"Протоиерей Иоанн Мейендорф. Byzantine Theology " - читать интересную книгу автора

Excerpts from

"Byzantine Theology,"

Historical trends and doctrinal themes

By John Meyendorff

(Please get the full version of this book at your bookstore)


Byzantine Theology after Chalcedon.
Exegetical traditions. Philosophical trends. The Problem of Origenism.
Pseudo-Dionysius. Liturgy.
The Christological Issue.
The Monophysites. The Strict Dyophysites. The Cyrillian Chalcedonians.
The Origenists.
The Iconoclastic Crisis.
Appearance of the Movement. Iconoclastic Theology. Orthodox Theology of
Images: John of Damascus and the Seventh Council. Orthodox Theology of
Images: Theodore the Studite and Nicephorus. Lasting Significance of the
Monks and Humanists.
Theodore the Studite. Photius (ca. 820 ф ca. 891). Michael Psellos
(1018-1078). The Trials of John Italos (1076-1077, 1082).
Monastic Theology.
The Origins of Monastic Thought: Evagrius and Macarius. The Great
Spiritual Fathers. Opposition to Secular Philosophy. Christian Faith as
Experience: Symeon the New Theologian. Theology of Hesychasm: Gregory
Ecclesiology: Canonical Sources.
The Councils and the Fathers. Imperial Legislation. Codifications of
Ecclesiastical Law. Authoritative Commentaries and Criticism. Synodal and
Patriarchal Decrees. Џ©ЄЇnЇm©a.
The Schism Between East and West.
The Filioque. Other Controversies. Authority in the Church. Two Ideas
of Primacy. The Meaning of the Schism.
Encounter with the West.
The Circle of Cantacuzenos. Humanists. Palamite Theologians: Nicholas
Cabasilas. Florence.
Lex orandi.
The "Great Church" of Constantinople. The Liturgical Cycles. Hymnology.

Doctrinal Themes.