"Henry Lion Oldie. Fragments of novels in english translation" - читать интересную книгу автора

butlers (the man Kos Antanya and the Estoc sword Zarrahid) decide to
accompany their masters during the dangerous journey in spite of the orders
given to them to stay at home.
But the heroes had still to learn that some other companions were going
after them. Should they had known that in advance...

Book 2 : Maylan

The road to Maylan was abundant with adventures; the heroes got better
acquainted with one another, now they not only cooperate but from time to
time create a new entity, "man-sword". They meet a smart old woman called
Mother Tsi who is searching for some ancient secrets, they learn the details
of Kabirean history and inform their companions about the symbiosis they
live in, and at last arrive safely to Maylan. Here the heroes enter into
possession of their family inheritance and at the same time they find out
that the princess of Maylan who had become a widow being still very young is
aspiring to marry Chan. Their investigation is likely to be interrupted, but
suddenly a number of strange events happens around the heroes, all of them
evidently having the goal to destroy the wedding. In the whirl of these
around-wedding events the heroes manage to find the trace of the murderers
(both men and the Brilliants) leading to an ancient Batinite sect whose
members use the mortal duels in their rituals.
The Batinites (men and their swords called "the Tarnished" consider
that the original destination of both human beings and arms was to kill, and
they are obliged not to forget it.
But it is found out that the sectarians didn't take part in the crimes
committed in Kabir! The real murderers are at last found (and among them the
man and the sword who had cut away Chan's hand). The night murderers turned
out to be the citizens of Kabir who had been taken prisoners by the nomad
tribe in a distant land of Shulma and ran away in order to rescue their
native land. The point is that the savage nomads are going to attack Kabir,
and the murderers decided to sacrifice themselves: to rouse the inhabitants
of Kabir, to remind them of the old warrior skills and in such a way to save
the land from perishing. In a secret underground temple many people and
their arms meet to fulfill the ritual duel-sacrifice: the Batinites, the
runaway Kabireans, a revenger pursuing his foes (who earlier had been shown
as an episodic character), Chan Unkor with his Unicorn, the Kabir
Executioner and other personnages...
When the duel was in its full swing, a woman messenger arrived from a
village situated near the border: it has been attacked by the nomads. The
invasion began! The ritual was interrupted; the heroes ride as soon as
possible to meet the fate awaiting them in the ravaged village...

Book 3 : Shulma

The inhabitants of the village have been all slaughtered; their
Brilliants are also dead and thrown down into a well. The advanced
detachment of the Shulmus attack the company of the heroes, the battle
begins; in the last moment the Kabireans are supported by their friends
(both men and their Brilliants) who had followed them secretly. During the