming of the inner and external enemies.
A new epoch stnds on the threshold. This world would never again be the
same it had been before...

This tale is told in turns by the sword Unicorn and its Carrier Chan
Unkor. The action unfolds on the background of the crucial changing of the
whole world's destinies. The numerous battle episodes are followed by
philosophical discourses and dialogues, together with the psychological
portraits of the heroes; original ideas are formulated, both ethic and
fantastic. The adventures of the main heroes sometimes are tragical, but
here and there humour and soft irony are woven into them. Besides this the
novel contains several poetic fragments.
The novel is written on the merge of "fantasy" and "alternative
history". It combines dynamic plot with deep philosophical and psychological
problems, in particular with moral aspects of fighting arts.